Hey guys. Redditor here. Just discovered Jow Forums a couple weeks ago. Why do you guys hate us so much?
Hey guys. Redditor here. Just discovered Jow Forums a couple weeks ago. Why do you guys hate us so much?
>Reddit mods censored posts on r/the_donald
>Huge immigration to Jow Forums ensues
>Something about rick and morty?
>Reddit is a bunch of atheists and spooky nihilists?
I don't really know, but that's what I've picked up.
reddit is the epitome of unfunny try-hards and normies.
Because you're a newfag, newfag
we object to the concept of upvotes and downvotes (as well as active moderation), it results in an echo chamber
I never went to reddit because I just hate how the site looks and works. I hate it now because of how hundreds of redditors come here to spout their unfunny humor and raid boards with unrelated topic.
Cause you are a gay nigget
You capitalised communication and thought sharing
this guy's got it. plus you're a bunch of tryhards, like this user has said Basically you're a bunch of tryhard normalfags who steal other's content and give people you like le upboat XD and anyone you don't like le downboat
And they call you the newfag. The absolute state of r9k.
I dont, i love you ******. All the hate is literally just us being ironic.
they also have a disgusting habit of upvoting shitty in-jokes above relevant and original content, which is even worse than just a hugbox
Because you are self-centered normie trash that identify by their consumerist choices and somehow think you are special you happen to browse Reddit or watch Rick and Morty.
Also Redditor and normies in general have a tendency to shut down anything that goes against their own personal beliefs. Not that it would be any different on Jow Forums but at least here the mods as faggots as they are respect people's freedom of speech and actually let you call anyone a nigger or a cunt or a faggot kike. On Reddit this would be impossible as you'd get banned on an instant
Also reddit is the place where OC from Jow Forums goes to die, so thanks a lot for that you cunt
Just gtfo and shoot yourself
Jow Forums, /b/, /v/ and Jow Forums have already been ruined by you
this fucking bait man...
and stop turning all the good slutty women into paywhores you fucking faggot kike fucks. Jesus H fucking Kike on a pokerstick
I get banned from this fucking board every other bloody day for breaking muh racism roolz, i don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I got a warning a little while ago, and I don't even really know what it was about. I skimmed that shit, it may have been something about derailing a thread, but I don't recall doing that.
To be honest I go on certain subs for hentai and there's the occasional person from Jow Forums screaming nigger and faggot and making racist comments, reddit is shit but you dipshits make it even worse as your actually racist and fucking annoying with your autistic tendencies
You haven't even seen any of my posts though, have you cunt? Of course you haven't. I can only assure you in all but one instance I was being obnoxious. It's the fucking mods, m8. Wake up, Jow Forums is called cuckchan for a reason.
racism isnt allowed outside of /b/ or Jow Forums
now fuck off back there
>t. janitor
fuck off, cunt. i think your hot pockets are done.
Someone takes his non-paying job a bit too seriously
>when you're more beta than Jow Forums
>all but one instance I was being obnoxious
i meant the reverse of what this means, lol