Wasted life

>Tfw Adventure never called you

Who can relate to this feel?

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>tfw all you ever wanted was to live in an anime adventure world doing some demon killing and saving the world shit with the friends you never had

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Just go user.
Adventure is there.

Lol no, is there one thing that's lacking in our modern world it's adventure.

I climbed a mountain in the Alps and the way only thing I heard was the constant noise of the engines in the city down the mountain. Plus there was a lot if people wearing plastic fluo flashy ugly clothing all over the mountain. Disgusting

>tfw it just occurred to me
like why were we so blind, anons?
we are all here hoping for an adventure and instead of going on an adventure we just sit here in our rooms literally doing fuck all
who knows what mysteries lie in this world, maybe somewhere around the corner is the anime adventure you all hope for
why the fuck don't we just pack our bags, save up some money, and next year at the start of summer we all meet up, divide into groups and start exploring the world while keeping in contact with the other groups through Jow Forums to see what and where they are and what's happening

>tfw one day were in the rain forest sucking trying to save anons life who has been bitten by a snake and the next week we're in japan having a drinking contest with the yakuza gang to save our anons life because he fucked some yakuza boss' granddaughter

think about it, you either waste your time on Jow Forums everyday trying to survive another lonely night or we could actually do something in our lives and maybe feel happiness even if it is for a brief moment

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I think we need camaraderie. This is what makes a great life worth living. Camaraderie, adventure, and hardship.
Once you have that you will not even think about women anymore.

i honestly already couldn't give a fuck about women
let us just go on an adventure, i never wanted my life to be this empty room where there is no difference between day and night and where time has become irrelevant, just sitting here waiting for the end

once i come up with a plan i think that i'll make a thread and then we can start organizing the meetup next year
user, if this was actually about to happen could i count on you?

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I've had adventure. If there is no Huge Pay Day at the end of it you just have some nice memories.


Well, WW3 might soon happen so I think we're in for an adventure.

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When I was kid I used to watch the old star wars a lot and I thought one day I would live great adventures, meet incredible people with whom I would form stong bonds until death and trough battles and dangers.
Now I'm just sitting there with my life into pieces.

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this hits too close

it would be a dream come true

>could i count on you

IF you want adventure, the ONLY person you can count on is Yourself. And you are running around and you meet other adventurers in the real life version of the Star Wars/Deadpool bar.

Being obliterated by nuclear fire doesn't sound like a fun adventure to me.

my adventure has been on the internet.

Better than this fuckin nothingness.

>tfw no comfy spaceship
>ywn drive around with a qt to a space ramen bar
>ywn chill with your alien bros
>ywn see everything the universe has to offer

REEEEE why were we born in this shit era

next year user next year
we might lose a few men but no adventure is complete without the sad episode where a beloved character dies

>And you are running around and you meet other adventurers
are you implying that you are not an adventurer? breh

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Can you give us a brief summery on whats happening? Pretty bad but i don't really keep up with news anymore. The last thing i saw was trump being dumb about Russia of twitter or something.

not who you replied to but im down. im a wagie so i have some resources. i met a robot in my town and we started to go on some shenanigans but the more themerriers we could actually do something ebic. individually we are weak like a lone twig but together we form a mighty faggot

Me? I'm old, Adventure is over rated.

Anyhow if you are young. Seriously get the fuck out of your house and throw yourself into a crazy situation. You will regret it if you are old and your only memories are jerking off to the internet.

he's live action role playing on the internet

>You will never feel this feeling

Male friendhip through adventure and danger > Women

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What kind of normie adventure is that user, how can you get adventure whitout risking your life?
If you want to play it safe, just play Vidya.
You just have to look into the right places, don't expect some anime kind of shit, adventures irl can stress you a lot.

Honestly, get into urban exploration

we'll be the biggest faggot known to mankind
the gang is slowly starting to grow

every party needs the old pervy wise guy, think about it

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>he never went on vacation overseas and got caught up in a kek-worthy Middle-Eastern protest

Pic related.

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>Trump wants pull out from syria
>Syria used banned chemicals on his own people again.
>France, UK and us get together and bomb Syria chemical weapons warehouse to end syrias chemical program.
>Russia apparently has not been notified of the bombing, despite France claiming to have notified Russia.
>Syria goes damage control and claims 68 out of the 100 missiles failed
>Speculations made by user looking at the impact areas calculate 78% accuracy.
>Russia says this will not be left like this.
Tbh Russia doesn't care enough for Assad to start wwiii

You guys are aware of the site meetup.com right? Basically you can all meet up and eat sushi together or draw in the park or whatever you want to do.

- parkour
- sports
- photography
- bowling

Adventure is really what you make it. For me an adventure is really just a way to say "going on a venture" where venture is meant in the business sense.

What starwars doesn't tell you is that the venture is capitalism and the journey is one of becoming your own boss in a company that you're building with others. The empire is your capitalist competition in the niche you're trying to fill. If you haven't had the call to adventure then it's because you haven't thought of that killer app idea that you'll work 80+ hours/day to make happen.

Ventures happen every day. They're literally everywhere. They're risky as hell and they make you harder, they make you better. You'll find some of the most adventurous people at entrep meetups.

Read Atlas Shrugged.

It's not a terrible analysis. But I want to say this

> no evidence has been provided to media or public that Assad was behind the chemical attack
> The big dick-wag is really just a madman strategy to make everyone back down from ww3
> The war is basically over in Syria
> The strike was to show NK that America is serious about its promises.

i've been on Jow Forums for more than 9 years, and i literally came to a point where i can not comprehend that there are other types of people on this planet than you guys
i don't want to go on an adventure with strangers, i want to go on one with my friends

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I'll adventure with you when the time comes user, I've got some money saved.

this is actually your call to adventure faggot. Strangers become friends.

we all know it's just going to be a bunch of normies
robots wouldn't sign up for this

the gang just got bigger
i haven't felt like this in years but i thing that this right now is a glimpse of happiness, no matter how faint it may be

i think that i'm going to take a shower and go for a drink and think about stuff

those people will never be my friends, i want an adventure with the friends i never met

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couldn't agree less.
>The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

that looks fucking gay
i'm with anons idea, i want a life threatening yakuza drinking contest

Men think they'll grow up to be heroes. Then they get angry for not getting what they want instead of having realistic expectations.

Thanks guys.


tell us the whole story pls

The reason that you can't just go off on an adventure is that there's no overarching narrative that you can fall under.

When imperialism was at its peak, you could travel across the seas into newfoundland. If you were a viking you would be traveling north or go pillaging with your m8s. I'm sure that the American Indians had ayahuasca inspired goals.

If you really wanted the equivalent in America, you would start a business with AI and cryptocurrency. If you're really about the combat, you could join the army. If you're really about the travel you could try to qualify for the peace corps. If you are about the spells and shonen stuff, then the most you can do is shut up and suffer alongside me.

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the lgbt section is hilarity

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in a real adventure here is what happens.

Normies will say ,"WHOA, fuck this, i didnt sign on for anything like this. You re fuckin Nuts Robo user, i'm out of here"

and then you either turn back, forever a Pussy,

or you go on by yourself, and have stories about how you met a bunch of weird fucks and attacked the death star,

you go home, and everyone thinks you re full of shit and making things up and were probably drunk in a whore house. LOL

>When you were a kid and realised life isn't full of adventures
>Even if it was you're not significant enough to be a part of them.

As a kid, this made me want to die.
Like, I had no reason to live anymore. Not that I wanted to kill myself, I just wanted out of life, or find some other purpose.

>born too late to explore the earth born too early to explore the stars

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>mfw I realised that the whole generations-wide forms of media all promised us an exciting adventure or at least interesting life
>mfw literally was breastfed and prepared for things that will never occur
I sure a lot of other dropping out of society people can relate. All of us were told that something WILL happen, but it never did and most likely will never do.

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urban exploration might be cool

>spent most of my schooling training to be an adventurous journalist
>wanted to film documentaries like VICE
>last years of my schooling
>watched as everything devolved into clickbait and political shitflinging
>realize there are no real adventures anymore
>every place explored
>every hero dead
>technology has killed adventuring

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>tfw you put yourself out there to go and get adventure
>maybe you actually somewhat made it into a party once, or got invited to a concert
>but you tired out really fast and fucking introvertism made you cancel the party or concert because you didn't have the energy to do it

>tfw you made it to adventure but you turned back