What to do? Give it A?

What to do? Give it A?

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B. She made it. If she can make it, child A and C have no excuse.

give it back to B and tell her to actually sell it instead of giving it to a random stranger who is suddenly surrounded by beggars called A and C

B, anything else is communism and I aint no fuckin commie.

A because something only have value if used correctly

B is sad situation, but she is not suitable for the flute, probably better off pay her something else in exchange

C should go suck some dick

Give it to a and tell her to busk give the money raised to b and c

The correct answer is that I shouldn't even have the flute to give. The very premise has you having already stolen B's rightful property.

Why the hell you would give the money to C?

are you.... A LAZY COMMIEEEEEEEEE???????

They may all play my skinflute, just as soon as they wash off that eyeliner.

what is the point of adding shitman art but dont change a thing in the text?

No I just have empathy

n194b 198qsadi oregano

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B is communism

Child A, ring a ding.

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What you're doing isn't empathetic though.

Why not? Everyone's either compensated or gets what they want

I break the flute and throw the pieces at them while laughing my ass off

Eventually you run out of other people's flutes to give away and then the person starves. Welfare is always harmful.

I only have to give one to solve all their problems?

>which of these three children would you give it to?

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It's an allegory you retard?

If it is its a shit one.

Have you guys even been around children before? Like lol, no child would ever talk like this.

Just make the little shits share the flute.

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If you choose B you are a communist.

Any other is alienation of labor

Why do they look like shadman drawings?

Because they are shadman drawings.

Give it to B. She should sell it A for the price of playing some music. Child C should fucking die, useless little shit.

A for supremacy if she makes beautiful music

>empathy is stealing from hard-working B to give to useless lazy C
You have no empathy, commie

>I'm incapable of comprehending a hypothetical

That's not the point of the question you retard.

throw it on the floor and let them fight for it

If B had any heart they would give it to C willingly. They don't need the flute, just make another one lol.

Whichever one plays the skin flute best gets it.

Take it for myself. Entitlement is a spook.

I love how everyone is missing the point. It's not to measure your empathy, or who SHOULD get the flute. Take the fact it's a flute off the table. Remove it's value as an object. Instead make it a macaroni art picutre or some shit.

A says "I'm the only one who has an art museum so I get the macaroni art so I can monetize it."

B says "I made the macaroni art! It's my property so it's mine!"

C says "I really like macaroni art and im poor gimme"

It's which answer is the most JUST and it's obvious b.


>lol let me just donate 2/3 of my property to an useless, homeless nigger
>im just gonna make the same amount lol

Give it to B and tell her she should sell it to A. With the funds from that, she can purchase materials to make another, and continue making/selling them to more children like A who can play it and want it. After a short while, she has enough money to hire and train child C how to make components for the flute, combine their efforts into scaling up production and selling even MORE flutes, and then everyone wins. Children like A get flutes, child B gets rewarded for her efforts, and child C learns the value of a dollar by having to put in actual effort and work to earn her own reward.

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in real life, child B is mass producing flutes in a sweatshop for rice, child A is buying the flutes, thus paying child B's slave masters, and child C is dying of noflute disease in an alleyway.

Give it to the original B.

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Don't you just love the fact that this little quiz in a weeb website can incite so vigorous debate

No wonder even politician having a hard time regarding this matter IRL

Tell B to sell it to A, who can teach C

This IMO

Child a is communist, child b is capitalist, and child c is "liberal"

Embarrassing tbqaah

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B is the definition of communism you fucking retards.

Also, the rightful owner is the person who currently has it. Property is bullshit, when you die it all stays here.

Explain your thought process here.

Communism is not redistribution, at least not in the sense of A and C. A is suggestive of meritocratic thinking. Communism is about having the workers control the means of production and claiming the fruits of their own labor, instead of their bosses.

communism is the only correct system.

so all these people saying the flute should go to b because they are not commies, are the actual commies?

also came here to post this

C is the obvious answer

Yes. They have a skewed view of what communism is due to how often the word gets thrown around now. Communism = liberalism on the internet now.

Not even a commie

this but C children use the money they get from working for B to get trained by A at playing the flute

In it's purest, theoretical form, perhaps. In practice, Communism tends to lean towards A (the wealth ends up in the hands of the few powerful "who know how to use it").

Holy fuck, the constant reposting of this shit is starting to get incredibly fucking annoying.

No, that's capitalism you confused knob. Gommunism would be B.

B would be communism if A gave B the materials and taught her how to make it.

In B's case, she provides ALL materials, expertise, and labor. That's more akin to a small entrepreneur than communism.

Why is this even a situation that has to be resolved? There is no need for a central authority figure to decide who gets what. The child who can play the flute can offer the child who made the flute something in exchange for the flute.

Counter-point; China, NK, and the Soviets.

Yes, yes, I know. "Not for-realizes communism". But that's my point. Communism in practice always falls back to the same old elite rule.

China NK and the soviets all practiced state capitalism as a transitional form to communism. B is communism, in practice and in theory. There has never been a communist state because it is pretty much impossible to implement, and every time its attempted fuck tons die.

the conundrum falls apart as soon as you use an object that doesn't have an immediate use or skill involved

Everyone in this thread is fucking dumbass that how no idea what actual communism is unsurprisingly.
Giving it to A or C is fine and is pretty much what America does all the time.

However giving it back to B is fucking communism because she , the worker, is now in control of both production of the flute AND distribution of it.

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Those sluts will just have to share my flute

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B is the only fair answer. Communism is the ideal form, sadly the rich has brainwashed everyone to think it is evil and bad

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I won't argue with you here, but as a side point; For-realizes communism needs a name to differentiate itself from "my favorite food is invisible bread" communism.

Anyway, F-R communism has a few interesting questions that I've never really thought to ask nor seen answered. If every worker is entitled to the work he produces exactly, then how does the factory get built? Who fronts the investment? Does every initial worker put forward their share of capital, hoping for a payout? If so, are production decisions done by vote? Surely rigid "leader" figure can exist without risking exploitation of the workers a la capitalism. And what about workers that join at a later date? They have little to no initial risk by joining an already successful factory. This makes creating a new factory a much less lucrative idea; what can be done to encourage innovation (or at least competition?)

I think an important point to make is that there is a world of difference between one person using their own tools and resources to make an object (that they are thus entitled to), and many people using some other person's tools and resources to make many objects (which each individual is respectively entitled to).

I'm really not too well read on communism, but I know a lot of them advocate for extensive central planning. There would be project managers and such as there are now, but the system would operate on a different philosophy.

Trips wasted on filthy /leftypol/ poster with low quality meme.

Implying America isn't a socialist shithole.

a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Communism would be a or c, retards.

Its the furthest thing from socialism, though it does have social programs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with said programs. Every single developed nation has them. There are nations with far more extensive socialization that are more prosperous than the US.

>america is a socialist shithole

okay, I'll bite. where is NOT a socialist shithole?
if you say britian, australia, canada or any EU nation I'm coming to your house to kill you myself.

>le shadmeme man

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Plz no kill, I live in one of them and I know they're all socialist shitholes too.
The only moral system is one in which everyone is entitled to the fruit of their own labour.

you're the furthest left-leaning person I have ever met. most commies are happy that the west is starting to embrace socialism.

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Communism by definition is when the means of production and distribution are held by workers, not corporations and conglermates.
How the fuck does any of that apply to A or C you stupid fuck?

Child A is the political right wing. Child C is the political left wing. Child B is the only true justice.

>you're the furthest left-leaning person I have ever met
Are you high?
I all but said 'taxation is theft' and you think I'm left wing?


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>everyone is entitled to the fruit of their own labour

that's communism, baby!

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Taxation is theft IS left wing

Give it to A, A will be forced to play it for B whenever B asks for it, and C will be allowed to listen to the plays of A as well, as long as C serves the duty as protector of the law, ensuring that A will follow its half of the contract, but will otherwise have the flute be returned to child B.

Welcome to capitalism, where property means authority.

Project managers would inherently be on a different level than workers. The most obvious is probably the lack (or at least lessened) physical labor. And then we're right back where we started, with an imbalance of power among the people.

As far as I'm concerned, humans will never lose all of the selfishness and greed that drives us. We can shed some as we try to pull others up with us, but the fact of the matter is that the strong survive, and we strive to survive. So it is in nature, so it is in society.

The most productive system would be one that abuses this greed to trick people into working together. Capitalism tries to do this, but falls short when people look into the system and figure out they can get even futher ahead with some creativity (for example, trusts and monopolies). Any system that allows certain individuals a better position, financially or otherwise, is vulnerable to the same human greed. And if the system isn't designed to abuse greed, I believe it will certainly be abused by it soon enough.

It's an very hard question because you don't know the full story.
People who shout A B or C without thinking things through just prove how quick they are to judge.

One fact we know: B made the flute, so at some point, it definitely was her property. So the first question should be, why is the flute currently in your possession?
Did you take it by force? From the text it would be likely to assume so. But even if we were to assume that you might be, say, her father, that still doesn't make it right to take away her possessions for no apparent reason.
In that case, you should give it back to B no matter what, and it is up to her to decide if she wants to give it to A or C, or keep it for herself.

But for the sake of argument, let's say that B gave you the flute voluntarily or because you asked her for it. So currently it both legally and morally your possession.

Now, girl A wants the flute so she can play it, girl B wants the flute back (she apparently regretted giving it to you) for unknown reasons, and girl C wants it because apparently she just feels she deserves it.
Also, since girl A can play the flute already, there is a good chance she already has a flute. If so, that would make her argument a whole less reasonable, and so does the fact that B and C can still learn to play the flute, should you give it to either of them.

Now both B and C want the flute, but neither directly states that they have any intention of playing it or learning to play on it.
You should first ask these girls about their intentions, do they want to use the flute or not? If so, and A has a flute, I would personally give it to C.
Since she is poor, she would have a hard time acquiring a flute herself. B has already made a flute once, she could probably do it again. I do not think giving it to B would be an unreasonable option though.
If A doesn't have a flute, and all girls want to play it, I'd say it's fair game, and whatever choice you make is fair.

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>Project managers would inherently be on a different level than workers. The most obvious is probably the lack (or at least lessened) physical labor. And then we're right back where we started, with an imbalance of power among the people.
The difference is that in capitalism they'd be paid more. In communism nobody is paid dick. Also, labor could be moved around more fluidly. They could alternate workers and project managers who had similar skills

By the community*
You don't have the right to own private property in communism.
The definition I posted earlier should've already explained it perfectly, brainlet.

you have personal property, not private property.

>personal property
In political/economic theory, notably socialist, Marxist, and most anarchist philosophies, the distinction between private and personal property is extremely important. Which items of property constitute which is open to debate.

>open to debate
Really makes me think.

B. she made the flute so obviously she keeps it. She spent effort making it unlike those two other kids. A may play the flute but she can get her own, and C is literally GIVE ME MONEY REEEEEE


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Idk much about communism but it seems that its more of a testament on the stupidity of the average man consideting it has failed in just about every country its implemented.
I think it would only work if you eliminated greed and the general population were alot smarter

Maybe if a or c provided the materials then it would be an employee/employer situation, in that case yes giving it to B would be a filthy commie move, HOWEVER, the only person involved in the production of the flute was B. She was not commisioned to make the flute she was made the flute on her own volition.
Fuck off commie

Why is Jow Forums filled with politicaly illiterate retarded /leftypol/ retards?

First of all, B represents a free Entrepenour, not some factory slave in communistic dictatorship.

She bought the wood and chippers to make the flute, she learnt how to craft the instrument and used her skills to make one. Now she posese her product she can keep and put it in her asshole if she wants or she can sell it to anybody. The value of selled flute gets separated in different parts, one is paying taxes, other is for accumulation and reserve bank, another for materials and rest can either be reinvested to improve her craftworkshop or she can pocket the actual profit after paying her responsobilities.


A can fucking pay for the flute so she can earn money while playing it, while paying for the flute and providing the living for the B and B can continue to produce her product.

C is a fucking retarded selfish pile of shit entitled subhuman idiot. Either he is selfish entitled dog lying about his poverty, or is a lazy son of a bitch who gets what it deservers for being lazy shit. If C wants it he can buy it, i he can't then get a fucking job which will provide you enough inance for a hobby. Also in case you chose C you neither know what will lazy pile of selish shit do with it, nor if his incompetent ass can find a buyer of it but what you know is that you are encouraging his pathetic entitled beggar behavior instead of telling him to fucking work.

What's the originally sauce?

every robot who says that giving the flute to c is stupid is literally the normiest cunt on this board... robots know how it is to have nothing...nothing but pure emptiness. c says she has nothing in this world...just as we do...c is one of us..we could help her just by giving it to her...it would be like helping one of us. just imagine how it would be to have someone help you. to have someone to get rid of this pure lonlelyness. we would atleast improve a live...we would get c out of this damnation of being and having nothing.... a is just a fucking stacey... oooh it would be such a waste to give it to someone instead of me. oh im so perfect....
by helping out a you would betray yourself as a robot and everyone who is one.
B is just a fucking jew reeeeeee itrs mine i made it it should belong to me and nobody else reeeeeeee
its quite obvious why she shouldnt get it....
but c on the other hand would have sometzhing in her live...it wouldnt be empty she would have something....staceyx would want it because she could play with it for like 5minutes and then throw it away(but not share it!) our jew is just a greedy cunt who doesnt need it but with giving the flute to c we would help someone...we would help someone like us
whoever would give it to a or b isnt a true robot...he would either be a chad or a jew
its about giving the flute to someone which the flute would mean something to... the flute would be wasted if a or b would get it...they dont need it but the quality of cs life would drastically improve