Why are women so evil?

Why are women so evil?

What makes them that way?

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is she eighteen yo yet ?

Women have been ruining things for men since the beginning of creation.

never post this disgusting image ever again. god ciara is fuck ugly.

also because they are biologically wired to be manipulative.

she just wrote this.

Do you ask why the dog barks?

Tis their nature of course.

The unlimited amount of attention and validation they get from everyone. It's like, if you were born a female, you were born on the winning team, you never have to work hard for anything, so they take advantage of the moist whole between their legs, and do whatever the fuck she likes. At the end of the day, everyone is gonna agree with her.

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Women and Jews are evil and dishonest because they're lacking in strength and industriousness. They can't build, explore, endeavor, or do things straightforwardly, so they rely on tricks, cheating, taking, and parasitizing.

Normies just don't realize how much power these creatures have.
Every roastie has power equivalent of over 100 men.
Most of them don't use it cause they're stupid.

>Most of them don't use it cause they're stupid.
This is true. If I were a girl I would have a literal army worshiping me.

because only men were born to love men. nothing is more pure and good than a man-man relationship, sexually and emotionally.

it's not to late to become who you really are. there are hormones which are inexpensive and very effective.

That wouldn't give him power though
Just a limp dick

>>Why are women so evil?

they are not evil!!

women are cute! CUTE!!!

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>puts on a dress and wig
>gains a literal army
sweetie, anybody can be a woman and gain their strength. the problem with society is that some people still choose to be men.

Shes already made like 4K this week in pre orders from people requesting personalized nude vids and photos once she turns 18. Clever girl. Get in before the waiting list gets too long

they don't have power they only have power in love and sex and if you let them make you do other things in life because of those 2 reasons then its the same as letting a drug make you do things.
no only if you knew how to manipulate the right way and that would take alot of masterminding and brain power.
this is true i know alot of girls that are pieces of shit and everyone just agrees with them or does stuff for them cause they don't want confrontation with a girl or to hurt their feelings.

there's a video of elizabeth slapping aubrey plazas ass and she gives her a smirk. they totally fugged

>"quick do something quirky and cute there's a camera pointed at me!"
lizard brain

Let me guess she'll never deliver anything

that was a genuine care for her friend, stop the hate!

>love and sex
Yeah the two most important things in modern society after money

>love and sex
if you aren't a normie you can put love and sex in its own category and see there are alot more things going on in life other than just that. so its easy to not give women power. its all the normies and other people giving them power.

You're absolutely right, but i have to say men are at fault too. Woman only have that much power because man let them, in the hopes of MAYBE getting sex. All because most men are sex obssed retards, a wet hole in the middle of some dumb bitch's legs is just so important for us that we are willing to let them walk all over us, just to fell good for a few seconds when we nut.

You know I could wear a wig and wear fake silicone boobs and pull it off.
I know exactly what viewers would want.
The only problem would be my adams apple, my five oclock shadow, my broad shoulders...

it doesn't matter what a girl looks like, she'll have an army of chads by her side all the time. nobody will even care that you have a dick. as long as you are a girl, you have unlimited power on this world

>love and sex, the two most important things in modern society after money
God how did we let it come to this?

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because life is more important than fantasy

That's always been the common pleb's obsession, user.

Yes. She posted her bday a while back.

because arranged marriages stopped being a thing
hyper gammy is now a thing.
and men aren't real men any more.
they have been subverted by brainwashing of society.

>It doesn't matter what a girl looks like, she'll have an army of chads by her side all the time
While ugly woman still have it easier them man, they are far from having someone "unlimited power".

Safe to assume puberty is in the process of slamming this girl like a dump truck. Bitch is probably going to be hot as hell in her 20's

Why did you post that picture? v

still amazes me how much of a degenerate she managed to become at such a young age.

hypergamy is a myth. and in arranged marriages you were typically still in other relationships

Get the fuck out fag, no one cares that you're gay

you seem to have gotten lost, roastie.

i think she looks good this is what she looks like now.

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Women don't get rejected like men, so they never worry about it because they never have to face it.

>hypergamy is a myth
Get a load of this idiot.
>why are are women so evil?
it's human nature to get what you can. Pic related.
Women have all the advantages at that age. Those advantages run out pretty fast, so she has to profit from it while she can.

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can you please stop forcing this crack whore?

Well... now that she's 18 and you don't go to jail if you jerk off to her body... where are the nudes?

you are right they never have to feel embarrassed for feel like they did something wrong because there is always someone else waiting in line to support them.
and then the women will go and tell other men how weak or beta they are. thats the biggest load of shit there is. its like women aren't self aware of what is going on. or they have no good morals empathy or conscious at all.

Ah, I was expecting something a little more hot. Maybe give it a little longer. If she's not at least an 8/10 when she's prime. Mother nature was just being a cruel bitch to this one.

L'isola dei morti, it depicts Charon, Hades ferryman, taking a soul to the underworld. That might be too dramatic but i thought it was appropriated.
I also like oil paintings.

if hypergamy was real then ugly guys wouldn't exist.

Good question. I don't think they really exist.

this is what she looks like now at 18 in 5 days . what do you think.

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hot people can make ugly kids you tard.

Tell her to stop cutting her arms

nope. it would be a waste of energy.

I wanna play a drum solo on her buttcheeks.

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Definitely what I was kind of expecting. And you be careful what you post my dude, some lowlife on here may dox her my dude. The cast is a little weird tho? She cut or was it an accident?

untrue, If I do say so myself my family is quite handsome, except for me who is the ugly runt.

A girl in high school called me a faggot because I was Bisexual, so I got in her face about it and her boyfriend tried to get in mine but I beat the shit out of him while she was trying to pull me off. They never reported it to the police because they were afraid that the school would figure out about it. We all ended up friends strangely enough.

deformed people would still exist, but it wouldn't take very long for all ugly genes to disappear.

I don't understand, this is her now at 18? But I've seen this pic already, and the way her hair is swept back is kind-a 2015 imo.

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It's men who caused it

she cuts herself and stuff.

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age 15 to 18

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You will always get uggos. for example because you have this thing called "recessive genes". These are genes that you carry but which may not produce any affect. Say two beautiful people fuck, but both of them have the recessive gene for ugliness, then there is a chance their offspring will be ugly.

Trying to figure out what she is watching on tv. Anyone know?

so shes a wagie now?

there's something called "selective pressure" read about it

just tell me, i told you about genes.

Women aren't evil because they lack sentience, they are just stupid, impulsive, primitive animals who are incapable of reasoning, all they can do is react emotionally to everything. This suits them well in their biological role of raising babies and children, but extremely maladaptive if not lethally dangerous in all other regards. Females need to be subjugated and contained for the good of humanity, the Earth and the universe.

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i'll tell you if you agree that the future of humanity is in the hands of gay men because women are evil.

Yeah, she's kinda hot but needs to quit that shit. It's sad really, looks like dating material but if there's one rule we should follow its to not stick your dick in crazy. What's your relation anyway. Why she an "evil bitch".

Hopefully her new bf (apparently) will care for her and give her a reason not to hurt herself anymore. Assuming he can handle her when Ciara turns into Eliza...

Lol. Then I'll never know.

im not the one that called her evil but there is alot of people on here that have stories about why they think she is evil. i dont think she is evil but i know she hurts my feelings alot and its my own fault but whatever.

shes been working at target for a while now and was working at a grocery store before that.

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Sounds to me like she's got issues. Would say not to take her shit anons. wamen are not above the law. To the user whos dateing her make her a better person. And to the user who has his feelings hurt, remember she works at target, not exactly the shit to brag about. Be humble anons.


I havent seen this one before, fucking kek

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Fucking dieing, have never come across this meme before. Feel like a tard, yeah again don't stick your dick in crazy or cringe. Needs to sort her shit out.

where will she start working once shes 18 ?

a whorehouse

Best guess, she will ditch the losers she lives around and head straight for LA.

faciaI abuse

>and I'm fully for the beta uprising as a beta female
Everybody fall in line, we got a new commander

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She's said before that she wants to be a pharmaceutical technician during college

why not las vegas ?

Being an ugly woman is the same as being a man. Find yourself an ugly woman to marry


kek are you guys that pathetic

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Being physically inferior led women to develop other skills in order to survive: being mean, false, deceptive..."evil" in one word