>when autists claim they can't get a gf
When autists claim they can't get a gf
he probably has a cool story, like getting blow apart in nam but managed to shuffle back to base fighting off the gooks with a knife in his mouth
that dude has some really good pick-up line potential, though.
But this guy has money and fame..and for the most part, thats enough
However, he also became an extrovert that went out to the world and people, unlike most cave trolls here who dont step out of their parents basement and cant keep a normal conversation with a girl without being creepy. Thats the biggest problem of these people here imho
>t. have a gf
He was born that way. Check out his foot.
this and also there are women out there who really want to be some kind of caregiver. Thas why nursing is so popular
I'm sure he's a great guy and eats pussy like a champ.
Meanwhile, we robots are too cold, bitter and fearful to approach a female.
>mini la creatura
wow I'm so jealous
this guy came to my school to do a speech about
hardwork and sheit....
>slanted eyed child
>exception = rule
OK OP you convinced me. And it is probably not even his child.
Is this the counter strike guy?
la promedio bebe' de la creatura nacion...
He can be charismatic and talk to girls, a feat that is only possible for the most well-functioning of high functioning autists
I knew this kid reminded me of something
Both of his parents are white
I did not see that she was Asian, nevermind
his mother looks 50% asian. However "his" child looks 75% asian. See where I'm going here?
How hard was it to not start laughing all of a sudden looking at him?
Stuff like this can happen if you are able to talk to people, which i am not.
when he was trying to get up the stairs that was funny i really didnt listen to him
>girls as they claim they don't just like chad for his dick
I wonder how long it took them to prob him up
There's very little reason to believe she loves him. It's extremely likely she plans to divorce for alimony. It's also likely, if that's not her plan, that she's using him as a status symbol: her peers will see her as strong and compassionate to "sacrifice" "herself" "to be with him". Note how good looking, extroverted and rich he is.
And really, isn't that exactly what robots lament? Most aren't degree-less neets in their mother's basements (or at least they have been much better than that at a point in their lives), yet they can't get shit. Meanwhile chad, even limbless, gets all the girls.
Why don't they want to give care to fat greasy ugly autists?
hahahaha that is a nice bitter incel fantasy right there, they have a kid, they look happy, women aren't as evil as the people on this board think, they all cant be.
You got brainwashed hard you mgtow FAGGOT.
All his limb gains went into his dick
Just like boogie1488's wife? Or notch's? Or what about spielberg's? Fuck off retard. If you're not a 10/10 chad (like in OP) it doesn't matter who or what you are, you're getting betrayed. If you are a 10/10 chad, it doesn't matter what you are or do, you're getting infinite gf's. But after the first years, if you can't provide, you'll still get betrayed.
She "dated" him for fame and to be in the spotlight for taking care of him.
TRhey broke up some 3 or 4 years ago, she left him iirc.
Dude, she already left him.Now fuck off to plebbit.
I saw a video of that guy
It really made me want to kill myself
Fucking called it. How will roasties EVER recover?
I knew you guys were bitter incels, but this takes the cake.
Probably not even his kid, the woman just shows interest in him to virtue signal.
Yet all facts point us to be true on our beliefs. Vermin left the guy because, newsflash, she didn't love him and was only on a relationship for pity fame and his money.
Well im bitter cause a guy with no limbs gets to have sex and i dont
I guess women think im worse than a guy with no limbs
They literally just had twins in December 2017. Nice going making yourself look like a moron.
Tfw no mommy 2 change my poopie pants and make me cum in my stinky diaper
I'd say it has to do with your fantastic personality. Grow up, kid.
Imagine how might they have sex.
>When OP posts a motivational speaker who charges 50k a speech and does 1 per week on average.
I dont get what the point of this thread is
Oh a guy with no limbs gets to have sex and i dont, good for him
Is that what you want me to say?
isn't this proof that FACE is everything?
look at the size of his jaw
yet they do and you as a healthy human don't, really makes ya think
I don't know or care. I'm not OP. But acting like spoiled children gets you no where.
>Things all work out for severely disabled person
>Nice things happen in their life
>Jow Forums response
He must be suffering inside! Everybody around him must be a phony! He must have used to be a chad before becoming like that! He has chad social skills!
Pretty muyh.
Have a Chad face and you've won, no matter what else happens to you.
On the other side you can have everything you possibly can have, yet a sub8 face and no female will look twice at you.
Maybe he came in a tube and they inserted it into her
For what it's worth he was born this way.
this just proves that being autistic is worse than being physically deformed.
Also that kid looks demented