Men's sexual fantasies are incredibly diverse, from all sides of dom/sub dynamics to even just weird things like being turned into a newspaper or being eaten by giant women. Women, however, all have literally the SAME fantasy:
"Rich handsome tall chad is so taken by passion that he just fucks me (rapes me)".
This fantasy is SO ubiquitous that even "lesbians" have these fantasies when they're ovulating.
Now, they try to defend themselves by saying "fantasy is not reality" or "just because I want it from chad doesn't mean I want it from any man" but neither of those "arguments" actually hold up to scrutiny. So with that out of the way, it should be legal to rape when women if they're ovulating. They either need to give up their rape fantasies or accept being raped. Ya can't have it both ways.
Why does almost every woman have a rape fetish?
>even "lesbians" have these fantasies when they're ovulating.
Source? If that's true that's insane, and women will never recover.
No one's touching this thread because it BTFO all women forever. lol
>"Rich handsome tall chad is so taken by passion that he just fucks me"
Unfortunately for your theory, having sex with someone who you want to have sex with is not rape. Passionate or very physical sex is not rape either. The idea behind it is that a woman wants to feel loved and valued by someone she finds attractive. Men are usually not very emotional creatures and the most "manly" "chadly" way to imagine a man exhibiting that love and care is through passionate sex.
A woman who wants to have her clothes ripped off and to be manhandled and fucked by Chad doesn't have a rape fetish. She is a masochist/likes rough sex.
>it should be legal to rape when women if they're ovulating
Lots of men have daddy-daughter sexual fantasies. So if they want it so bad, should that be legal? If people like sex with animals should that be legal if you can prove the animals kind of don't mind?
Most women, especially the festival/clubbing/cock carousel types, wouldn't cry rape if a rich Chad just came up and fondled or fucked them. It would be a glory story. It's rape if you're unattractive and she doesn't want to have sex with you. By definition you can't really want rape.
Gee I wonder who could be behind that nasty propaganda. Guess it shall forever remain a mystery.
This is how it goes in the Animal Kingdom. The strongest males manage to breed and it's almost always rape. We're just animals.
female masoschism is a coping mechanism of living a world that hates women
The strongest male gets to breed because he used his strenght to kill the other males.
>Why does almost every woman have a rape fetish?
Because they evolved this way. Stop asking retarded questions.
lmao you literally just made the very argument I said doesn't work.
First of all, more than half of women also have rape fantasies or being literally raped at gunpoint by an ugly man, so it's not just "chad" (that's just the most common).
Secondly, EVEN IF it was just that Chad passion that you're talking about, it wouldn't justify it, it would be just as disgusting.
>Lots of men have daddy-daughter sexual fantasies. So if they want it so bad, should that be legal?
As I already said, men are incredibly diverse in their sexual interests. This is not like women, who are almost carbon-copies of each other.
>If people like sex with animals should that be legal if you can prove the animals kind of don't mind?
That is legal in many countries, including Canada.
>Most women, especially the festival/clubbing/cock carousel types, wouldn't cry rape if a rich Chad just came up and fondled or fucked them.
Objectively and empirically false - what is the Me Too Movement?
Your 'arguments' are bad. Its nothing but trying to justify and white knight for disgusting female behavior/desires.
That's not how it works in the entire animal kingdom, there is a whole array of different mating behaviors and rituals and rape is a very rare one.
"wahh wahh the world hates us so we internalize our misogyny!!"
Bullshit, if that's the truth it would flip it and they'd become femdoms.
Lol nope, not true. first of all humans are a monogamous species not a tournament one, secondly rape isn't common in the animal kingdom outside of very few species.
"durr durr dey evolved dat way"
no they didn't you fucking idiot, they are being taught to like these things
I think this may be the answer desu
>the majority of woman want to be fucked by an ugly man
Yeah you have zero credibility anymore my man. The Me Too movement is for women to cry about ugly men touching them without permission. If a hot guy touches a girl, she does not consider it offensive or undesirable. It only becomes a violation if the guy is "creepy" (ugly)
>finds one woman with rape fantasy
>purposely seeks out another and finds her
Just admit you're a virgin because women won't voluntarily sleep with you so you've convinced yourself they wish to be forced to take your dick instead.
There have been handsome rich celebrities #metoo'd you fucking absolute idiot don't ever talk about losing credibility when you deny literal current events that everyone knows about. Jesus you're a fucking pseud.
lmao I have a gf you vapid idiot. "durr durr you is a virgin" that's literally the ONLY 'argument' anyone can say against a man who makes any rational true negative judgements about women. You're a fucking moron.
not all, 10% of women and 5% of men
more like 90% of women and maybe 20% of men
Why can't you let people live? If a bitch had a r@pe fantasy so the fuck what? Its not like shes going to have sex with you anyways
why do guys want to fuck every decently attractive girl they see? it's biology retard,
why do you even have to ask rape or consensual woman are meant to be impregnated, what your doing is like asking why black people dont have jobs like its worth arguing about
HAHAHA again, the "durr durr you is just a jeluzz virginnnn"
this shit is so fucking pathetic. You know what I'm saying is true and there is NO argument against it.
"its' biologyyy"
if that's true, than women are innately unfit to be allowed to vote or hold power.
It's impossible for women to have fantasies about being raped
rape is sex you don't want and don't consent to, if you want that sexual encounter to happen it can't be rape, when will you robutts learn
Plus you guys are always saying guys have higher sex drives so of fucking course youre going to have more diverse interest. I'm so fucking tired so this "WOMEN ONLY HAVE RAPE FETISHES REEEEEEE" bullshit. If females want to be carbon copies just fucking let them be GOD DAMMIT JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP
HAHAHA again the pseudo-proof by contradiction.
No, women fantasize about being brutally raped and beaten. There is no such thing as "topping from the bottom" so it doesn't matter if they're getting off to the idea.
This board turned into utter garbage since underage newfags took over it
Literally never said you were a virgin
no shit woman are unfit for any type of authority or say in most anything, no sane man would argue against you
i'd go as far as to say that most people are unfit for their jobs and only do it because life is larping around made up rules by dead people while we work for monopoly money
Guys don't have higher sex drives.
The point is, if women as a group are INNATELY into submission and being controlled and dominated and raped, then they as a group are INNATELY unfit to vote, or hold political power, or anything of the sort.
I'm a college graduate.
If I misunderstood I apologize, it seemed like the "they wouldn't want to have sex with you anyway" comment was implying I'm a virgin.
Okay, thank you. We need to get men in mass to understand this and remove their rights.
You're pretty dumb mate, many species have different mating rituals. Sometimes males are competing for females who are in heat and will fuck every dong in sight (chimps), sometimes the alpha male gets all the females (gorillas) and sometimes the females choose which male they want (peacocks) etc
The fuck are you on about, it's literally the definition of rape that you don't want it. They want a chad taking them hard that's all
lmao more and more men are agreeing with this idea every day. Stay mad little woman, "wahh wahh I want to be submissive but also be equal why am I not allowed to be a hypocrite and be taken seriously wahh wahh".
Women aren't going to be allowed to vote in like 10 years, 15 tops.
>college graduate
>responds with HAHAHA
man, colleges must really suck haha
No and even if a chick has a rape fantasy its a touchy subject so she probably won't ask for it
When something is deserving of being mocked, you laugh at it.
no what?
>even if a chick has a rape fantasy its a touchy subject so she probably won't ask for it
Girls literally put it into their tinder profiles in mass. It's not a touchy subject at all and more and more men are starting to say "wait, are women really deserving of being allowed to have a say in society if they are all like this?".
>Have literally never voted so I could care less about my right to
Voting is bullshit. I'm really supposed to believe that the perspective president really gives a fuck about how I want the country to run? Lol I can't believe this is the first time I'll unironically say sheeple
typing out multiple HAs in text makes you look retarded and robotic. I mean while you're at it why not type out breathing sounds
Not jsut voting, holding property, working for corporations, anything other than running mom-and-pop shops with their husbands or being stay at home moms.
okay, that's true.
>it seemed like the "they wouldn't want to have sex with you anyway" comment was implying I'm a virgin.
No, I wasn't imply that. I also didnt know women do that. I always figured people kept their fetishes to their partner
Lol If I could be a housewife I would. Working fucking sucks
>Why does almost every woman have a rape fetish?
*Citation Needed*
You're respectable. I hope one day you can be a good mother and housewife.
I don't know what's wrong with having fantasies, though. Pretty sure every guy fantasized about brutalizing annoying people, the question is if you act upon it or not. Like, when people chimp out on the streets for hours and you can hear them partying all night I tend to get the weirdest and most explicit fantasies about inflicting violence upon them in many, many ways
There's a difference, everyone (man and woman) has some flashes of anger and desire to hurt people who are being specifically annoying and aggressive to them at some time.
That's not the same as women as a group being submissive, desiring to be degraded, controlled, raped, etc. The problem isn't even the fantasy/fetish, it's that it's so ubiquitous. Women AS A GROUP are submissive, desire to be controlled, raped, brutalized, degraded, etc. That is not a group that is deserving of wielding political or economic power, in the same way teenagers and children as a group are not deserving of those powers.
If women weren't carbon-copies of each other in their interests like that, it would be a different story. They could be treated as individuals. But that is not the case.
>roll playing
land whale spotted
Sure, I dream about raping your ass with huge dildo and forcing myself on your tiny, useless dick every time you post this idiocy.
The only reason you're angry is because you know it's true user. You aren't a femdom, no one believes you.
It's not, it's from one screenshot from a tranny reddit. Basically the equivalent of "my bussy is ovulating"
To be fair, a number of tabletop role playing games get called "roll playing" as a pun if they're too heavily influenced by the dice and not by your actions. That said, I highly doubt this woman's rape fetish involves rolling d20s.
>more than half of women also have rape fantasies about ugly men
I'd love to see a source
ITT no sources from anyone
I am only into gentle femdom and vanilla, I've never dreamed about someone raping me. I don't think all women have these fantasies, and even if majority of them do, it's just a "thought crime". Would you kill all people who get off to loli? What about men who fantasie about being raped?
idk man from what I've read the highest estimate is that 57% of women are into that sort of stuff. I'd somewhat agree, though, but it would depend on the question if people are able to seperate the bedroom from daily life, so to speak.
It would also be interesting to compare that to the common fantasies of women a hundred, two hundred or a thousand years ago but sadly we have no data on that
So you want to be a mommygf? if every woman was like you the world would be a paradise desu
dunno how valid this is or if this site has an agenda or not but even then you can just look at the results, which are
Forced by a man: 52%.
Raped by a man: 32%.
Forced oral by a man: 28%.
Forced while incapacitated: 24%.
Forced by a woman: 17%.
Forced anal: 16%.
Raped by a woman: 9%.
Forced oral by a woman: 9%.
Also, to address the last points, the whole point of what I'm saying is that it's ubiquitous among women. Not all men want loli, not all men want to be raped, men are incredibly diverse in their interests. Women are not - the majority of women want to be submissive, raped, degraded, controlled, etc in some way. Even if it's not specifically "rape" women are almost all submissive and desire to be led and controlled. There is no "separation of the real world and the bedroom", the personal IS political, so a group who almost universally has that aspect of submission and wanting to be controlled in some way, that group is not capable of wielding power.
This is incredibly interesting, thank you for this source.
And according to wikipedia (the cited study in question is paid only content)
45.8% of men in a 1980 study reported fantasizing during heterosexual intercourse about "a scene where [they had] the impression of being raped by a woman" (3.2% often and 42.6% sometimes), 44.7% of scenes where a seduced woman "pretends resisting" and 33% of raping a woman.
So males and females do seem pretty alike in that regard, with the difference that men fantasize about being raped as well as doing the raping themselves
>the personal IS political
But then why is our society tuned in a way that makes it easier for women to climb the hierarchies? Where's that coming from? If women are entirely submissive and are okay with being degraded and men generally like to be in charge, our society kinda has it backwards
I am talking only about a group of lolicons and submissive males. They are also a group, so I don't know why you treat them differently. If men has a submissive fantasies, should we not give him the right to vote? Does someone who faps to loli once in a while should not be allowed around real kids? And "almost everyone" doesn't mean "a little over a half" as far as I am aware.
That only further proves my argument.
"Men want to do the raping and be raped".
Men are all over the place, equally dominant and submissive and individualistic.
Women are not. They are group thinkers. This is not good for democracy.
First of all, the "personal is political" is a statement that second wave feminists made to challenge the fact that you can't reconcile traditional gender roles with feminism:
I am, in some ways, appropriating that statement. Secondly, women are artificially propped up. Also, women aren't really in the upper echelons, that's still almost completely men.
Its not a little over half, it's like 95% of women are submissive in some way. There is no "group of lolicons" there is just "men who are lolicons", this is not the same as women who are, as SEX class, submissive.
>Men's sexual fantasies are incredibly diverse, from all sides of dom/sub dynamics to even just weird things like being turned into a newspaper or being eaten by giant women.
>Men's sexual fantasies
No, incels' sexual fantasies. 90% of men have never fantasized about anything weird like that and only watch vanilla porn (rarely).
lmao keep telIing yourself that
Keep telling yourself that Chad is secretly into cartoon vore if it makes you feel better. The reality is weird "fetishes" stem from lack of normal sex. When people who have normal sex develop fetishes it's always normie shit like feet or anal or at worst maybe pissing, stuff they then do with each other, not watch porn of. Having bizarre (unrealistic) porn fetishes = incel.
Those were just examples I used to describe insane fetishes.
Chad wouldn't be secretly into it, he'd be publicly into it and get girls to swallow things for him.
>The reality is weird "fetishes" stem from lack of normal sex
HAHA holy shit dude
>When people who have normal sex develop fetishes it's always normie shit like feet or anal or at worst maybe pissing
yea, you don't know what you're talking about at all. Fetishes are developed during childhood it literally has nothing to do with having sex regularly or 'kinks' (which are different from fetishes). If you're going to post don't waste people's time with this nonsense.
>That only further proves my argument.
Not really, because roughly 50% of males and 50% of females have fantasies about being raped. However, having rape fantasies is in no way an exclusive deal - you can have a variety of fetishes outside of that. And last but not least, having a fantasy or fetish doesn't say how often you engage fantasizing about it. You can have both vanilla and rape fantasies and how much space they occupy in your head is pretty individual. You might think about rape fantasies once in a month and about vanilla sex daily or vice versa. A fetish or fantasy is a fragment of a person, not all there is to it.
You are still missing the point. Rape is an extreme version of it and truthfully I shouldn't have said "rape" fetishes but rather ubiquitous submission.
95% of women are submissive, desire to defer to their man, be led, be controlled. Men are not like this as a group, women are. This is not an aspect of a group that should have political or economic power.
95% of men tend towards dominance.
We don't know how fetishes develop. We only know that they manifest themselves during or before puberty but not what causes them. That being said, you can rewire your brain through positive reinforcement loops like porn which might or might not lead to you developing (or maybe simply discovering) new fetishes along the way. The human mind is no easy mystery to unravel and simple statements about it are more often than not false. Simply put, we don't know how the brain works, we don't know what consciousness is and we generally don't know a lot about the brain, much less about the mind which is a result if the inner workings and mechanisms of the brain.
Because women don't think rape is wrong if Chad does it.
first of all, no not true, men are all over the place. Secondly, even if it were true, that would only further prove that they should be the only ones with political and economic power. If males as a sex class were all dominant and females submissive, then there is no way for them to be equal. That's contradictory and immoral.
People with fetishes universally have had them since childhood, and it then develops into a sexual fetish when they go through puberty. Foot fetishes always like feet, and then go through puberty and become sexually attracted to feet. Its like that for almost all fetishes.
I also don't understand how this has anything to do with claiming that only "incels" have insane weird fetishes. that's simply an objectively false statement, it's almost sounds like a coping mechanism of some sort.
>95% of women are submissive, desire to defer to their man, be led, be controlled. Men are not like this as a group, women are. This is not an aspect of a group that should have political or economic power.
Idk, honestly. Females tend to be very selective when it comes to being submissive. That and the question how the female empowerment meme gained so much popularity over the past decades if almost all women WANT to be submissive
You mean 'females are hypocrites".
It doesn't matter if they only want to be submissive on a particular man. Women as a group want to be submissive to men. The personal is political, It's not possible to have a group of people that submit, and for that group to be equal.
>past decades if almost all women WANT to be submissive
Women are all depressed as shit and they are ARTIFICIALLY empowered via laws that force people to bias themselves in their favor. There are laws and a shitload of research that shows women are catered to (women are wonderful effect, female teachers give female students better grades just because they're female, many other things).
>People with fetishes universally have had them since childhood, and it then develops into a sexual fetish when they go through puberty.
again I only have wikipedia but
There doesn't seem to be any consensus on how fetishes work.
Fair enough.
>Women are all depressed as shit
Everyone is desu, but the cause of that might not be singular. For example, I expect social media to have a tremendous negative impact on people that use it and there are studies popping up that indicate this. People are treated as products nowadays and that's what makes people unhappy, I think. Also diet - something so ordinary yet important seems to be almost always forgotten when it comes to mental health. There are people that have cured their depression with excercise and a change to a healthy diet
>he doesn't want a qt to force herself on him
Rape is the most patrician fetish, OP. Women have good taste in this regard.
Yes very true. Still, what I'm saying still stands.
Women as a class want to submit to men. This can not be rectified with equality, AT ALL.
This isn't just me making this up. Second wavers and radfems say the same thing but they take it to the "women SHOULD NOT EVER be submissive, all BDSM is bad and should be banned, any form of sexual submission to a man is internalized misogyny, all hetero sex is rape and reproduction should be done via insemination" etc.