What do you, robots, like to do in your free time? Seeing as most of you probably have no friends and are NEETs

What do you, robots, like to do in your free time? Seeing as most of you probably have no friends and are NEETs

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sleep. I like to sleep.

Sleep and watch internet videos. That's about it these days.

I probably masturbate far too much for my own good. I stay in my room all the time, it's the place I spend 98.5% of my time with the remaining 1.5% reserved for making tea and finding food. I left my house less than 10 times this year and I haven't been out this month and only once the last.
You're completely correct on my having no friends, but I do work when possible, though we still have snow covering everything here and when I work it's as a concrete worker, so it's rather dependent on the weather.

I do nothing but watch YouTube videos and less often play video games. My life is consumed by complete indifference, except for my reoccurring interests and obsessions with things. I started reading about the 12th Century Renascence, so that's another aspect of my normal week.

How do you handle the pain of being a neet and how do you handle the pain of being employed?
It seems like no matter what the robot does they are destined to be unhappy.
On one hand you're judged by all in society because you're doing nothing, but on the other you sacrifice 2/3 of the day, 5 (or more) days a week just so you can pay bills.
How do we find ground to be happy on?

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>What do you, robots, like to do in your free time?
-Talk to myself for an hour or so
-Sleep for long periods
-Work on trying to develop my tulpa while I'm trying to sleep
-Play vidya
-Browse this place
-Watch YouTube videos
Yep, that's pretty much it.

This is my life
>this is your life

Count my hours till next sleep and then go to work

My side projects to generate NEETbux keep me decently busy

Drugs. Do a lot of drugs.

>work out
>play piano
>read books
>trade crypto/stocks

>he cooks
absolutely mad!
how do you do it?

Put a pot on a stove

But won't they kill me?
What drugs should I take?

Cooking is easy. You just need a pan, some pots, and some chicken breasts or pork chops. Slap that shit down, let it cook, put some spices on that shit, make some sides and then eat it.

I have no idea how there are people who can't cook, its easier than most tasks

I only said that to bump the thread a bit. I just wanted to make sure it didn't die since I put some effort into my post.

Weed won't kill you or make you feel sick. Its cheap af and the high is great. Use a moderate edible and you'll have a real good day all day.

Stimulants are amazing for when you're working. Adderall is a god send. You just have to be careful with them and space them out. I've never been able to get addicted to anything though, so this could be bad advice for you.

Various endeavors of self improvement
Playing games on steam

Thats about it. I dont have any irl friends but a small group of people ive known for yrs online so i dont really go outside that much(when im not working)

Programming, reading, video games, gardening, cooking.

b-but i thought neet life is best life? thats what this board keeps telling me?

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Spend it with my friends and gf. They are not real, but exist in the Mass Effect universe.


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Most people don't like it long-term. It can get boring, really. Takes someone that has a lot of internal motivation to make themselves a happy life like that.

Draw. I am a fine arts student (huge mistake that one) and I wake up eat, shit, shower and draw. Occasionally watch anime and read stuff but i draw. My eyes are gradually being chiseled by the monitor though.

>Seeing as most of you probably have no friends
>and are NEETs
I work 38 hours a week.
My free time is spent behind PC mostly, i also watch football and movies/series. I smoke weed once or twice a month.
I also do my own maintenance on my car wich is the only thing i do outside.
I wish i could get a social life but i lost all contact with people who used to be my friends

On one hand I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Draw porn, write up on my fictional universe, study animation online. It's all good. The only problem is that I'm not making money and people hate me for it, Friends and family and all. And not only that but this associates me with some of the most dumbest people I have met/known in my life and seeing the people I hate make something of themselves while I have nothing only makes me feel more like a piece of shit each day.
It's an easy life but one that someone like me can't muster. I also can't muster working 9-5 each day for Mr. Goldstein to buy his wife''s son a yacht so I'm stuck.
If only I can make something of myself by doing the things I love.

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Just do your own business then, I'd say, and invest so you can have a DIY NEETbux program. This is what I've done.

Sleep and use the internet.

