
Be honest Jow Forums, do you ever mansplain?

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Yeah. Now I don't talk.

Could not give a fuck.

How could we mansplain when 60-70% of this board doesn't have the balls to talk to girls?

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Fuck off, medium rare roastie.

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I'd have to actually speak to a female for that to happen

shes probably confusing mansplaining with guys trying to not offend this ugly roast.

>black bitch smarter than anyone

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No. I expect people to know what they are doing at work and if they fuck things up, I'll insult them for it.

Generally I do unless by some Jewish trickery the woman has power over me. They're basically children.

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>I am smarter than you

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Why does this smart woman ask a question without a question mark. Why does she expect men to know what her fields of expertise are and what she doesn't know. Doesn't that make you think, robots.

I don't speak so no.

Really does.

Why are women always cuntplaining?

Women have no empathy, do not realize men encounter annoying know it alls who try to explain everything but are not concise about it at all

Yeah. Because intelligence doesn't determine your knowledge.

I say "do that"
When she fails at doing it, I throw a hint on how to do it, then I explain it once and leave her to do it.
If she fails, I throw a hint again.
If she still fails, I do it with her so she might learn how to.

Some days into this and she started asking me to teach her the stuff.
Damn girls can't fix a printer.

I'm a teacher.
I guess mansplaining is my job then.

this is a very clever play on the word "complaining" and i applaud you for your positive contribution to this thread. i will definitely use this line

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I actually thought it said "women" in the thumbnail.

I mean shit, how many times have you heard women (especially feminists) phrase arguing their opinions as "educating you"?

Only when I know im right. Otherwise if I'm wrong I say sorry and admit I was wrong.

Women like confident leaders so men try to be confident leaders in the presence of women

Women are very paranoid about seeming too nerdy or making others feel uncomfortable by seeming smart. They also rarely talk over people. Men are just honest and share what they know if it is relevant.

If you think what a man is obvious just cut him off and say: well yeah sure obviously.

This is not complicated.

when people assume i don't know things that i do know i tell them i know that already
these women just don't want to come off as cunts i guess so they just shut up but im autistic to a high degree probably so i just tell people if they're telling me something i already know

Nope, I don't speak to people because I'm too shitscared of being accused of something like this and being jumped for it.

>Women are very paranoid about seeming too nerdy or making others feel uncomfortable by seeming smart.
Nah, they're just stupid.

Probably, not on purpose though. Most women I've ever interacted with have been brainlets, so I might do it subconsciously even when it's not warranted.

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>trying hard to please women

top kek
the absolute state of cucks in 2018

It's a rhetorical question.

Maybe because thats just how some people talk? Fuck off womens.

Mansplaining is the default. Because the world is full of women and overgrown boys.

>rostie gets BTFO'd in argument
>hurrr stop mansplaining

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