ITT: every board on Jow Forums is now a medieval kingdom
> /s4s/ is full of kids and teenagers and the king is a 13 year old
> Jow Forums struggles to stay alive because no one is fucking eachother and making kids
ITT: every board on Jow Forums is now a medieval kingdom
> /s4s/ is full of kids and teenagers and the king is a 13 year old
> Jow Forums struggles to stay alive because no one is fucking eachother and making kids
>Jow Forums struggles to stay alive because no one is fucking eachother and making kids
If only that were the truth, we'd have a horde of kids spawned from the same 20 or so whores that inhabit this board and all the top orbiters that follow each, we'd be so pathetic because we'd be a matriarchy headed by underage girls with severe mental issues.
/x/ is a bunch of occulists hiding out in caves desperately trying to summon a succubus
Jow Forums is a horde that invade and disrupt every other kingdom in the realm
/b/ is just a giant empty field where all kingdoms go to dump their waste
Jow Forums is the last bastion of Western Civilization and white nationalist Christo-Nazism composed exclusively of Hispanics and gypsies
/out/ refuses to build any permanent shelters and just wanders around all day long.
/diy/ is divided in those who build terrible structures and those who try to fix them with what little they have
?pol? is a Nazi - esc totalitarian dictatorship who hangs jews from the rafters and complains about there not being a white ethnostate for white people.
Jow Forums is a bishopric. The main people are all monks who do nothing but eat and transcribe old pastas. And while they hold some authority over themselves, they're still subjects of Chad Pope.
/mlp/ is the steppe horde that ends up conquering half of the continent.
We would pray for the polacks to succeed in battle
/lit/ is a haven for sages and wise men, but unable to fight, despotic government that values people by their witt
Jow Forums is full of strong buff men who are seasoned on fighting and invading, skilled in many sports, hierarchy based on gains.
/vg/ is more like a commonwealth of small kingdoms than a kingdom itself, each one with its one rules but sharing a higher rule set.
All the porn boards are occult outposts dedicated to pleasure travelers, they don't have a settled population and encourage behaviours not accpeted by others
/his/ is a kingdom located where many other kingdoms once existed, always lurking about them, despite their efforts most of them only engage in discusions about which one was better
/mu/ is a group of bards and troubadours who form a music conservatory, but quickly begin arguing over whether troubadours can be admitted because, according to the bards, lyrics don't matter.
Then the bards begin fighting over whether or not the lute is an instrument for soyboys.
Jow Forums spend all their time building the perfect trebuchet
Jow Forums has a booming economy and conquers all other kingdoms
Lmfaoed out loud
* white ethnostate for Argentinians
>lit is a haven for pretentious twiggy faggots, ruled by a clique that values people based on conforming to their reading list and opinions
>fit is a bunch of lardasses who keep saying "man I should get around to lifting" ruled by the few guys who actually lift, but governing is ineffectual because all the lardasses do is keep telling the fit guys they're lifting wrong
>vg is a bunch of tribes, each in a permanent state of civil war over whether their game is dead and shit or alive and not total shit
>porn boards are wandering gangs of rapists with specific fetishes looking for victims that fit the profile
>his is a library where every single librarian has his own collection books which are the sole undisputed truth
Jow Forums and Jow Forums operate interboardial weapon and bitcoin loaning trades, surpassing even the wealth of Jow Forums, and funding every major war
>Jow Forums manages to fuck up their only trebuchet despite spending all of their time working on it
Toppest of kekimus
Sounds fine by me
Oppai lolis for everyone
> /cm/ and /y/ become allies in seconds
Jow Forums is a melding of many small ethnic groups into one kingdom, which somehow still stands and functions.
Jow Forums is its slightly retarded sister kingdom.
/ck/ here, we made a McDonalds restaurant but we only serve McChicken sandwiches.
No Jow Forums is a bunch of brown people that kill each other because they're not white. Only the lightest brown shall prevail.
Your ass is a medieval kingdom
Why are the gates open?
JUSt. Assking
/b/ is the special needs class room. Everyone has their dicks out and touches each other inappropriately