>Anoon...... are you a virgin?
Anoon...... are you a virgin?
>y-y-no of c-course not... heh
Well duh. I'm a disgusting fat sack of shit, I don't dare approach people. Especially not of the opposite sex. I'd just be a creepy pervert for them. Well, I am a creepy pervert.
Only a mortal would dare perform such a primitive act.
I on the other hand would like to keep my virginity intact, so people know of my divine nature.
this implies a girl would actually acknowledge my existence enough to talk to me.
>you do have friends right user haha ?
Hhehhe no
I fucked a prostie in a spa
Best night in my life
Still don't have any contact with normal girl tho
>only been asked this once
>was asked loudly in the middle of work (call center) by a middleaged woman coworker
>was saved by a loud black woman coworker who promptly responded with "of course hes not, what kind of question is that" and then shifted the conversation away
Crisis averted... for now. Thank you feisty black woman!
>Haha nah I fucked plenty of bitches
>Oh yeah haha my ex... err yeah her pussy was round and err, had a err, yeah it felt great
>Yeah went out with her like 3 months, or was it 4, maybe 6 haha... yeah she was a err.. bitch, try not to think about her haha...
The lie gets caught in the end. That's why we deduce it's better to not talk about sex, as in truth if we really experienced it we wouldn't forget a single thing. Only a visibly Chad Alpha can get away with nonchalantly describing a hoe he fucks and leaves without a second look
That happened to me IRL
Friends asked me that. I stayed silent for 30 seconds. I knew I was too deep and there was no way of turning back.
Well that explains everything about you. That was their reaction.
They brought me to clubs and other places.
Atleast I don't have to hide it anymore. But sometimes they think I'm gay because they have never caught me staring at a girl. I'm afraid of girls.
yeah, why you ask?
What sucks about that question is that there is nothing you can say to make them think otherwise.
>"come on user you're good looking, smart, there's no way girls don't like you"
Kills me inside every single fucking time knowing that the only reason "tfw no gf" is around is because i'm an autist.
Lose sum weight faggut!!
Dude she defended your honor, that black lady I would show you the ropes and you can get your dick wet. A Friend with benefit, it's more common than you think.
I have an FWB who isn't attractive but she doesn't expect anything more than sex. Roasties are sexual creatures like us too and feel horny at inappopriate moments. When we meet up, we smoke a bit of weed, maybe have a meal, talk freely like friends, then fuck... but there's no gaming involved, we know exactly eachothers plight.
Relationships are so unbelievably overrated. Don't go for an ugly girl, not what im saying, but befriend a girl who you wouldn't look twice at and would like some company. Your confidence and happinness with skyrocket.
boi sit down, pic related
What brings you to this place, Norman?
>playing never have I ever
>user why haven't you had a drink, we've been playing for 15 minutes!
>What have you done user
>OMG user is a virgin!
I just wanted to get drunk with the boys why do women have to ruin everything
Yes, yet I'm still waiting for my wizard powers to manifest.
>>What have you done user
Wait what? What did you do?
>Well that explains everything about you.
That implies our mannerisms and behaviours are intrinsically linked to our virginity. Getting sex in our teenage years would mean a normie life trajectory and I may never knew Jow Forums, let alone r9k even existed (Just by having sex ONCE in your youth, your entire destiny could have changed. Imagine that....)
>But sometimes they think I'm gay because they have never caught me staring at a girl.
I sometimes wondered if I'm gay, but luckily i'm not. I believe I'm asexual and as a coping mechanism don't think about girls that much, or even look at them because it's a waste of mental resources (knowing I can't attract her anyway).
nothing user, nothing
I tried and failed. I am failing all the time. I will fail again. I will never not fail.
Food is too good, and everything else is just SHIT.
Just say no. how are they going to prove it? being a liar isn't that difficult.
n-no... there's no such thing as a male virgin... it's just a mindset... hehe...
Lying is a sin which will send you straight to hell, user.
Hey you dumb fuck. Stop giving in to the food jew. Its not that hard to fucking control yourself. Stop devouring poison. By healthy shit, drink plenty of water before and after meals and go for occasional walks if you have to, if you dont have time for the gyn
All they're looking for is social proof. As you rightly said, if they ask the question, it's already assumed and is an ultimatum.
If they are wrong, the correct response is for a virile man to defend himself describing his past sexual encounter or simply showing photo of a girl he used to date. It's a very simple solution that virgins don't have (because we are virgin).
Yep I'm often described the same. I'm just autistic don't know how to men, let alone women who aren't open to discussing esoteric topics.
I'm 20. Is it too late for me?
When ever they bring me to a club something happens with a girl. But I just get so scared that I walk away and pretend nothing happened.
they were asking what kind of things has he done
I have really obvious tells. I struggle to lie, it's like an inner turmoil that rips me apart if I say a falsehood that I know I can't prove.
Glad I'm not alone. Maybe we'll find someone one day. There is still hope.
> Yes.
And literally nothing happened after that.
Just say "Yeah, i'm kissless but once almost hugged a girl"
Is it a good idea to play off a joke and say something like
>huh what are you talking about? I'm saving myself for marriage obviously
Nah jokes don't really work in this situation.
Their response would be "wait so you're seriously a virgin?" or you would get awkward silence.
>oh you're just in a transitional phase with your career now?
Haha....yeah, for only several years now
>at work
>afew colleges got asked this
>nobody asked me
i dont know if thats a good thing or if they just knew for sure
My dick was inside a pussy while I was being born.
Checkmate Atheists.
also orgenal
Struggled with financial crisis, depression, low grades at school and health problems as a teenager, so I never really had any gfs. I couldnt afford to date someone when my life was all out of order.
I've had sex once so no.
>Interacting with other people
Classic noob-robot mistake.
>"Yes I'm a virgin because of my religious beliefs."
>"Oh wow that's nice and interesting user!"
That was close
>Yes I am. I am asexual and if you make fun of my sexual orientation then you are a biggot and thus not cool in the eyes of your faggoty peers
user: 1
normies: btfo'd
Whats great is that when you move into your late 20s, unless you make it painfully obvious no one will assume it because they think it is unimaginable for most normies
>tell normies when I lost virginity
>"Really? No way user. You were raped. lol"
>"Haha. Rape? Who's that? Hehe..."
It's better if they think I'm a virgin, desu.
>say yes
>nobody ever believes me
>"user how are YOU a virgin, that blows my mind"
>"You're joking right user, you're way to good looking to be a virgin"
Never have I ever, Dumb high school drinking game. If you never did it you have to drink, I think thats how it works. So one of his "friends" prob said never have I ever had sex while staring at user.
im a 32 kissless virgin and i dont really care anymore. the peoples that know it dont really care. i even turn the fact im virgin into a joke and it funny and kinda sad.
Yeah. And?
cool humblebrag bro
Same here man.
>Someones going away party for work
>People are drunk so the topic comes up
>Everyone is around 22-25
>"user are you a virgin"
Like why does it matter so much? If I did happen to put my dick in someone, what does that change? My life will still be the same afterwards.
It was like in secondary school, people called you a "frigid" if you never kissed someone, so I went out to an under 18's disco and just made out with a bunch of random girls. Nothing changed. Afterwards I was still a depressed weirdo.
In my opinion there's not point in losing your virginity just for the sake of it. If I ever get into a relationship, I want to wait until I am ready. Don't want to just have a roastie girlfriend for the sake of having one. It won't make me happier.
Why do normal-cunts have to put such a high social weighting on losing your virginity? Why is it such a big fucking deal to them, those goddamn fucking degenerates.
>My life will still be the same afterwards.
I used to think exactly the same way..... now after maturing and becoming more spiritual - I seriously think it's a biological 'coming of age' with a feeling we've never experienced, and in denial about (Because all we've ever known is a life of virginity).
Our primal brain has one objective in life, to procreate. You can't fool the subconscious, it knows when you have had SEX for the first time and passed your seed into a real woman (pheromones). Your primal brain realises it's ultimate duty to pass on DNA is fulfilled, and post-virginity life is much more relaxed...
(This is all to your brains approximation (It doesn't know about birth control or "pulling out", it assumes you fucked to produce a child.)
Im highaf , I thought of a lot more but it got too long to explain
I have no clue user. It's like, big fucking deal. You put your dick in a vagina. You are now a better human being than I am.
It's a pointless status symbol that only has any meaning because they desperately need validation and the sense that they are better than you.
Personally I am an autistic idealist and I want to still have my virginity and marry a qt virgin and have a big family. It is basically impossible nowadays because nearly every girl is a thot but hey a guy can dream.
100% too late. Anyone who hasn't lost their virginity by 20 is a giant red flag to women. People say you can spot a virgin by their mannerisms and its completely true. You're out of women's strike zone before you even talk to them.
fuck man, i feel like if i was slightly less socially autistic and could talk and interact with women, it would make things even worse. It would be like that one image of the guy standing on some books to see over the wall only to see death and destruction, except replace the destruction with learning how truly vapid and souless all women are. As it is know, i read all the shit people on Jow Forums and Jow Forums say about how shit all women are, but i still hold hope that there are a select few out there who are kind and caring.
I have no fucking idea where im going with this post, sorry.
No I get you. Everything I have observed online and in real life has pointed to the fact that women are, by their nature thots. It is not something they can help. Due to their instinct they engage in hypergamy and only "settle" when they hit the wall.
This is a result of womens "liberation". The reason it didn't happen in the past as much was because men had them on a theoretical leash and that stopped them from engaging in their base instincts.
With the breakdown of the family and traditional values, women are free to do what they want, and what they want is to vapidly jump from cock to cock hoping to endlessly trade up.
Now obviously, this is not the case with ALL women. But it is easily well over 50% of them in the Western world.
Which is what makes me so depressed. I am still holding out that I could find that one ideal girl who is a virgin and holds traditional family values, but it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Oh now I originally get it.
Holy fuck user I know that feel.
My friends asked me the same thing and then fucking grilled me about it. I could have said no but I feel that would have been a much bigger shitshow because they'd never seen me with a gf or anything like that.
They then asked me if I was gay, and not in a joking way. They were 100% fucking serious and convinced I was a fag, so they asked what kind of porn I like and all that shit. I'm probably the straightest guy around when it comes to porn, but it still felt terrible.
I kind of went home that day, sat down and felt empty as fuck.
Its okay to be gay user
You get /ss/ or something?
yeah, what about it? Something give it away?
no. thankfully I can be fairly normie-ish when I start drinking so Ive hooked up with a few girls at bars. unless your a hideous weirdo if you go to enough bars over the years you will get laid
But what do you do when they accept to sleep with you? I live with my parents at 27, it would be too embaressing to bring them home.
And if the girl has her own place I'll feel even more humiliated.
should have just lied then
>And if the girl has her own place I'll feel even more humiliated
why? just go to her place or get a motel. Or once I just had sex in her car outside her friends house. alcohol makes all of this easier
>in high school
>in a group conversation, the guys are talking about their gfs
>eventually i get asked about mine
>"haha yeah i do"
>conversation manages to flow past me until someone eventually says their single
>"hey if user can get a gf and you can't, that's pretty fucking sad!"
I fucking hate normies.
Best response, and indeed it's a checkmate
My colleagues at work are actively trying to get me to clubs or pair me up with easy pickings because I said yes
>you have to experience life bro
>you don't want to be alone bro
>you'll see it's great having a gf bro
So I'm not sure how to tell them that I have a tulpa wife
I'd tell them to leave me the fuck alone but that'd ruin this team's team spirit
That burns
i play off a dead persona and become unspeakable, so no one asks me questions
Yeah they think your a pedo or serial killer instead. I guess it's subjective if that's better or worse than being a virgin...
>or pair me up with easy pickings
Ive never in my life been set up with a girl by friends or coworkers
wtf do you do after the deed, do you stay there overnight or do you leave or what?
>tfw no one ever asked me this question
Huh, so I really am nothing
"Yes because I'm saving myself for marriage."
Easy fucking question if you are. Don't be embarrassed by it you lunatic. Even if you are incredibly awkward and sucked with girls, you can at least make it a noble lie.
Same. Occasionally someone said they would but nobody actually followed through. The only one you can rely on is yourself.
I'm 31, when i was 20 I was thinking too it is not too late.
Yes. It's not that it's a bad thing or that I can't get laid, but it's the fact that normies start judging you for some reason. I just don't give a shit. I don't care either what half-ape normies think anyways, other than them spreading that fact around to make me "look bad".
The only thing that relaxed for me was the stigma. I was still a depressed shit and I thought my life would never go anywhere unless I got a gf.
Regular sex is different though. I got myself a fuckbuddy I see every other week or so and now I don't even really give a shit about having a gf. Now I'd rather just sit on my ass playing videogames all day.
Also, you guys have gotta get on OK Cupid or something. My coworker is a fat fuck in his late 30's and still dates women who seem a couple levels above him. Tinder seems way harder than OK Cupid.
I lost mine at 25 gym and tinder bro. You can hide virginity easily if your fit girls just assume you know what your doing.
>PSA to all virgins here from a guy who used to be in the same position:
>PSA to all virgins here from a guy who used to be in the same position:
Sticking your dick in a flesh tube will not change your life or anything about you. Virginity is meaningless. Learn how to socialize with PEOPLE and how to be yourself in the normie world. Women are PEOPLE and if you learn to talk and socialize with PEOPLE then more PEOPLE will get close to you, and that includes women. Focus on learning how to socialize so you can find the people you want to be around
>literal chad asks me if I'm virgin
>overwhelmed by the question
>sayed yes
>chad is in relationship with giga stacy
>chad tells stacy
>now a majority of class knows
well, this is bad
Are you guys in high school or something ?
I can't fathom college students caring about some random guy's virginity, and actually telling the whole class.
too bad no one wants to "socialize" with a minimum wage graveyard worker with no smart phone or car.
stop being naive. there is a reason people like us are being alienated.
You don't know normies very well do you?
yeah, yeah, not like looks are needed or that
oh wait
No I'm not a virgin, I'm a Chad so I get hella pussy at my school and sometimes it's fucking great, sometimes you're not missing anything
they aren't, non-conventionally attractive dudes get women all the time. same with overweight people
Nobody actually asks if you're a virgin.
Girls will just assume you're bad at sex if you fuck and disappoint her.
>tfw I am a fat and ugly guy
>27 years old, and a virgin of course
>working at an office job in a fucking open office plan
>2 roasties on the other side of the desk are talking about sex with their boyfriends
>doesn't sound like appropriate workplace discussion to me
>look up at them
>at that exact moment they look at me
>it is an uncomfortable moment where I have interrupted their discussion about sex by staring at them with my fat face
>one of them laughs and says 'he probably doesn't know what we are talking about'
>try to play it off
>say really loudly (loud enough that others probably heard)
>tfw now everyone in the office knows
thats not true at all, I knew and still know many poor people who worked at places like subway and had lots of friends and "got mad pussy" as people say.
the reason people become alienated is because of their behavior. It has nothing to do with what you like (unless you're a pedo or a thief or murderer)
I would tape record the next time and sue for sexual harassment. If anything tell company you are taking it to the news and ask for lots of money so you can take a year off before you get an other job.
Excuse me, but this is just bullshit, we both now it, this literally never happens, it's never honest and they are always getting cucked by 5 or 8 Chads
believe what you want man, but it's true. and cucking is a meme, cheating happens but thats just shitty people
whatever you say normalfag, why are you even here?
does it really matter, user? Your problem is that you cant get laid. dont worry about what happens after you have sex
>giga stacy
now theres some fresh Jow Forums content
>implying it's not common knowledge that I'm a virgin