How many threads do you create per week on average?

How many threads do you create per week on average?

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About 28-35

Depends on the week. Usually I hardly ever make threads, so under normal conditions, I make 1 thread a month max (0.25 threads a week). However, sometimes (maybe once every 3 months) I feel like shitposting and just spam a board, and that'll usually raise it by a lot.

about 3 a day i would say, so like 20

Same, I'm a massive lurker

I've made a thread two or three times in the last 9 years.

I post in ofher people's threads all the time, so I'm not necessarily a lurker. I just can never think of interesting topics for threads and if I make a thread, its usually because I want answers to some burning question I had or I'm interested in knowing the board's perspective is on a certain topic.

Maybe 3 per month

5 per day.
Even If I get 1 reply I feel the satisfaction. Its so easy to make a popular thread on Jow Forums.

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I've only ever post one thread on Jow Forums and it was garbage.
>Tfw too socially anxious to make threads.

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