Have you ever met someone by who uses Jow Forums? There's one in my college courses that is a complete autist and tries to out smart everyone. Interrupts the class multiple times with his "epic witty jokes"
Have you ever met someone by who uses Jow Forums...
in hs there was this failed normie who started conversations with me (i was too beta to tell him to fuck off) and one day he talked about Jow Forums
>"omg, Jow Forums is litterally the worst place on the internet"
>"i would use it but i'm afraid i'd get hacked"
>"dude literally the WORST place on the internet second to the dark web lmao"
>be me
>get job at IT company
>boss is an oldfag
>most skilled employer there
>get fired
shit was cash though
>sitting in fine arts appreciation
>two dudes behind me giggling about the 16M GET on /b/ last night
I felt like I needed to take a shower.
My friend does and we are both depressed junkie autists trying to improve ourselves who kind of hate it but hey it's common ground
My bad, 100M.
No, I hang out with super normies who think Reddit is too weird and outlandish for them.
at hotel, night desk guy said he browses internet to pass time, mentions Jow Forums. I instantly ask, what boards? tv? r9k? pol? or you a btard?.....of course he fucking says v.....then I thought to my self, skinny 20 somin year old kid with edgy arm tattoos....I should have kown it was v
There was a kid in high school who would call others "normies". Like, he would just scream "normies" at people.
When I asked him about it, I played dumb like I usually do when talking about Jow Forums.
>"Normies? Isn't that something from Jow Forums?"
>"Yeah, it's what they call non-channers."
>"So do you go on Jow Forums? What's it like?"
>"Nah, mainly I just use r/Jow Forums or watch the YouTube videos."
You can imagine my disgust.
My ex-MMA brother is on here. He's into a few conspiracy theories.
>le sekret club meme
Get a load of this retard. It's year 2018 and you still haven't realized that the shit people talk about is 99% of the time absolutely mundane.
Meanwhile have you figured out the cure to cancer?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I think somebody probably wrote that before.
Stop reminding me of all the times I mentioned Jow Forums in public thinking I was edgy.
There was someone who wore a Kekistani "Normies Get Out T-shirt to school
i feel your disgust
i have this one friend in my class who constantly says kek, posts 'do you know de wey' in the discord group and hates weebs
>my brother, who introduced me to Jow Forums. now somewhat of a normie, doesn't go on Jow Forums anymore, I still tell him about some of the stuff going on on here, we used to watch and play /f/lash games and such, we have watched porn together on /f/ too, we prank called a jeweler store asking for battletoads, I was 11 years old at the time
>my brothers friend, he was caught masturbating in my brothers room on his computer
>one of my old friends, he's really bulky, frequents Jow Forums and Jow Forums, also goes on reddit unironically
>saw a guy in walmart wearing a fucking KEK shirt unironically, either he goes to reddit or goes on Jow Forums
>probably a lot more of my brothers friends idk, he would talk to a lot of his friends about Jow Forums back in the day
My brother probably browses Jow Forums and "cringe" subreddits, his catchphrase is "libtards owned epic style"
"Normies" is a term only used by eternal newfags.
Unfortunately, I overhear some fags at my college about "how normies are over taking the cafeteria"
Thinking about it now, they probably don't even attend that college as I always seem to notice them in the same shitty corners of our college's cafeteria everyday. I start my classes at 11am and end it at 9pm and they're just there.
I'm pretty sure mine does as well, he went from being a MAGApede type to trying to get me to watch Varg videos the last time I spoke to him.
That Jow Forums isn't some kind of secret club. You are 100% open to talk about it if you want
I think I meet one frequently on the bus from school, but I'm not sure, so if anyone around Turnov,Czech Republic here- I'm that fembot weirdo who often stares at you
It's like one of the most used discussion boards in the western world. How would it be secret anymore?
Yeah back in HS a friend introduced me to Jow Forums. Been here since, though he no longer cones on Jow Forums himself. Who knew I'd still be here 8 years later.
I sit in the front seat in the front row whilst browsing Jow Forums and his in class on full brightness. There are two girls next to me who used to question what im doing and the. I showed them. They are now honorary Jow Forumsinas
Yup, I still text with the guy who introduced me to Jow Forums a few years back.
He's a bit more autistic than me but I really like him.
At the moment I'm trying to encourage him to finally talk to the girl he's in love with, but he doesn't wanna :/
A friend of mine uses this site
I was introduced to Jow Forums when I was 9 by some teenager who helped out in my sunday school. He killed himself a week later. 2008 was weird.
A close friend uses it.
He's basically like this, plus combination of that butthurt dweller meme from early 2010's, a virgin at 22(not if you count the prostitute), with a high standard for women.
He recently flunked law school and started going to a private college, which he insists is as good as the regular state college(not sure how is it out there, but here those are basically meme colleges for dumb rich kids, the smart rich kids go to state colleges).
He also has allegedly done that mensa testing and score 120, allegedly, though I remember him scoring 115 at the online test, which uses some light weight scale, so 150 at that scale would be probably 120 130 at most on the normal scale.
He's a walking meme in a way
No, but I did know a textbook edgelord like the OP image. Wore the same worn out leather jacket that smelled off piss, had long black hair, thought about the Matrix 24/7 and would window browse Katana's that some junk store carried.
hes blends in fine around normal people but me and him have fun with ironic memery
nothing obnoxious
Many times surprisingly
>my drug dealer I met in person turned out to be a massive poltard
>the first group of friends I really had as an adult, we played DnD together and magic the gathering, saw multiple people browsing boards on their phones but no idea what boards and didn't bring it up ad it seemed awkward
>some of my colleagues
I don't even live in a big city
I don't think I've met a single person in college who hasn't gone on Jow Forums at some point in their lives
even literal sorority girls
this meme about Jow Forums being some underground website needs to die
this place has been mainstream since 2009
There was a guy I worked with that looking bad must have browsed Jow Forums even though I didn't myself other than for porn. Must have been around 07-08. He was a massive WoW addict so it was most likely the case. Didn't revel his power level easily but kept going on about the Jews and how much he hated them which was something I didn't understand at the time.
My ex boyfriend
But you understand now I hope friend
Yes, I see the light now through the curtains of ignorance. It's quite funny looking back. We'd be sat in the canteen and some girl would come he knew from school and the first thing he brings up is that she's Jewish. Another time he said he hated a supermarket chain because the CEO was a Jew.
OP here, I was introduced to Jow Forums by a random guy who added me on Facebook in 2011. At this point I was turning 13 and my parents divorced and me and my mom moved out. The other guy Dad died when he started talking to me. He was 18 and I was 13 so it was kinda weird. He started hitting on me and guilt tripping me when I wouldn't say I love you back to him. I was straight and didn't even know where I aligned in sex preference. So I was kinda guilt tripped into being gay. He'd use his dads death against me whenever I wanted to stop talking to him and would explain how much he loved me. When he realized it didn't work with me he started pressuring my other friends to love him. He got my friend to send nudes (He was 13 too) for riot points in league. Got some other guys to interact with him sexually. We were obviously dealing with a pedo but we were too young to realize it and the constant guilt tripping didn't help. Lot's of creepy funny ass stories came from this guy though, still a big inside joke within my friend group. He'd type like "omg methinks you're super cute xD *interally pants*" it was fucking embarrassing. A few months ago me and my friends fucked with him and persuaded him that we wanted to have a threesome with him writing shit like "I wanna pull back your greasy black hair and hit from behind" then ditched that and sent "Take a seat, how many childrens minds have you destroyed..." We were fucking dying.
there's a reason that post is original
Also recently met some guy from Russia who's a pedo too. He showed me his giant collection of skype videos of underage guys, it was disgusting. He's funny as fuck too. In a Russian accent "When I move to America we get married and have gay sex for forever? Yes? You don't need your girlfriend ditch her you love me now" How do I keep finding these characters.
My only friend uses Jow Forums. He just looks at /b/ and saves nudes of random sluts in "pics you shouldn't share" threads. I try to get him to look at Jow Forums and Jow Forums because that's where the funny shit is nowadays, he only cares about nudes.
Porn over there now is fucking disgusting amateur 40 year old moms. I don't understand how you guys think it's attractive. I dunno if I'm remembering it wrong but it was more original stuff and less porn.
>Work in IT field
>I notice he has reddit on the screen at work
>Ask a question what subs he likes etc..
>He also goes to Jow Forums/reddit
>He mentioned a website known as Jow Forums
>I ask what he means, and than everyone goes silent
>Sit around other coworkers
>Nobody wants to tell me what Jow Forums is
>MFW I've been here for years.....
never met and i doubt that i ever will
Yeah this Asian dude I went to high school with. He gives me free drugs and spends all his time on Jow Forums and /a/.
Cool guy
I've met a fa/tg/uy at my LGS. He was actually a really cool dude, and we got along well. I wonder if I'll run into him again.
My brother is on Mewch and infinitychan. Also one (mullet) guy and another kid I go to tafe with. Pretty much our life consists of anger towards kikes and we talk about Jow Forums for at least half the day
My sister's boyfriend goes on /b/ just for rekt threads, but my best friend goes on Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
Literately everyone at the university I go to uses it, even the ugly roasties. It's basically popular as reddit.
There's only two chantards I know and both are pretty cool
One is an Indian guy who has a hot ass gf whose even more based than he is. (the guys fat idk how it happened). Both him and his gf go to the most prestigious uni in my country for a pre med programme.
The second is a white dude with an indian gf whose a complete weaboo but is well liked by everyone and a funny dude. He doesn't do very weel in school tho.
Neither of these guys are Jow Forumstards.
Oh yea forgot to mention two dudes from hs;
A black guy and a white guy. Both were relatively popular and really cool dudes all around desu. Had gf's and were generally completely normal
No idea why everyone has such bad experiences.