he used to be mildly okay looking now he looks like Guillermo del toro got a divorce and became a morbidly obese bot
What happened
Ever since his show got canned he's gone off the deep end. Why else would he commit mass murder several times?
no heidecker here just a fembot into slightly weird looking men
actually yeah you're probably right, his social media is a total mess, equivalent to a snowflake style breakdown when she hasn't made enough money camming to keep making slutty cosplay for a living
he started injecting testosterone and doing GOMAD + smoking a shit ton of cigars every day while charging five dollars a month for his 50 minute long schizophrenic car ramblings
source on the testosterone injection thing?
He used to be surprisingly handsome.
He got railroaded, blacklisted, and realized that the system will never allow him to be successful at normal media again. Kind of a sad story if you think about it. Spend your whole adult life building a profile, actually achieve something through talent and merit, and then have it all torn away from you for no other reason than the system can't allow young white males to have an outlet.
>t. Hydewars subscriber
This I know Sam said he looks like a hobo for comedy but He's a tall, built, handsome guy underneath it all and he should really take advantage of that while he still can. Plenty of time for looking like a hobo when you're old.
quit exercising, started hitting the sauce. Happens to everyone
I know, I'm pissed. Crazy but fuckable. Now he's absolutely insane and absolutely unfuckable.
>he used to be mildly okay looking
I always thought he was extremely ugly.
He has severe mental illnesses. I know he jokes around a lot but behind the scenes he's pretty insane. The guy legit punches holes into his doors and writes on his walls and stuff. Nowadays he looks like an even more disgusting, even more delusional Karl Marx.
It's all memes, he's doing fine, sam is a bitcoin millionaire now.
pretty sure he does all the shit for the sake of his comedy
ofc a roastie is only in it for the looks
Not only that, but also shits all over a guy when he's at a low point. Still trying to work, trying to be funny, but he's not at his peak so he's useless to a roastie.
That's what you would tend to think, I know. And I'm not saying he can't be funny sometimes, he can put on a funny persona sometimes that isn't himself, but that doesn't mean he's completely normal behind the scenes. That's very black and white thinking. "Oh it's an act so he must be normal in everyday life".
Yeah man I molest my infant sister but only I R O N I C A L L Y
as if this isn't a normal occurrence for half the bots on this board
oh, i know he's far from normal, but he knows exactly what he's doing and just plays to it.
He fucked up a cycle
(Muted for two seconds)
>pumps and dumps Marky
>also beats her
>gets his dream shattered to bits right in front of his eyes
>also kind of an unstable guy using comedy as an outlet
>should really take advantage of that while he still can
how do you know he hasn't
who do you think films all those videos for him? he always has a girl around him
I identify with Sam on a deep personal level, he looks very similar to me and his behaviour and family life reflect mine also, he has chosen to do what I could not; to pursue a creative outlet for the unfairness he has realised in life whereas mine was through science and mathematics (due to experiences that shaped me in my youth), and props to him for pulling it off and getting his TV show.
He is experiencing manic depression, the best case scenario for someone like him is to prepare for older age where time will let you sit on past mistakes.
I imagine that getting his show cancelled and getting too wrapped up with conservative politics (which would cause (((THEM))) to blacklist him and ruin his chances for success) has something to do with it. I know that when I am off medication I tend to eat a lot to quell the dread and hopelessness and I get fat really fast. As others have said, Sam is most likely an unstable individual who is experiencing a particularly nasty episode of whatever mental illness he has
:not paying 5 dollars to hear schizophrenic car ramblings
This is a morph from lookism Tbh lads
He still looked like himself by august of last year.
Oh, forget it. That was 2016.
The perfect example of why you don't do drugs.
Maybe he is slaying mad pussy right about now. He has got to have some fangirls he just has to find them