Why is our society suddenly a lot more sensitive than, say, 10 years ago?

Why is our society suddenly a lot more sensitive than, say, 10 years ago?

I remember how back in the day everyone was chill and nothing was taken seriously. You could say anything, do anything.. there were sites where kids learned how to make bombs and weapons, regular CP threads on Jow Forums and nobody gave a shit.. Not saying that was a good thing, just pointing it out as contrast. Now you can't say anything online or else it becomes a worldwide storm.
Facebook posts by random people can trigger tv news and worldwide movement, it's alarming as fuck.

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Its because normies took over the internet desu.

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>Why is our society suddenly a lot more sensitive than, say, 10 years ago?
it isn't
the only thing that has changed is what people get offended about.

Your deluded as fuck if you think this is the case. Most normies have always hyper sensitive when it comes to controversial stuff, just that in the past they didnt care about the internet and all.

I find it very odd for old people to complain about political correctness when they came from a time when comedians would literally be thrown in jail for telling jokes that were too risque.

>you're deluded as fuck

The word "rape culture", for example, didn't even exist 10 years ago.
We have a whole new world of political correctness and it's everyone else who is deluded, not me. I'm not a normie so I see things clearly, without stupid emotions getting in the way.

>they came from a time when comedians would literally be thrown in jail for telling jokes that were too risque

What do you mean? Back in the day the "n-word" was considered okay, today you go to jail for saying it.

We say we got "freedom of speech" but normies still decide what we can say.

remember the movie god bless america? yeah we moved past that shit generation and got into this shit generation.

Because you're comparing the internet to real life. Everything on the internet is magnified a fuck ton, real life has hardly changed at all. Easily offended people are the vast minority.

The biggest taboo in our society is pedophilia. That word alone makes most people's hearts race and cheeks red with anger. You can't even discuss the topic without emotional rage. It's just impossible.
It wasn't always like this.
Age difference between a man and a younger girl has never, ever in the history of humanity been such a controversial issue as it is in the post 2010 world.
And I'm not talking about child rape, the whole thing is so damn taboo that literally everything is labeled pedophilia and it's apparently the worst label there is because normies decided this way.
For example, Elvis had a 13-year-old girlfriend. Yup, look it up. Today this would be beyond shocking and appalling. It would be a heinous crime beyond reason and humanity. Back then it was maybe a bit funny because of the age difference, but not sick or worse than murder like it would be treated as today.

I'm telling you, we get more and more taboos every year.

>gender equality
>age of consent / age difference
>nationality / refugee issues

None of this shit even existed in the 90's. All this popped up within the last 10 years.

>What do you mean? Back in the day the "n-word" was considered okay
yeah but saying "cocksucker" in public would get you arrested for obscenity , thats what happened to Lenny Bruce

Remember modern feminists and their demands in the 90's?
No, you don't. They barely existed back then, now they control the planet.

dude, faggots like you have been whining about 'sensitive' culture since at least 1991. Shut the fuck up.

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>uses a pejorative term of a homosexual as an insult

Just linked your post to an online police force. They'll fish out your IP from Jow Forums management and sue you for minority oppression.

i'm pretty positive 13 is still legal in most places though.

In my country they actually have online police and they actually do prosecute people for Facebook posts.
One guy even got sued for a Facebook like. Yes, a like. For liking a racist post.

I see what this is about.
Pretty one-sided narrative, really. Don't know if you noticed, but right-wingers are pretty damn sensitive too. Especially when you make jokes about Trump.

old taboos are just being replaced with new ones,
there are plenty of things you couldn't say back then that you can say now.

>instead of animal companion
Aw I like that, it's wholesome :')

>there are plenty of things you couldn't say back then that you can say now.

Only stuff that a white straight male would never say.
So I don't really give a shit. Freaky minorities can now praise themselves publically but that's it.

>animal instead of mammal relative

>mammal instead of organic lifeform

The fuck are you talking about, I can still say nigger in public, still do. Probably because I live in a country with real free speech.

>im the only one who can see the truth
>implying old people isnt easily offened as fuck
>implying sme dumb nerds got shamed on youtube and got popular equaled many people behaveing the same
Your the ones thats deluded dude.

It's because big companies like google and facebook want to turn your life into a giant ad. Negative emotion has a negative impact on consumption. It's like how casinos have all those pretty blinking lights, music and sounds that put you into a false sense of security and the like

normies still got their media from old-school news outlets that would filter it for some kind of objective importance, instead of from facebook's outrage-maximisation algorithm

And that user is how you get beaten up and later complain about NIgNoGs ChiMPiNg OUt and beating the shit out of you so I suggest you don't do that

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f a g g o t

Kek, where I live most niggers know their place in society, they wouldn't dare stand up to the white man or risk being shot. Also, a lot of them hate their own race and call themselves niggers too

Where the fuck do you live? Wyoming?


>there were sites where kids learned how to make bombs and weapons
In Bush-era America that would still warrant a visit from the FBI.
Politcal correctness was around in the early 1990s but it basically went into remission until the early 2000s, when it started growing again and accelerating during the Obama era.

No. Fantasy land.

Idaho. This place is 96% white, so you rarely even have to deal with niggers. Actually, in my 8 months living here, I think I've only seen like 3 black people here at all. Nobody that I know here likes niggers, or gays. I fucking love this state

>Only stuff that a white straight male would never say.
user, stop being stupid.

so whats your full name?

Right wingers never say you shouldn't be allowed to make jokes about Trump, they just call you a cuck or insult you for doing so.
The left will say certain jokes and 'hate speech' should be outright BANNED. Do not compare the two.

>Why is our society suddenly a lot more sensitive than, say, 10 years ago?
I wouldn't say it is, taboos have always existed this has never not been true.
I don't know how you can think otherwise when shit like the Comics Code Authority existed in the 50s, or that whole outcry in the 90s about violence in videos games, I mean fucking Jack Thompson. Freaking rock and roll was consider "the devils music" for a long time, there was a point in time where Elvis Presley was consider an obscene figure because of the way he moved his hips around during performances.
The only reason you care now is the shift in taboos now happens to effect you.

the OP topic is about sensitivity, and on that topic trumptards are unbelievably easy to trigger.

>The only reason you care now is the shift in taboos now happens to effect you.
this kind of reminds me on a shift of attitudes from right wingers about capitalism, I remember maybe 20 years ago they had this attitude that if you were poor or unemployed it was 100% your fault, any explanation of being due to outside influence was waved away as just being excuses, and they kept this attitude right until they themselves started losing jobs to outsourcing and foreign manufacturing. Predictability they didn't hold themselves to the same standards they held other people.

the issue is about sensitivity and proclivity toward outrage, which as far as I can see is more or less on the same level as tumblrinas.
its almost a mirror image sometimes. if you want an example,
I remember one time on tumblr some artist getting shit cause she drew a I think a Stephen Universe or one of those sjw shows character with a paler shade of skin,
but then I can recall on Jow Forums a kemono friends fanartist getting shit on because he drew one(just one) of the charactesr with darker skin.
pretty comical when you think about it
but if you want to bring on the whole wanting things banned thing, well that's an entirely different issue.
There are plenty of things that offends right wingers that they want banned
pornography, obsenity, gayshit trans stuff yada yada yada.
They've got just as much inclination towards authoritarianism as the left.