Japanese people read from right-to-left. This is a known fact and this is how it always has been. So if they read the opposite way of us, why in the FUCK do Mario, Mega Man, Sonic the Hedgehog and everyone else run left to right like some fucking yankees?
Someone explain this fuck shit
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You think they fucking read theatre right to left you utter fucking dipshit don't ever fucking post again
very very very original post
Theatre is on a stage you cunt there's no right-to-left or left-to-right, it's right in front of you, asshole. Explain to me why Sonic the Hedgehog runs like a gaijin you fucking douche.
"Exit stage right."
Call me a brainlet, but OP makes a lotta sense
Fuck knows desu
Japanese and Korean can read left to right or right to left dumbass
"There's no right to left or left to right"
I don't expect much from Jow Forums but cunt you take the cake for dumbest fuck I have read today
are you retarded? what the fuck are you even trying say?
Because left is still associated with left-handed people which are evil (literally what "sinister" means), so you're unironically running from the bad side to the good side.
Not only retarded but also a normie, fuck off.
Probably so they can sell their shit to western customers
What the fuck are you even talking about retard? What does my post have to do with Facebook?
The Japanese write 2 ways: For official documents etc, they write top-to-bottom right-to-left. All other times, they write the same as us
Picrelated it OP who cannot perform even 30 seconds of basic research on a topic
If you pick up a Japanese book, it will start on what we see as the back. Their characters should run from right to left.
as far as I'm aware Humans prefer left to right in movement, it conveys speed and motion better. this weird preference doesn't apply to still images and text.
Their books go right to left dumbass
I am literally half Japanese and speak Japanese
Our books are usually written in the traditional up to down, right to left, but all of us can read left to right for everywhere else writing happens to be
Every single piece of writing that's not a very traditional piece of literature or a scroll or something is written left to right
>only write right to left on official documents
>my lolicon hentai doujins are written right to left
Are you trying to tell me that "Fondle Lillipop #3" is an official document?
You can exit stage left too idiot
funny enough, middle east movies tend to move from right to left, as arabic writing do
>Every single piece of writing that's not a very traditional piece of literature or a scroll or something is written left to right
So comic books are very traditional pieces of literature?
I'm not saying Japanese people read siht ekil, I'm saying the first page of a Japanese book would be the last page of a western book.
>Since the nineteenth century, it has become increasingly common for these languages to be written horizontally, from left to right, with successive rows going from top to bottom, under the influence of European languages such as English, although vertical writing is still frequently used in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau
Yeah your america-marketed manga goes right-to-left still because you're a fucking weeb and the gooks know you want your NEET comics to be as exotic as possible. But vast majority of everyday writing in japan is just like ours (left to right)
What? My point was that there is a difference between right and left on stage.
This whole thread is a shit show.
Not a single person understands anyone else.
I'm not talking about the writing, I'm talking about the pages, you fucking dick.
Would the first page of a Japanese book be the last page of an English one, yes or no?
Left to right. If written in columns, you read top to bottom starting from the rightmost column to the leftmost column. Pages in books in general, and dialogue/panels in comics flow from right to left visually, but still have left-to-right text inside bubbles. Fuck you.
>Pages in books in general, and dialogue/panels in comics flow from right to left visually
Yeah, the pages go fucking right to left. So why do video game characters run left to right?
Because a video game is not contained inside a book...?
>Vertical writing is still commonly used in Japan in novels, newspapers and magazines including the prolific manga comic book genre, while horizontal writing is used more often in texts, especially those containing English language references.
Literally one of three paragraphs specifically about Japan in the article you linked. Most all novels, literature, and comics are written vertically from right to left. Pay attention, idiot.
There has to be more to it than that.
They read from top to bottom and from left to right you ignoramus
this thread was very painful to read
>He doesn't read top to bottom in a self-created middle column and then from the bottom right to top left and then algorithmically determine the meaning of the literature based on the country of origin, type of publication, and size of the font
I forgot how many brainlets there are on this shit website
No one is saying Japanese people don't understand the concept of right and left.
That's localization. The run the other way in Japan. Here's an example.
l didn't ask for your sarcasm, fuck off cunt.
That's the Japanese version brainlet