Man hate general

Post stories and images of men being complete fucking trash.

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All people a trash. This is nothing new.

I post this on the women hate threads as well.

go back to lolcow. they do have real men hate threads, yet you persist here like i give a shit what you think.

You do realize that men cheat for different reasons than women, and that this man essentially proves that?

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Like 70% of all prostitute customers are married men, this is gonna be one desolate thread btw

Here's the thing, femanon.
The worst man is definitely really really bad, way worse than the worst women (to my knowledge). But the average woman is much worse than the average man, and the best men are better than the best women. Overall, it spreads out such that women are worse as a group than men, but not by much desu.

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>its okay when we do it bc nature
>but they are evil by nature when they do it

A literal fucking retard in the wild! Nice to meet you :)

Women are just less diverse, and more incompetent.

Dumb asshurt roastie.
Men need to fuck other holes so it's justified.

I didn't say that women who cheat are evil, and I didn't say that women cheating is natural. You just jumped to that on your own like a fucking idiot.

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>Being this much of a hypocrate

How can a "robot" like you think that its is ok for you to cheat but not your partner?
You hold the same mentallity as the roasties do, yet you hate them.

Shit ass people like you are some of the reasons why everyone thinks this board is full of angry men desperate just for pussy.

You are literally a roastie trapped inside a robot's body.
Get the fuck out you piece of amphibian shit.

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I don't think you know what that word means, ma'am.

So for you being a traitor and someone you cant trush even the deepest feelings is someone that is not "evil" at all?
Trust is one of the most fundamental things for a human to develop and society as a whole, yet you think that everything would work like the same if thrush was taken from the equation.

>You just jumped to that on your own like a fucking idiot.

He assumed those things because he though you were someone with at least a pinch of human decency.

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>Marrying Chad
She got what she deserved

>Says cheating is ok
>Calls other anons "roasties"

Did you by any chance finish highschool?

Talk about the most obvious fake story in existence.

really making me think hard on this one

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Excuse me for not being able to read stupid, ma'am. I'll try my best to interpret what you've said and respond to it.

>So for you being a traitor and someone you cant trush even the deepest feelings is someone that is not "evil" at all?
I believe that this is in reference to my point of how I don't believe that women who cheat are evil. In my opinion, women who cheat are doing so because they're misguided. They cheat on their men because their men aren't running shit. Naturally a woman will gravitate towards a man that can provide what she's looking for. If you want me to expand on that, I will.

>Trust is one of the most fundamental things for a human to develop and society as a whole, yet you think that everything would work like the same if thrush was taken from the equation.
Not really, I just believe that women are stupid, with all due respect. I can't trust a seven y/old as well as I can trust my actual friends and family, and placing my complete trust in a vessel of idiocy such as a woman would be my fault entirely.

>He assumed those things because he though you were someone with at least a pinch of human decency.
She assumes things because she's stupid, I don't know what my dignity has to do with this topic.

>says cheating is ok
I'm not hearing an argument on why men shouldn't be allowed to chase different pussy like we're supposed to.

>says I'm calling people "roasties"
I haven't said roastie in this entire thread. Have you read this whole conversation? It astounds me sometimes the length to which you idiots will go to assume things.

>Did you by any chance finish highschool?
With a 4.0.

This one time, a creepy nerd non-chad actually had the nerve to talk to me like oh my gawd

>with a 4.0

Don't know what that means except Ameritard education. Opinion disregarded.

So let me get this straight,

You say that women are stupid and cheat in search of a better male, and men should feel free to do the same.

If this is the case then i can respect that opinion, i just dont think that would be good for society and future generations as whole.

Do you want us to draw closer to the animal kingdom? Even though there are species that are just as monogamous as we are.

You know this stuff, good.

>marrying a who has a bachelor party

She had it coming

Lol soycuck

haha! I love Patrice. He's so wrong it's funny.

Fuck Jow Forums. I'm so tired of this faggot fucking board. Hurrr all women are evil see this reddit story proves it! Hurrr all men are evil see this reddit story proves it!!!!! LOL Why are you not a sissy trapboy lel just turn gay. ENOUGH. FUCK THIS BOARD. There is nothing ever good here, just miserable fucking people making themselves more miserable and trying to reaffirm every person in the world is garbage so they can cover for the fact they don't do anything. FUCK IT ALL.

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I guess it was nice having this discourse then. You can always change your brainlet ways.

That isn't what I'd say I'm saying, I think of it more like men want a bunch of different pussy to fuck once, and women want a single dick to fuck a lot. Monogamy is only on the woman's side. If a girl is acting polygamous, she's bound to be miserable and discontent.

wrong about what? Patrice was pretty good with women

Oh please, prove me wrong on anything. Patrice is a fucking god.

So if women are the most monogamous, and just want 1 dick, why do you say you cant trush them?

Because they're full of nonsense, and this applies to virtually everything including fidelity. A lot of guys can't pull off the attitude becoming of someone in charge nowadays, so we have to change the way we view relationships. Only then will we be able to trust women.

>men would rather fantasize about fictional women than juatoqer their standards because they're so friend on media

And they wonder why we go after Tyrone

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So you say man can be trusted even thought you say they are the ones looking for diferent pussy and cant commit to one woman?

here we go again
Trusted by whom? A woman should have full knowledge and even expect her man to "cheat" otherwise known as "get different pussy from time to time". If I recall, I don't even believe that I ever said I think that trust is a key issue.

>You will never be a masculine Chad who can easily fuck prostitutes without caring about how meaningless and pointless the sex was

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To specifically fuck prostitutes, you don't need to be a Chad. You just need money.

I have tons of money, and my dick tells me to fuck hot prostitutes all the time, but my brain still has this mental block, I simply can't do it.

Having sex with someone who is only doing it because I gave them $150 would crush me inside even more

You obviously give a shit since you replied to this.

>than juatoqer their standards
do what now

Then why don't you go the traditional way and look up some whore on tinder?

Because the few matches I managed to get were so ugly they made me feel bad about them and about myself

i dont think you even realise how incredibly petty you are

>man, once I'm married, if I have sex with someone other than my wife, I'll be cheating on my wife.
>oh, I know! I'll cheat on her so that I don't have to cheat on her.

>cheating in general
>g-guys I care about pussy more than I care about another person
>sexorz!!! I can't control my desirezzz! Haha did someone say vagina?

T. Male who is shitposting while literally shitting on toilet, but is also serious desu senpai

> man hate threads are so petty
> but woman hate threads are funny and completely justified!1!!1!

Having sex with dozens of prostitutes is very Chad like and alpha

This. Chad fucked Stacy in High School and many other girls "for free" in his life, sex is not a big deal for him.

But I can't do it because I am a virgin incel and sex is an huge deal for me, I might never be able to have and enjoy sex

>fantasize about fictional women
>juatoqer their standards because they're so friend on media
Y-yeah, I think the former is a safer bet.

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Monogamous women are women too ugly to be huge sluts and take turns on Chad's cock with the others

Monogamous men are men too ugly to bang a different hot bitch every week

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You can't trust an apple tree to grow oranges, I agree. Does that make the apple tree evil, because "other people" A.K.A. (You) want it to grow oranges? No. The way the apple tree is is the way it fucking is.

Now If you'll go back and read what I've said, I don't consider a woman who cheats "trash" or an evil person. I consider the man that's responsible for her NOT cheating a dunderhead for letting it happen. See the rebbit fag in OP's picture? He's afraid of his fucking wife. He's afraid of a woman leaving him. Why is he afraid? What's a woman going to do besides, ultimately and at the worst, leave him? If he wants to get different pussy, then introduce different pussy into the relationship in a way that stupid women will be alright with it (i.e. threesomes).

Thanks for the retard pill. Polygamous women are miserable.

They are miserable after turning 35 and being unable to keep being huge sluts

Women love being whores, keep coping, though, I bet you think they got "brainwashed" into doing it.

>Women love being whores
Oh yes, that explains why they're all so sad and out of their element.
Pic related, it's you.

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>muh women are sooo sad :(

Did you even read my fucking post? Only after they hit the wall, while being sluts, they LOVE it.

What is your definition of a whore? Most women like sex, I agree. But so do most men. What makes picking up guys at a bar more 'slutty' than picking up girls?

Are you completely out of your fucking mind?
There isn't a single slut on this earth that is happy with their situation.

Because men know that girls can get laid anytime they want. What we also know is that if a woman is getting laid by an ever changing human resources department, she isn't KEEPING a man. She can't get a man to stay with her. That's the source of the ridicule.

Woman hate on men for not being a man
Men hate women after the soul is crushed by them

for anyone that thinks both men and women only hate the opposite is false
i hate faggots that both sleep around like retards

Men do it because they enjoy it, women do it because they can get something out of it (aka prostitutes) like money and status

>There isn't a single slut on this earth that is happy with their situation.

Keep coping

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Women always hate men no matter what.

Too masculine? Women hate you
Too effeminate? Women hate you
Too confident? Women hate you
Too insecure? Women hate you

Hating women is simply being reciprocal, too bad most men still love and worship women though.

Man hate Thread

Hmm. Must be that time of the month.

Coping would imply that there are happy sluts content with sleeping around, which there aren't.

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You are coping by telling yourself that women are naturally monogamous and hate being sluts, which is not the case.

So why no happy pornstars, no happy prostitutes, no happy sluts? Is it just a coincidence that they're all miserable? Do you see the reason there's an evolutionary advantage to have as many children with one man as possible? Or do you think that we're above animals?

Wew boy, nice step on the biology depqrtment right there.
All your argument falls apart easily, just take into consideration, why do women have sex, what is the purpose of sex?
You might tell yourself "it's for pleasure" all you want, you know sex only gives off pleasure because it implies reproduction.

All I got from this is that you're a beta male who will get cucked

They are all "miserable" after they stop making bank and are too ugly to keep being sluts, then they turn 180 degrees and become conservative christian mothers, lmao!

There is a thing called condom, ever heard about it? Women use it nowadays, so they can fuck without having babies

I know it might be a shock to you that women are fucking without wanting to have babies, but if you leave your house sometimes you will see this is fairly common

I think you are so retarded that you can't even answer correctly. We were never talking about when "a woman becomes ugly".

As for your response to the other person, could you at least re-read what he said and figure out that fucking "just to fuck" is there simply because the brain is rewarding you for doing something it thinks is going towards reproduction. It's the same reason why people masturbate.

Perhaps you could provide some example of a woman who genuinely enjoys being a slut? For example, a pornstar who works for a company, but refuses pay. Someone who would fuck a bunch of different dudes for free. Better yet, a prostitute that would just give pussy away for free.

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>Perhaps you could provide some example of a woman who genuinely enjoys being a slut? For example, a pornstar who works for a company, but refuses pay.

>A whore
>Refuses pay

You are dumber than I thought, and considering how stupid I thought you were, that's quite an accomplishment.

Surely you understood at least a 10th of what I meant. Show me an example of at least one woman who fucks multiple men for the sake of fucking.

I never really got the whole "I'm never going to be able to sleep with someone else after I'm married" logic. You're just as capable of cheating after the ceremony as you are before.

I never said they fuck only for fucking, you inbred retard

Women fuck high status, rich Chads to get up in the social ladder, and they love every second of it, to hot women, men are simply steps to get to the top of the world.

And the only women who say they prefer to be in a monogamous relationships are the ones too ugly and disgusting to attract Chad's cock

women are better than us and we deserve to die

Then leave, you idiot.
Nobody is forcing you to stay, and nobody wants you to stay.

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You fucking retard, Chad is a single person that they, in the hypothetical, are competing for. You've literally proved my point. Women, when they date, are scratching the lottery, hoping for Mr. Right so that she can have her future with and ONLY fucking with Mr. Right.

Women will gladly take turns on Chad's cock

And Tyrone's cock

And Abdul's cock

A bitch who enjoy fucking different alphas is not someone who wants monogamy, DUMBASS.

Why the fuck is there a man hate thread on Jow Forums. And its an unironic one too. What the absolute flying fuck. Jesus what happened to this board. Women ruin fucking everything don't they

it was ruined the second it became all about "muh tfw no gf", "im so ronery guys i want pussy"

Now hold up.

You can't just pull that out of your ass after you say women will "take turns on Chad's cock". There is no "different alphas". If that's true then there's no reason to "take turns".

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Hahahaha! Chad realizing he's not going to get to crush anymore pus

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Chad bangs 7 hot girls a week

Women have lower libido, so they fuck like 1 different Chad every week

It can also happen that Chad fuck 3+ girls in the same night, that's why I am talking about taking turns, women are all whores, no exception, some are just too ugly to do it.

Alright, now show me a documented case of this mythical occurrence of sex every day of the week for a man
women constantly swapping partners and fucking loving it.

>without wanting to have babies
You didn't get my post, this is beyond what you want or not silly.
This is about why do you even feel that need in the first place, the brain wants sex because it wants babies, there is no "fun" button on the brain.

That's just an easy way to explain it so complete retards like you could understand it

> the brain wants sex because it wants babies

You know way too little about evolution.

We evolved pleasure to reproduce, but women can cheat the system by using condoms, so they fuck only for the pleasure of acquiring resources and high status, and THAT is why women are WHORES, they use their vaginas to get to the top.

So in other words, your explanation is explaining something that doesn't exist and therefore unnecessary.

why is cheating so fucking common?

its so fucking stupid, its not that hard to understand. if you're going to cheat, break up with the person first, idc how you do it.

Its easier to use numbers so retards can understand but your level of retardation is just too much, you need an expert to explain you simple concepts. I am starting to wonder if you have a vagina yourself, considering how hard you are trying to defend women.

Girls also do it because it's fun. What other reasons do they have to hit on random guys at parties?

I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with hookup culture, but both men and women are at fault.

Yeah, there's girls who get "sugar daddies", or sleep with their professors for high grades. That's pretty slutty. But it's not something done by the majority of women.

Yeah, but numbers are pretty pointless if they don't match up to represent reality clearly. he fact of the matter is that men want a bunch of different women and women want a single man. Really, huh, both men and women are polygamous? Oh yeah, that really poses an evolutionary disadvantage for a woman. Would you consider that a flaw? Probably not, because you can say that women fuck (enter value) men for no reason and then skirt around providing me with a single instance of it happening. Wew lad, nice talking with you.

>it's not something done by the majority of women.

Because the majority of women are too ugly to do it.

The majority of men are too ugly to bang many hot chicks, which is the reason we don't do it, and many of us will even pretend we are monogamous simply because we can't live a Chad lifestyle.

>women want a single man

t. blind man who never left his house

>There isn't a single slut on this earth that is happy with their situation.

>that perfectly explains how college girls try to sleep with more guys then every other girl
Keep going, the moment you wake up and relaise that your special snowflake once had three dicks in her ass at once that she sucked off afterwards will surley feel good for you.

But user, sluts are soooo sad! The only reason they keep being sluts is because they like being sad!!!

Honestly this is so tame compared to the shit women do if this is the best you can come up with its sad. Men don't do actually evil shit like women do unless they're crazy that's the difference all women will rationalize any evil deed