Fuck Conservatives

Allow me to let you in on a truth. Conservatives hate you. They hate everything except themselves. They hate black people, they hate anyone that has less money than them, they hate anyone who doesn't live in the country, they hate drugs, they hate jew, they'd rather you get robbed by "misunderstood" rich people than have you defend yourself and yours, they want to take money out of your paycheck, which isn't a living wage, so that junkies can continue getting tortured in jail. Trust me, if these people had to choose between killing a jew or a black person they would kill the jew ten times out of ten. These people HATE Mexico. It's as if Mexico molested them as a child and now that they're grown up they're trying to destroy Mexico as revenge. I'm sorry conservatives, but if Mexico hurt you then that means Mexico is not for you. There are dozens of other countries that will gladly accept you and your hatred. You conservatives leave and it's a win-win.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I like all of those things too though.

Wanna know a secret?
It's not just conservatives. Liberals are just as bad. Both sides are playing the same game, with the same end goal, just in different ways.
Fuck both sides, DESU.

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Conservatives want to conserve America not other nations.
Also I would kill the black person over the jew because black people are more prone to violence and Jews are good for economy.

>Trust me, if these people had to choose between killing a jew or a black person they would kill the jew ten times out of ten
This is false; we'd kill both

If you hate both sides then you're just a brain dead centrist. There's no right answer.

Shut the fuck up you communist prick.

The black person is only in your community and prone to violence because the Jew brought him and egged him into the unwarranted aggression though. Kill one black person over and over and not make any real headway, or kill the jew and stop more black people from arriving?

>Implying communism is actually a bad thing
That's the sad thing, desu. If you've swallowed the black pill and realized that you're getting played no matter what side you're on, everyone turns on you. It's almost like that's what the US political system has turned into: distracting the masses so that the people in power can continue to gain more wealth and power.

conservatism on the internet is the new fedora

literally the same group of people



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>>Implying communism is actually a bad thing
It is

This place is infested with Trailer Park Republicans.

Most NEETs are trailer park republicans. They want to live on welfare, and not work. You'd think they would realize it's in their own interest to be commies.

But they are retards who wish, or because of mental problems think they are about to become part of the elites, even though they can barely leave their house or speak to the opposite gender.

it would be funny if it wasnt so pathetic.

>implying communism ISN'T actually a bad thing

You /leftypol/ shills are out in force today huh?

Give me one valid reason why communism is inherently bad. One that isn't just "Communism is bad, and it's bad because it's Communism."
And I'm not even a Jow Forums user.

Im not a Jow Forums user either, but Communism is impossible to achieve and to even try to get to a communist world ends in bloodshed and an authoritarian police state (see the best example: USSR)

The whole thesis (foundation for arguments) in the Communist Manifesto (which I have read, yes I went through that phase) is that "Humans are naturally altruistic" and that it is only because of Capitalism that Humans became selfish. All other ideas and arguments Marx uses in the book become invalid once that retarded idea that Human don't work for self-interest out.

Another thing (which is more utopian and personal) is that Communism advocated for comopolitanism - The complete removal of Nationhood, ethnicity, culture and differences between people. In short, once you remove what makes humans superficially unique like ethnicity and race you have an empty husk whos only purpose in life is to eat work sleep.

And before you say anything, Im not a capitalist either.

Also this.
It ties into my previous point

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You just dont understand niggers
Theyre stupid animals
The fact that they act semi civilized is a facade

To be fair, everyone hates black people, including black people. Same goes with Mexico. Why else would people flee Mexico if it wasn't a pile of shit?

>tfw you realize that we will never slaughter the bourgeoisie
Feels bad, man.

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (1065x693, 164K)

Humans are maturally altruistic.
They give money to charities.
They just dont want to wagecuck for an elite.

to be fair, you are a dumbfuck Jow Forumstard and everyone hates Jow Forumstards

Same with Jow Forums. Why would Jow Forumstards flee Jow Forums if it wasn't such a shithole even they can't stand it?

>Nazis were bourgoise
rly fuckin dumb

replace libertarian with conservative

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Yeah basically dude. That's why we need to kill niggers and spics. Now you finally get it.

I just like that pic. It wasn't supposed to imply that.

Conservatives aren't the same as Boomers and both aren't the same as Ancapfags

The only socialism I'd be willing to live under is national socialism.

No they are not. Foreign aid is just a portion of tax taken by the government which people have no choice to pay.

Humans will naturally work for themselves, family first and their nation/tribe, it is how we evolved to be.
See Maslow's hierarchy of needs - People only care about others when their needs are satisfied

This guy sums it up pretty well but I would argue that humans are naturally altruistic TO A CERTAIN EXTENT, and communism requires that they are altruistic above and beyond that extent. We love and support the household, we love and support the family, we love and support the small group or area, but above a certain familiarity it just falls apart. That's why people need incentives to work together and share. Communism removes all incentives to work past the bare minimum and, if implemented like you /leftypol/ shills idealize, would have us supporting every lazy nigger that refuses to work because why bother when papa gubmint will give them free shit anyway like UBI and such.

>Humans are maturally altruistic.
Only a tripfag can be this stupid. Pick up a history book once in your damn life instead of cherrypicking some nonsense that doesn't even prove your point. Human nature is undecided

Well, conservative libertarian here. Let's take a stab at this:

>They hate everything except themselves
>They hate black people
If they live up to their stereotypes. You're going to have a hard time explaining to me why I hate Thomas Sowell.
>they hate anyone that has less money than them
No, I hate anyone on welfare. If they have less money, so what as long as they didn't steal or leech it? I respect every dollar they got through the free market.
>they hate anyone who doesn't live in the country
>they hate drugs
Yeah, but I'm fine with drug consumption as long as you do it in private. I personally won't consume, though.
>they hate jew
If they're liberal, in which case it's not a question of hating Jews, but liberals.
>they'd rather you get robbed by "misunderstood" rich people than have you defend yourself and yours
What on Earth are you talking about?
>they want to take money out of your paycheck
I don't support taxes.
>which isn't a living wage
So make better decisions in life to end up with a better job. You're advocating the theft of an employer by asking for higher wages when it's not mutual.
>so that junkies can continue getting tortured in jail
As mentioned, I'm fine with drug consumption/it shouldn't be criminalized.
>These people HATE Mexico
As a country, it is on balance a complete shit-hole.
>I'm sorry conservatives, but if Mexico hurt you then that means Mexico is not for you
Then tell libtards to stop letting people from there in illegally until we can verify on an individual basis they'd be a net positive to the country.

>gommunism is the answer to the ebuls of dumb right wingers
>aka just another of statecuck slavery except with more """"equality""""" ( this means daddy gets to redistribute all your personnel possessions also you have no rights )


I'm not a statecuck OP but the only place brainlet commie retards belong is the gas chamber

You don't even know what communism is. That's probably why most people are scared of it. Your personal possessions do not get taken away from you.

>but I would argue that humans are naturally altruistic TO A CERTAIN EXTENT,
Humans are altruistic once the needs of themselves, their family and their nation are fulfilled.
Communism expects the whole world to take care of each other and while that is a nice thing to imagine, it is not realistic and the countless failures of communism show that

Not the guy to whom you responded, but your labour is your own. Keep defending tyranny though, you useless cocksucker.

Communism fulfills these needs retard

You make valid points, and I honestly agree with them. I recognize that proper, pure Communism will never be achievable. Because as you said, people are generally out for themselves. Even the most utopic Communist system will collapse into authoritarianism and corruption, simply because someone will eventually get into power and get greedy.
Personally, I agree with Communist/Socialist *ideas* more so than actual Communism/Socialism, such as free healthcare for everyone, UBI, etc. Sadly, none of those ideas will ever truly come to fruition here in the US, as conservatives will never *ever* allow something to pass that would cut into their pockets or benefit the poor, and liberals have proven themselves time and time again to be all talk and no show.
I can see what you're saying as well. Communism and it's ideas work best in smaller groups, due to the tribal sort of nature of people. And the things is, yeah, at this point, we'd end up supporting people who wouldn't want to work. But when we hit the point where we are now, where automation is taking the working world by storm, then what's the alternative? Making up meaningless jobs that only serve to pointlessly justify ones existence? Most low skill jobs, and even quite a few higher skill jobs at this point, could easily be done by machines, and that leaves a lot of people unemployed. Not everyone *needs* to work anymore. The best way to handle the upcoming tidal wave of automation in my opinion would be to implement some sort of UBI type of system to pay for only basic living costs and maybe a tiny bit of extra for leisure, and make higher education free. If you want more than the minimum to survive, then go to college and work. But that's just my opinion.

I know my labour is my own. I'm a communist.

From what I've seen /leftypol/ is only slightly less dumb and evil than Jow Forums

both groups of spergs belong in an asylum

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What the gap in your knowledge seems to be is that labour isn't done for free. That which is earned by labour, which is one's own, also ought to be their own, unless you're a thieving communist cocksucker, which you are.

What the fuck are you doing on Jow Forums?
Don't you have a shrine of Marx to worship while you starve?
Don't you have a cold war to lose?
A bread line to go stand in?
Get the fuck out, or grow half a brain and stop being a commie
honestly the atheist fedora masters who watch mlp are better than unironic commies

>Most NEETs are trailer park republicans
This is false. People in long-term unemployment vote Democrat/lean Democrat 54% of the time and vote Republican/lean Republican 25% of the time. For long-term underemployed/part-time this split is 49%-33%. Republicans win the full-time employed by a margin of 1%.


"Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to have received food stamps at some point in their lives"


47% of Democrats have ever received at least one government program or service that primarily benefits the poor/unemployed, compared to 34% of Republicans. When including government care for the elderly, this gap narrows, but Democrats still utilize government assistance more at a 60%-52% gap.


These data are from 2011-2013, so pre-Trump. But in case you were thinking things are different in the Trump GOP era:


Holy fuck you're delusional. Put the reactionary rhetoric away.

>says the "You don't even know what communism is" poster
Calm down with the prehistoric and undefended kneejerk, cocksucker

Government is a spook kiddo.

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Well you don't know what it is. You think your personal property gets taken from you and you work for free. The labour belongs to the labourer and the concept of personal property is a huge pillar of communism.

Point to me a successful communist regime where personal property remained untouched by the state and no human rights were violated

Go ahead I'll wait

>You think your personal property gets taken from you and you work for free
Well you don't know how to read. I said "That which is earned by labour, which is one's own, also ought to be their own", not that labour is free even in a communist regime. In a communist regime, does someone get to keep that which is earned by their labour, which is their own, or does it get redistributed, such that they can't attain the personal possessions their labour, which is their own, would have otherwise earned if not for a regime supported by useless,poor cocksuckers like you?

Personal property and human rights are in the communist manifesto. If a regime violates these rights then they do not fit the definition of communism.

DAMN, ain't that swell, looks like the 30 faggots who already tried "Communism" just didn't do it right according to you.

Well golly gee, maybe if you were the dictator and had all the power you would do communism up right huh boss? You wouldnt do anything bad with your power now would you?

Let's give this another shot then, surely it will work the 100th time, this time the big man will be a cool guy and do it by the book. It doesn't matter how many people we sacrifice we just have to try again!

Holy shit, BTFO. Saving this for future shitposting.

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We should just make one of those scandinavians supreme leaders
They managed to somehow not fuck it up

commie btfo

Convervatism and socialism are not mutually exclusive you retard. Also wrong board, is that way

pic related dumbfucks

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>The blue states did pay more per capita in federal taxes than the red did. The $12,648 per capita taxation there is 118 percent of the national average. The purple states fell in between the two, slightly below the national average.


Republiturds just take take take

fucking leeches

Attached: taxes paid.png (634x188, 194K)

Its almost as if rural countries with little infrastructure and industrialization are poorer than ones with.
You know what. we should industrialize the entire of the USA. remove fields and forests. replace farms with factories (we ca buy rice from china).

So why can I not use this personal property to turn a profit? Why can I not invest this profit in hiring people to help me turn a larger profit?

These charts count every big government bureau, like the military, NASA, and all the alphabet agencies as "giving". It's not all welfare. Further, they count every national and multi-national corporation only in the state that has it's HQ, which are nearly all in the biggest cities.

I hate scum like you. White trash probably been voting for soft communism for generations, and now that its here and it sucks you want to be a special communist who kills most of the other trash in this country so that your leeching becomes less of a burden. Kill yourself faggot, i unironically like democrat-voting pajeet autists and jews more than you entitled redneck dipshits, because at least those 2 groups contribute something positive to the dystopia they're helping to create

>These charts count every big government bureau, like the military, NASA, and all the alphabet agencies as "giving".
no shit

>Further, they count every national and multi-national corporation only in the state that has it's HQ, which are nearly all in the biggest cities.

still not seeing an argument here. do corporations not count as part of the economy now?

Communism is a mob of retards taking over the government, gorging themselves on resources, and reproducing wildly until there are too many retarded mouths to feed and the system collapses


>This chart shows how tax revenue from individuals and corporations has changed over time. Individual income taxes will account for 46 percent of total tax revenue in 2015, while corporations will contribute 13.5 percent

still doesn't account for the massive gap in blue vs red state tax spending

This. Imagine how fucking pathetic your life must be to support communism anyway. Its like admitting youre a total failure at everything -- which coincidentally is the commies real problem, not free trade

The point is that the chart makes it seem like red states hoover up all the welfare, while blue states do all the contributing. This is not true. You can't count the military and other bureaus as welfare, because they actually accomplish something.

You also can't fairly count nationwide corporations in only one state, because they do work in every state. Amazon has facilities in every state, so why would you only count them for Washington?

Imagine hating people just because they want to be left alone

even if you discount the corporate taxes which continue lowering under drumpf blue states still give more into the economy than red states and pay higher taxes

>Be Blue State politician
>hike minimum wage
>use zoning laws to micromanage building size and prevent urbanization in certain areas
>high taxes
>cost of living rises significantly
>fewer shitty low wage jobs
>poor young people and rich/middle old people flee your state
>lol red states receive so much federal money for medicare and welfare haha

>reddit spacing
Go back commie.

You don't fucking get it. Federal bureaus give to the economy too, but your charts count it as taking.

You can even see, if you look closely, that the first chart is photoshopped. Romney won Florida, not Obama. You can even see the red in a few places.

>the "*insert communist state here* was not real communism because *some arbitrary reason based on my personal interpretation of the communist manifesto*" meme

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I posted another source you asshat. One that you continue ignoring.

>Federal bureaus give to the economy too, but your charts count it as taking.

and those also get more money from blue states than red states.

$20M from america to help venezuelan refugees. Why are conservatives so evil and cold hearted?

Somebody is going to pay me or else

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Yeah conservatives are so mean. I'm going to go vote for my blue politicians to enact more stringent laws that enable more proactive policing while at the same time complain that proactive policing are intentionally targeting minorities and should be stopped.


>Overall, 53.4 percent of American households would see a tax increase and 25.2 percent would see a tax cut in 2027.

Attached: republican tax plan.png (1391x881, 397K)

Liberals hate Jews even more wtf you on about?

Humans are naturally selfish. Even if you weren't religious and don't believe in any sort of fall of creation, you can look at the world around you
>your employer gives you the minimum you could reasonably work for, even if you save or make them millions, they'll only give you comparatively pennies on the dollar
>pretty much everyone who talks about socialism or sharing don't have much to give, they're just interested in taking
>a classless society is impossible, every civilization ever had some sort of king or ruling authority
Communism doesn't work because there is no natural altruism and creates a vacuum where tyrants seize control, capitalism works because it exploits natural greed and uses it to create an imperfect but workable system where there's rich and poor people, but everyone gets enough to eat to the point where the poor have obesity.

Liberals ARE Jews.

>tfw you finally have your communist utopia
honesty, get beck to /leftypol/ ya goof.

Attached: 4357897543.jpg (259x195, 10K)

> live in capitalist society
> work till you drop dead so that Mr. CEO can get himself a new villa
> live in communist society
> work till you drop so that comrade comissar can get himself a new dacha
> live in national-socialistic society
> work till you drop so that herr Sturmfihrer can get himself a new mansion
What a plethora of choices. I can't decide. Guys, can you help me?

> Homophobe
> Kim What Ever
Actually, there is literally no mentions of gays in North Korean laws. So one might as well buttfuck and nobody would care.
Everything other is true.

What the fuck does communism have to do with hating conservatives?


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Segregate all goofy extremists

nice b8 m8. I personally am an atheist conservative, with multiple jewish friends, multiple asian friends, and I support the legalization of marijuana. BTW communism is a flawed idea, with even less decent points than socialism, which is an absolute piece of shit.

Why was he so right about everything, Jow Forums?

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If there was a communist society wouldn't all the roasties go after chad even more?

Reminder that debating communists is useless and scum will always be scum.

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Do commies unironically believe good people will sit and do nothing while they spread a genocidal, evil ideology?
not happening cunt

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They were supported by the burgeoisie, but the burgeoisie weren't slaughtered after WW2.

This bait is shit but evidently it worked. Good job.

>Religious Oligarchy
now that's what I call politics

If you posted something like this on leftist twitter you would be attacked for being mean to and attacking "mentally ill" folk and have all your leftist twitter friends leave you.

Leftists online are prone to infighting over littlest ID-pol shit because they're all narcissists. Even if i were interested in left-wing concepts (Allande's cybernetic central-planning for instance) I wouldn't want to associate with leftist "friends" or groups because they're shitty people

It's ok leftypol LARPer... Real communists hate everyone too. like the epic rap battle YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MY WIFE?!

Why would we care what happens to the plebeians who tie themselves to civil law which isn't even REAL law, obey moderators who ban them and collect child porn, support the military who murders and rapes children, and work day in and day out finding refuge in a religious doctrine that tells them they are the sinner but meanwhile Mark Zuckerbeg can collect more kike doh?

Revolution isn't about people. Its just scientific. Even the elites know capitalism is unsustainable and socialism is required. They just disagree on how and when because well... contradicting interests.

But I don't hate all bourgeois. Elon Musk is pretty cool, as is eBay and Craigslist. But Jack from twitter? He should be forced to watch his family get shot and we get a Catholic priest to do some Hail Mary's over their dead corpses and tell him this is his fault for touching his wee-wee to child porn. Which ofcourse he does...he's a mod.

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Marx called it on a lot but post industrial era he gets really abstract as there's too many variables.

I'd recommend you read communism-nihilism for how liberalism operates, Jean-Paul Sartre to understand people's liberalism, Kierkegaard if you're religious, and Camus to cope with the depression and at least know why you feel the way you do.

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>his fault for touching his wee-wee to child porn. Which ofcourse he does...he's a mod.
I think Jack should be tortured and killed too (for his politics), but what's the evidence he consumes child porn? Doesn't seem to make sense. But I never use these platforms and I'm not very tech savvy, so maybe you can help.

who is this jack guy and why should he be tortured? for his politics is a really abstract reason.

Talking about welfare use by state and the presidential vote of that state is pointless because it ignores all the democrats in red states and all the republicans in blue states. Black democrats in southern red states chew up tons of welfare and make those states look like tax sinkholes. Chart racial composition per state by welfare use by state to see what I mean. It doesn't mean red states create welfare use...

Absolutely spooktacular post, made me check my calendar for a second. Sage.

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