Sup Jow Forums, hope you're well

Sup Jow Forums, hope you're well.

Long story short I messaged a girl on Facebook that I never talked to, but basically fell in love with because she was gorgeous.

She was flirtatious, we kept staring at eachother, but I never initiated.

It's been like two-three years since I haven't seen her so... Bummer.
I recently received a friend suggestion from her though.

I messaged and added her as a friend, saying how I wanted to catch up with her.

She hasn't been on Facebook yet.

Do you think there is a slim chance it'll work? Have any of you had success with gals on FB?

And please don't call me a loser like /b/ did.

Attached: 1523363963758.jpg (495x600, 69K)

Origano bamparino.


Please don't. Please. It's bad enough.

Is this one of her pics?

No. Should I post one of her pictures?

No idea if it will work for you. But my sister is dating some guy right now who met her briefly at work and found her name, added her on FB and asked her out through that so its possible.

Thanks for giving me some light, user. I had the fucking biggest crush on her. Never mustered up the courage to talk to her for several reasons.

I added her last Friday, but fuck me she still hasn't answered.

if shes as hot as the girl in the photo you got no fucking shot. attractive women receive so much attention and have so many options its honestly sickening. no way someone like that would settle for a rando on facebook when she probably already gets a hundred randos messaging her each day

Damn, you might be right.

Attached: IMG_20180415_171942.jpg (285x286, 30K)

That's her btw. I find her cute.

And nobody gives a shit apparently

Bumperino friendeeino

Hello please err naine gay

>brown soulless eyes
Absolutely disgusting

Brown eyes best eyes user


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What's that new meme about Facebook

It's not a new, it just escaped Jow Forums into normie-land.

ok shes cute but shes not a 10/10 like the blonde one, so you might have a shot

The blonde in op looks like shit lmao, brunette is banging.

yeah user, you have a chance. Just dont SPERG IT UP. Don't come back here.

we literally know NOTHING about your situation, you want some advice, maybe give us a little more info.

Unles this is all there is to it, then I doubt that.

What do you mean? I decided to contact her after she got suggested as a friend recommandation.

I sent an invite, dropped a message how about why I added her while looking at pictures, and that's that.

Don't know if I already said that, but I feel like it's fuxked anyway. I sent the invite Friday and no reply.

Yeeeellow guys?!