You go back 200 years

>You go back 200 years

>You convince your great-great-etc grandfather that you are from the future and you show him this pic and tell him its commonplace in the future

What does he do?

Attached: ewwewewe.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

>*gasps* "H-how does this image move? What magic is this??"

He tells me it's already commonplace now and tells me he's been fucking massah's daughter for the past year and he thinks she might be pregnant.

>See my grandfather in England boarding boat to Australia
> convince him that when his church opens they should kill all abbos
> accepts and Australia becomes white only

>Show my German/Prussian Nobleman bloodline
>We're twice as inbred now before we move to America
Thanks Obama.

>the husband fondling the guys balls


he eats the guys butt out maine

he's licking his fucking asshole
how did people come to this?

how else do u repay someone for satisfying your wife?

>thinking white people can resist fucking the natives of a new land
How wrong you are, boy-o.

I feel like I'm gonna vomit

I wonder if he told the black guy that he was going to rim him or if he just did it in the heat of the moment

I have never in my life fucked in that position and it looks extremely awkward.

Why is this even a thing?

its the breeding position. everyone is situated so that the sperm reaches the egg as quick ass possible

you think the husband is getting vengeance? fondling/rimming the dude seems vengeful.

LMAO the absolute state of beta males

If we told the past about this we would probably still have black or slaves or even better the all blacks would be killed

cleaning out my ass and massaging my balls seems pretty cool imo

but what if youre straight? the husband just ninja fondle your balls and licked your ass. now you can never be straight again.

hmmm maybe its a power/alpha male type deal. Like prison gay

fucking /devilish/
lick the bull's asshole and balls to make him gay

Blacks slaves were fucking white women 200 years ago and white men were fucking black slaves. Interracial sex is something that will happen no matter what.

Imagine if you brought a projector into the state house and played some BLACKED vids during their arguments about slavery

Even the liberals would have flipped

It could backfire and they all become cucks

Yea but the blacks were killed back then

lol think about that

Black back in the day were hunted and tortured and killed for even LOOKING wrong at a white woman

Now black men get paid handsomely to let blonde teens eat their asses out so white dudes can beat off


iirc the white couple is friends with the black dude and they do this frequently

why is the nigga okay with the cuck touching his balls? i'd fucking beat the shit out of that guy if he tries to touch my dick while i'm trying to nut

who is the real cuck here?

That's Amber Blank and her husband. He's not even white, he's a brown Mexican. Some of the best cuck porn I've been watching recently is an asian guy on reddit who invites black and white guys to fuck his blonde girlfriend. Shit is intoxicating.

Also, fembots, how many of you are into this?

he doesnt look brown. is this damage control?

>damage control

It's true. She has a twitter account, go and see for yourself.

You got them videos bro?

Freak the fuck out. Grandfather 200 years ago was a principle southerner who opened trade to France to supply the confederate army.

Google her. As for the asian dude, his girlfriend's account on plebbit is amwf_alice

I'm an Arab so I would be beheaded if I showed that

I'm not even Asian and this disgusts me. An Asian guy gets a white blonde gf like the majority of those self hating fucks crave and he lets a bunch of fucking big dick ofays and niggers fuck her for him.

I need to play some fucking Yakuza or Sleeping Dogs or some shit, watch a kung fu movie. I was just beginning to respect Asian men.

There's tons of that stuff on the Chinese side of tumblr. Literally full of Chinese amateur porn of all sorts. It's hot.

You never know. I doubt everyone was that uptight in Arab land back then. I mean, the Bible, Torah and Quran are full of sins and proper punishment for those sins, and they wouldn't just come up with that shit for no reason. So there had to have been a good amount of freaks in that region for the people to have to come up with rules like "no sodomy" or "no bestiality".

kek, you'd hate me. I'm asian and specifically try to get white and asian girls I meet on Jow Forums into BBC through conditioning over time. Seeing a shy nerdy girl give in to the appeal of thug black guys with big dicks is a massive turn on for me.

Probably asks what the hell is that thing fucking the white woman.

t. European

I'm actually a fucking black guy and you disgust me. Have some self respect. Get help.

Attached: 05DE4AD6-798D-44C8-A4BF-B1CD929633E9.png (200x200, 114K)

Europeans have been familiar with the African race for thousands of years, user. Unless your grandfather lived in a particularly isolated section of Europe where they had no contact with the outside world, including other Europeans, he probably knew what a black person was.

sure, but mostly it was white women slipping away for mandango dick and when someone found out they cried rape. white men tried like hell to stop the white women but found it nearly impossible so they started killing the bucks thinking they wouldn't fuck a white woman if their life was on the line.

t. American history revisionist

you couldn't kill the white women though they were the one going to the slave shack late night

what is your problem? I wouldn't want some black nerd on Jow Forums to fuck them, just thugs.

There were European paintings with black people in them 200 years ago. Do you really think that Europeans were so oblivious to their surroundings that they wouldn't notice a race of people who lived across the sea from them, especially when they would spend time in that continent?

The fact that you're trying to convince women you're attracted to to fuck other men in general is disgusting enough. Then you betray your already emasculated race by implying you're not man enough to handle a woman on your own and pass them onto an overly masculine people and make your people look even more like eunuchs.

Nigga, the pre-industrial world was a place where 95% of people were subsistence farmers who barely traveled further than their local marketplace. Do you think there was anything other than a smattering of non-natives in Europe, given this?

White people should be gassed. Look at how degenerate they are.

Just because you didn't see them doesn't mean you don't know of their existence. There are white people today who have never seen a non-white person but they know they exist.

>still talks about women as possessions

ooga booga.

>tfw don't even know what the fuck language Norwegians speak
Why would I want to hurt my ancestor in this fashion?
Besides, we've mostly avoided getting BLACKed, there's some Middle Eastern muddling, but that aunts so bad and crazy that I think the Algerian improved whatever she would have made.
I'm gonna show that great great great granddad that blowjob machine we made instead, or the prevalence of toilets- something nice.

>If we told the past about this we would probably still have black or slaves or even better the all blacks would be killed
>implying there weren't plenty of people raving on that this would happen
>implying any part of the triangle trade wasn't fully aware that the colonies and countries hosting slave labor got the serious short end of the stick and would be stuck with these fucks forever
>implying the jews who ran the slave trade wouldn't just have a chuckle, draw close to your face, and say "we know." before killing your dumb future ass

>Black back in the day were hunted and tortured and killed for even LOOKING wrong at a white woman
Gay-ass inflation of incidents by fucking crybabies.
Emmet Till was a rapist and the son of a rapist, he didn't "just look" he had full intent to deal grievous harm and a history of having done so.