The user that will forever be remembered...
Other urls found in this thread:
>clearly a shitskin guy
Bad bait.
It was a subtle way to memorialize him obviously, not a literal depiction. He loved anime.
>Doesn't follow the Randy Stair theory of the afterlife
Don't you know that when you kill yourself your spirit is immortalized as a ghostly anime waifu?
So what exactly is the backstory here...?
I already forgot this shitskin.
Whatever happened here it was glowing for sure
Guy apparently got onto a discord server and mods persuaded him to dress up as a girl and send pics. After the guy sent pics the mods threatened to doxx him unless he took HRT. Guy could not afford it, so he blew his brains out. His mom came in and started crying in the vid I think.
Also a link for more info on the fags.
The two incidents had nothing to do with each other, though. The image you're spreading is misinformation.
Fugg off Reiko
Spotted reiko
Not that guy, but pretty sure both incidents while real, have nothing to do with each other. Linking them was likely for drama.
He became one of his waifus.
We need a board an hero chart, bit like that mass shooter chart except with people who just killed themselves. r9k can have that guy whilst b has toaster Steven for example.
What does that have to do with Shuaiby?
Didn't toaster Steven survive?
The man that saved Jow Forums
Yeah he did actually.
No one has any actually proofs of those being linked
God this world is so fucked up.
Being forced to take HRT kinda turns me on though to be completely honest.
There is no evidence linking the two incidents. It was thrown in to spice up the Reiko event, but it isnt true.
But now you were reminded.
Proven false
Where is the actual evidence of this? Why was nothing mentioned on Discord before the Reiko thing came along?
Bullshit. The guy was depressed about his parents kicking him out on discord. The other anons tried to tell him to find a job, he said he doesn't want to so he killed himself.
Can people stop glorifying suicide. Kid shot himself and stopped any chance of him getting a better life. Suicide is dumb, don't do it retards, all it does is make your family depressed and suffer afterwards. Selfish af. Unless you are dying of some terminal disease its probably worth sticking it out.
Shills working overtime
>and stopped any chance of him getting a better life.
Why does a better life matter anyway? I've never understood this meme. it's the same with healthy living. The only reason im not fat is because i'd be disgusted by myself. Nothing is going to make you live forever, and at any moment you could die completely unexpected "pull through" shitty times in the hopes of better ones?
*Why "pull through"
So "pull through" shitty times or instant death leaving misery for family. Which is the better option?
Why do normies try to keep people alive, when they clearly just want to die? Is it some sort of a personal satisfaction about "doing a good deed, look at me I'm such a good person, because I forced someone to continue being miserable".
I want this done to me
There's literally proof of it nigger
The world needs a holocaust, but for traps and faggots
You could get instant death and misery from dying naturally.
And if someone wants to end their life why shouldn't they be allowed to just because it upsets others? The pain the suicidal person is feeling is probably worse than what the family would feel, unless the whole family offs themselves in a chain event. And what if the person has no family or the family doesn't care?
Your arguments are paper thin
I don't give a shit about the dumb kid. Suicide is so unbelievably dumb. So he felt unhappy and decided life wasn't for him. Now considering he will be dead for the rest of eternity, why not just carry on through the next 60 years of your life. It could get a lot worse, it could also get a lot better, not that anyone who committed suicide will ever know.
If he had a solution at hand, then why bother with normie bullshit such as "hope"? What is 60 years to an eternity? Nothing, might as well do it if you want.
You might decide right now life isn't worth living. In 10 years time you might decide it is worth living. If you put an end to it right now you eliminate any chance of anything.
>what is 60 years to an eternity
60 years of life or an eternity of death, not hard to decide which is better.
Yes. 60 years of shitty life. If it matter so little, then why force people to hold onto it?
Life might be shitty right now but shit changes over time. By dying now you eliminate any chance of something good happening either through your own doing or complete luck. You can't predict that the next 60 years is going to be shitty.
How do you know these 2 people aren't just as ill informed as you and talking about the guy without knowing him? How do you know it isn't edited or faked? You don't
Newfags will believe anything.
But why does that matter? If you decide life isn't worth living, and die unexpectedly isn't that the same? What if you decide life is worth living now and then die unexpectedly? You're just dead the future is irrelevant no matter what it would have been
please stop corrupting the memory of a young man who killed himself with this hysterical Jow Forums propaganda.
Then why bother? It's going to end anyway. If it's that bad that you're willing to an hero, then waiting for something to magically happen is just dumb.
You also eliminate any chance of shitty things happening
Trying to communicate with plebs that cannot understand that how you feel currently may not be how you feel at a later date.
> I have had a bad day today and feel bad
>might was well shoot myself because at this current moment I am unhappy
>clearly my current emotions will not change for the next 60 years so I should grab a ksg and end it
Along with the good things too. It may get better or it may not. Ending it now guarantees with certainty that it can't get better. It also leaves anyone who may care about you in a shit state.
extremely original comment
What does it fucking matter? Yes you might just off yourself. You might be feeling great right now, but maybe you'll be super depressed in the future. Does that mean you should kys because of that? No. Stop using possibility as an argument. I might win a 1m dollars tomorrow, not gonna quit my job now because of that possibility.
So you think it's completely fine to just blow your brains for your mum to walk in and see because the last 5+ years of your life haven't been that great? Who gives a fuck about them right, its your life. Give me a fucking break with these edgy depressed comments. Suicide is completely retarded. Possibility isn't a a valid argument? If your life is that miserable then what else do you look for? If you have nothing worth living for then the 000.1% of possibility that something in your life may change must be greater than the 100% chance of eternal nothingness that suicide guarantees.
Lets all continue to glorify dumb people that kill themselves so that the next edgelord looking for something else to push them over the edge thinks they will get a thread made about them.
such goddamn edgelords
I dont think anyone has ever killed themselves over 1 bad day. This is what we'd call "a strawman argument"
I have seen literally endless comments like this, because everyone hears the rumor and runs with it. This is not proof by any stretch of the word.
i said this as in i agreed, you shouldn't throw away your life, fucktard. i've been there before, and it's just not worth it, and life has gotten better and is getting better
And no response from the guy so sure his screencap was proof, what a surprise.
literally who
>inb5 being this new
>So you think it's completely fine to just blow your brains for your mum to walk in and see because the last 5+ years of your life haven't been that great?
Having to resort to an emptional argument is an instant loss.
Again, what if your mother doesn't care about you? What if you have no family? Why should her feelings be prioritized over your own?
Face it my dude your arguments are just shit. You don't have a rational reason for why suicide is bad.
I think perhaps you took it a bit literally. Deciding 1/4th into your life that the rest of it is going to be miserable and that suicide is better is retarded.
Did you watch the stream mate? When his mum walked in crying do you think she didn't care? Okay then your mum doesn't care, lets say nobody else does too. Having a conscious thought in your head whether it be unhappiness or joy is far better than death. The only exception I could think of is someone with a terminal illness or those people that can't move stuck in their bodies. Life is worth sticking out for the majority of humans.
>Deciding 1/4th into your life that the rest of it is going to be miserable
But this is exactly the point dumbass. You have no idea how long you might live. For all you know today is your last day on Earth due to completely unforeseen consequences. or maybe you'll be diagnosed with a terminal illness and die in a month.
Speculating about things that MIGHT happen is completely useless all we can do is talk about what is happening and if someone wants to kill themselves over what is happening to them then they should be able to. Arguments like "what about your mother!?" are shit too because theres no reason to prioritize her feelings above your own, and it doesnt account for situations where there is no caring family to be sad.
See above.
1. Why prioritize her feelings over his?
2. Your argument is applicable to a specific scenario and is not an argument for why suicide as a whole is bad.
then YOU kill yourself edgy kid, if you're gonna sit here and talk about how good it is
stream it too
excellent argument you fucking moron
>inb4 samefag
I'm not that guy, you fucking retard
Me, I'm a pussy, I'm afraid of fucking up and crippling myself and never getting another shot. That right theres is a rational argument against suicide. In my particular circumstances I don't have a 100% guaranteed way out like a shotgun to the head.
For the most part suicide is stupid. Especially in the case of this kid. You think that kid wouldn't have ever gone anywhere in his life? At age 18 or whatever he was, was a reasonable time for him to decide to end everything? You truly have a bizarre mindset.
Maybe he would maybe he wouldn't. His choice if he wants to be a retard and quit early. There is no reason to say that he or anyone else shouldn't have done it
>His choice if he wants to be a retard and quit early
There is your exact reason that he shouldn't have done it. Too much time left for things to change and for him to experience life.
But again you don't know that. Maybe he'd have cheered up, gone outside to find a job and got hit by a bus. How is that any better than him just killing himself? Your argument of "so much life left to live" is completely pointless because you don't know that there was anything left of his life
So you think that life really isn't for you? Why are you here posting. Don't get me wrong user, I would rather you not commit suicide, things might change for you But if life is truly not worth living then why do you need a gun? you can go jump off a bridge right now and there will be 0 fuckups. Life is worth living despite how you feel right now. Stick with it and something will change for you I'm sure of it.
I live in a very isolated place, can't drive and don't know of anywhere yto go to kill myslef. Certainly nothing high enough to throw myself off for miles. I live very close to some cliffs but theyre mostly heavily sloped so its not a straight drop down, 1 of the only straight parts is also one of the lowest parts, only a few stories high which means quite a high probability of survival. Coast guard round here have saved people on the cliffs before and the spot is right outside a cafe on top so chances are someone would find me (not to mention i'd want to call the police immediately before to save them the trouble of searching the town for me for however long it takes)
At a certain point actually trying to kill yourself succesfully becomes more of a chore than just living and waiting to die. And it's not like i haven't tried before. Right now theres lumps on my skull that might be from a scalp irritation but im kind of hoping it's cancer so i'm just letting it do its thing.
Killing himself would avoid the chance of randomly dying along with any of the infinite things that could happen in life. I think random death through no fault of his own would be better than suicide. By that logic I might as well jump out my window now, as I may be ran down in the street tomorrow.
You are absolutely right. And it destroys many others than just the one who committed suicide.
Yet again you're exaggerating. If you want to live for something, go ahead, but if someone wants to die, there isn't a reason for them not to.
>implying it matters in the grand scheme of things
For the hundredth time, why prioritize the feelings of the ones left behind over the one sad enough to kill themselves?
I know it probably won't mean shit to you but life is definitely worth living mate. I may not know your circumstances or what you have to deal with but death isn't the way. Keep at it like you've done up until now and I'm sure you'll start to enjoy life.
Nah I'm pretty sure mate. Some things are just permanent and make life not worth living.
>hasn't watched the video in full
You're a pussy-ass nigga
Humans are social animals. While your own feelings are going to dictate most things you have to empathize and understand how your own actions are going to affect that other person. Your suicide is going to have an impact on that person the rest of their lives. Does that mean you should suffer? Absolutely not, seek help, talk to someone, try something new in life Suicide the solution to anything.
I hate to judge but maybe unless you are physically in pain or are that mentally ill, if you have people that your loss is going to cause such immense pain to, your life is most likely worth holding out for.
Why don't they empathize with how that person feels? A person so desperately depressed they want to end it with their own death. "It gets better" is a fucking lie, for some people life is just shit and will always be shit, at best they become used to it. If someone wants to die your feefees don't mean shit.You are not more important than someone who wants to kill themselves, you have no right to use your feelings to try and override theirs.
What sort of permanent things?
I don't want to say anything more. i know plenty of people who browse Jow Forums and maybe Jow Forums they could already identify me from the description of the place I live
Just let it be known, sometimes depression isn't just about how you temporarily feel about temporary problems, sometimes things can be permanent and as long as they exist how you feel about them will be permanent, suicide is a completely acceptable response.
What makes you so certain that it can't get better? Unless you can predict the future it absolutely can.
latefag here and can't find it in the imgur album, how do we know he killed himself?
He live streamed it dude...
Fair enough user. I hope you work things out. I'm sure that something will happen in life that will change your mind.
>I'm sure that something will happen in life that will change your mind.
I'm more than sure literally nothing like that can happen short of literal magic. But thanks for the sentiment.
Dab on em'!
Do you think the individual bits of brain fire off wildly giving each brain fragment some really vivid acid trips on their way to the ground? I wonder if any chunks are big enough to still think of themselves as "you"
wjere can i watch the full livestream
Imagining that gives me major fucking chills.
exit dab
>says the Reiko attentionwhore shill
Only thread in which reiko is still remembered. He was so last week's news kek
After he died most robots didn't give a shit now everyone cares.
You're as bad as fucking normies.
Which was why Shuaibys name was falsely dragged into this mess in the first place - to give him more attention.
Because whats there to lose otherwise?
This. This fake link that someone spread out there for lulz now hijacks any rememberance of him.