>have 10 page essay to write
>go on /his/ archive
>search my topic
>rewrite what anons have wrote in my own words
anyone else do this? so easy
Other urls found in this thread:
Guys, how does one research possible PhD's? There are so many people in so many countries.
>tfw 1500 word essay due tomorrow
>haven't started
>algebra homework still not finished
>its fucking impossible
FUCK uni am i right boys?
Is the Student Union in every university full of faggots?
This is one of the most prominent members of my university's student union. "he" looks like a fucking girl. The hyper-extending elbows are just the cherry on top. What the fuck is wrong with student unions?
>he's trying to do gay shit like be part of his uni's Student Union
Odds are you look more like him than you'd care to admit. It's a special kind of tryhard that's entirely reserved for ugly people.
I'm definitely not trying to be a part of the student union. I would rather kms than hang around those kinds of people. The problem is they just can't help but butt their heads into everything that's going on around the university so you almost can't avoid interacting with them.
Only people I see care about my uni's SU are freshman and bottom of the barrel tryhard normies
speaking of freshman
I have 0 idea who is in my Student Union who gives a fuck about those?
What do you think? There's a special kind of person that seeks the attention and mock influence of a student body or youth political party. This is also why most political parties are filled with bureaucrat trash; people who have climbed the social hierarchy of the party through social connections and subtle backstabbing rather than skill or experience in an actual field of work.
Can anyone explain the concept of linked lists to me (specifically in C++)? I'm teetering on failing my second level programming class (aced the first one), and I'm already destined to fail another class so I can't take it. I'm about to finish my sophomore year so I'm in too deep, can't drop out/switch majors, but I'm in a real shit situation. Test on wednesday
I tried asking this in another thread and garnered zero responses, so I'll ask again.
I'm in my 3rd semester of 4 at a Community College with plans to enroll in a UNI to start my Junior year. For all 2 years at CC, I've gotten scholarships that've made the entire experience free.
How the Hell do Student Loans work? Do they drop my credit score? Do I take out all the money at once, or is it per semester?
Is it really that terrible? Should I attempt to live off the money in the dorms or maintain my fulltime job?
Same with RA's/RM's, those fuckers drive me nuts, and I hope the working world blindsides them like I think it will.
Getting a "leadership" position from the Office of Residence Life doesn't make you my boss, if you want me to recognize you as such, you either give me a paycheck, or earn my respect. My freshman year RA is the only one that I respected as a mentor. The rest can suck my dick. I don't care if the ugly cow who supervises the building says you can act like my superior, neither of you are paying my room and board rate.
Spend summer reading and catching up.
>How the Hell do Student Loans work? Do they drop my credit score? Do I take out all the money at once, or is it per semester?
>Is it really that terrible? Should I attempt to live off the money in the dorms or maintain my fulltime job?
All of this will depend on where you live, and you can probably get good info if you call your bank or campus counselor (it's their job to spoonfeed you information).
How it works where I live; you apply for a student loan, you get a sum of money every 6 months, and you pay no interest while studying. If you fail you'll have to pay everything back, but if you get through your entire course and get a degree they automatically write of about a third of your loan. Obviously you should never go into debt if you don't have to, don't take a loan if you don't need it. If you have a job, stick to your job. If it is full time try to switch to part time so you have time to study. Most universities offer video recordings of lectures, so you can easily work a couple of days a week without missing too much.
Anyone here studying Finance?
How is it
>Do they drop my credit score?
Probably a little, but its not going to ruin you
>Is it really that terrible?
They're not great. I spend a moment stressing about them just about every day
>Do I take out all the money at once, or is it per semester?
For me I tell them how much I need, and they deliver half around the start of each semester
>Should I attempt to live off the money in the dorms or maintain my fulltime job?
Depends on how close the uni is or how hard your major is. Unless you are in a bullshit major, a FT job and uni can get real tough
I'm with you too mate. Fuck it and fuck me.
My normie pills aren't working today either.
What can you possibly not understand? It's just a data structure with a pointer to an object and then a pointer (link) to the next data structure in the list.
Look it up on any MOOC, this is not something to fail over.
they don't have an effect on your credit score, you owe the loan to the federal government and it is understood that you pay it at a rate dependent on your income.
how long have you done this for? I mentioned that I was doing this last semester in /uni/. it should really catch on though since the people in /his/ /lit/ and /sci/ are legitimately autistic and will write novels about certain ideas
I study accounting at a university that holds accounting majors to higher standards than finance. its easy if you can deal with failed normalniggers harassing you for networking or trying to make themselves feel better by asking what you got on a certain assignment
>TFW 3 5000word term papers and 2 exams all due/on friday.
>aced first year programming
>struggling with linked lists
every node in a linked list is a container object that contains some data and a pointer to another node.
the entire list isn't stored in a struct or object, you only have to keep track of the first element
why the fuck would you use them over arrays?
O(1) insertion/deletion
easy to adapt into a direct graph
why the fuck are they shit compared to arrays:
access is O(n) compared to constant array access
memory/time overhead from dereferencing pointers is expensive
just use fucking vectors or arraylists instead of this garbage please
>guys uni is so hard! i only had two weeks to write 10 double spaced pages! thats like one paragraph per day! im so fucked
>had a month to write a program + documentation
>spent most of it writing the program and didn't even touch the documentation
>program still buggy as fuck
>one week left and all I have is a buggy program and no documentation
who else /retarded/ here
This desuyo, double spacing makes all the standard uni paper work so fucking easy. All these people acting like it's such a monumental task when a paragraph and a half can fill an entire page if you bullshit enough.
arrays are finite.
when you want to create a list of something, you literally allocate memory to do it. if you make an array, you have to make an array of size whatever, and then the language will allocate that much RAM
when you want to add more stuff to it, you cant, because there are only 10 slots. so you now need to initialize a new array of size (10*2) and copy all the data from the first array into the second as well as the new item.
modern handholdy languages do this for you. vector/arraylist/whatever are linkedlists internally.
with one directional linkedlists adding an element is O(n), and can be trivially made O(1) if you keep track of the last element
>Freshman year is when girls are the most eager to fuck
>The semester is about to end
>I'm still a KV
Just end me
Who told you this lie? Hoes continue to hoe throughout their four years of uni. If you're just trying to fuck you'll have your chance.
>Freshman year is when girls are the most eager to fuck
no theyre not
i was a khv until 3rd year
now im just a v
>provides methods to manipulate the size of the array that is used internally to store the list
>The add operation runs in amortized constant time
arraylists are actually implemented with arrays internally to ensure O(1) lookup
sure in which case youre copying a whole array in place to another each time you insert beyond capacity which (by itself) is more than O(n)
My older brother who goes to a different university and has become Chad-like despite being fatter than me. Then again he has more friends and dresses better.
anyone know which one of these would be easiest to do/copy from and change i haven't really been turning up to uni much so dont know a lot
only got a week
>be me, in college
>drop out
>still not sure completely why and know it was probably stupid but
>damn it feels fucking good
I dunno m8s, there's something about just saying fuck it all and living for the day. I mean it's not like I do much besides sit around at home, play video games and eat but I'm saving up for a car and soon enough I'm going to be able to drive the fuck out of here and just go somewhere with my life, I'm tired of the same old shit and having to tell people what I'm doing all the time.
I have great supportive parents and a loving family but sometimes I just want to not have to ever talk to any of them, maybe go a year just living by myself in the middle of nowhere. Grow some plants, raise a cat, work at some restaurant with some other chill dudes, I don't know.
yes but the array expansion doesn't happen for every add op so it's amortized O(1)
worst case yes it is O(n) but worst case happens so infrequently people are willing to consider average case for the benefit of constant time lookup
Anyone a geography major? What's the job outlook like?
I'm currently an environmental science major, but I'm too much of a brainlet to do calculus 1 and 2.
>3 pages of math
>each page has at least 20 tasks
havent even started
probably wont do it
im retarded
in college? lmfao
What was your history essay even about?
who /finals/ here
fuck exams
I'm expected to finish up Community College by December of this year. Not sure what I'll after I get my associates though. Maybe work as a tutor for a college.
For this semester, I'll have two online finals and only one in class final for Spanish class. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
>online finals
you lucky bastard, you
Yep, one of them is a Comp Sci class and the other is a Political Science course I took online.
Why though?
biology exam tomorrow. havent studied at all yet. why do i keep doing this to myself?
the head of my student union just got accused of rape, and the board started a vote of no-confidence.
lol nice try teach
actually me too thanks why do I do this
what uni do you go to?
Studying in my second year of Political Science. I'm planning to quit this trash and enroll into law. Anyone else ever quit halfway through? How did it go?
>people still falling for word essay due tomorrow meme
>ezpz history essay due on tuesday
>still can't bring myself to actually start writing
>know I will wait until the last second
>know i will ruin and waste the next couple days
>know i will get a A- or B no matter what I do
Why the fuck do I keep doing this? I could easily finish this right now, but I just can't write anything. It's like my brain is saying "no lol "
>have a lot of shit to do
>need to catch up on readings badly for one class
>it's already 5 pm and still too depressed to get out of bed
college was a mistake
>baerly passed first semester
>was doing jack shit and leaving things for the last moment
>doing the same lazing around in seceond semester when exams are 2 months away
kill me please
O(x) = "the worst-case runtime is x"
>Got 1/3 of a report done
>Got a B in a 1 cr hour class
>Have been singing the jingle from the older Honda motorcycle commercial but instead of "I wanna ride" I say "I wanna die"
>Went to apply to places earlier this week, places I wanted to apply don't have any more openings
>Most places have already found interns so itll be another summer with no experience in my field
>Debt grows
Engineering is a meme that Im worried is gonna make me lose it or die
im so glad i switched to economics after first year
i can always be default corporate rat if anything else fails
i wonder when will normies realise this whole "engineers make lots of cash" meme is a lie and this isn't 90s anymore
Dubs speak the truth
I'm really worried I'm not gonna get a job when I get out. I thought the whole point of doing engineering was, your degree was valuable enough you didn't have to do the networking bs
I'm honestly scared. I'm in year 3, cant get out now due to debt. I should've gone to trade school. I fucked up, and I may be permanently fucked
>have one test each day of the week
>don't know shit for any of them
>can't study because I can't study or focus by myself, I need someone else working with me (but not a group, that's too many people)
>have no friends to study with
>if I tell any of this to my parents (only people close to me) they shout at me and call me a loser
>try to study and can't pay attention for longer than like 10 seconds until I want to do anything else at all
>keep trying until I cry
>going to fail miserably
Not doing very good at all.
Anyone here studying law? How is it?
engineering is kinda over staurated since everybody fell for engineering meme
don't know how it's in chemical or biological field
i think better since an average normie that thinks engineering makes big bucks is smart enough to enroll ther
I'm doing civil engineering (knew mechanical would be over saturated AF, computer science is gonna be too soon)
Still doesn't seem to have helped. Every person Ive talked to or have heard say they got an internship either
>Know someone
>Are a minority of some form
I am neither of these, I think I'm fucked
i feel sorry for you since you're obviously in the US
im in euroland and since we don't have non whites here (or at lest in my country) to get to intership you just need to apply in time
no bullshit race quotas
>woke up early to do this 5 page essay quickly and not procrastinate (due in the morning)
>have written a whopping paragraph in like 8 hours while spending the rest browsing Jow Forums
I mean it's not the end of the world but still
who /masochistic procrastinator/ here?
Yeah Im in US. Affirmative action is a bitch
Ive done it. Don't do that bro. Youll feel like dick after. Just do the paper. Then come back
Documentation is more important than the code
I've literally done it or every paper this semester though, each time I've finished it the night before. Amazingly I've gotten good grades though, lowest was an 85 but that had some retarded sources you had to shoehorn in that made it impossible to go into enough depth with the page limit.
Am I getting off on the induced stress or something?
>have a paper due in 3 days
>literally no criteria for length, meat or citations
>have a project due in 2 weeks
>same shit
>no clue if can use .gov and .org sites or if it needs to be 100% (((peer reviewed)))
I can complain to the department head if I fail the assignment, right?
man US college seems like hell on earth to euro
but maybe it's just the amount of interrcial porn being spammed on this site that makes me thing in every dorm white girls are fucking with blacks while white guys just sit alone and study
what is the course about and what level is it?
The head of my student union got impeached last year for being against abortion
there was a controversy at my school because some students were posting what i guess were really strident flyers about racism (probably something along the lines of fuck white people but the details are sketchy) and some other student got offended and sicced the cops on them (didn't get charged or anything but it caused a stir).
Also some dumb retard published an article alluding to bug chasing among some gay people in the "conservative" magazine and got in mega hot water over it.
last I saw they were trying to defund the publication but I don't know if anything came of it
Anyone who has been behind on many exams and still succeeded?
pretty much everything passed on 3rd terms, worst part of it my group pretty much passed everything on the 1st terms
i fucking hate college i fell for the meme
>be 20
>stuck in my engineering fucking course fuck this bullshit i shouldve took a 3 year course in the first place if i did i could be earning money right now fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk
I'm not gonna lie, its not just a porn meme. White girls are always hanging out with black guys because
>Exotic/gotta experiment/other roastie memes
White guys still go out with white girls but its fewer than it should be
absolutely false. stop spreading bullshit you fucking kike. the only girls that date out of race are already whores in the first place that try to shame other girls into doing the same
why do you think I put roastie in my statement faggot?
And as I sad some white girls still date white guys but its not as many as it should be
I don't understand how I'm pushinf
>White girls don't like white guys
So go fuck yourself. The meme isn't 100% true or 100% false, at least where I go
I'm in my third year. I study in an european university, though. You have to be relly good at memorizing shit, and you'll need a strong work ethic, but is not as hard as it may seem.
If you study on the US (or any anglo country), your legal system is a tad more difficult because of all the use the jurisprudence (the decisitions made by judges and courts of justice) gets, so you can't just use the law itself to base your study around.
Tomorrow I only want to skip class, but I can't really afford it. I fear that if I miss class, my whole year will crumble down and the anxiety is killing me.
I'm in Europe thank God. How does your career path look? Also do you know anything about studying International Law? I'm myself coming from Poli Sci, but decided to drop it.
There are literally no girls on STEM departments lool. Specially on CS, ECE and related degrees.
Everyone who actually been there knows it. At most they are around 2-5%.
I'm in environmental science as well. Look into GIS. But are you sure you won't have to do calculus in physical geography either?
Microbiology and sophomore level at a community college
There's quite a lot in biology, chemistry and physics.
>be me
>in a class with a strict teacher
>ffs end of semester
>only 4 people passed
>mfw not one of them
>ask someone from another class but same subject
>that someone used to rely on me when we shared the same class last semester
>tfw they pass and i fail
Wtf is this bullshit. It frikin unfair.
Know this feel. Gonna be almost 5 years for me before I'm done.
Im in year 3, up to my neck in shit. I fucked up
>4+ years for a bachelors
>2+ years doing a masters
How can Americans stand it? In the UK a bachelors is 3 years and a masters is 1 year. I'd go mad if I had to spend a minimum of 4 years in university.
>failing Chem
>almost failing statistics
Well at least I learned that statistics isn't so bad. It's literally calculator work. Besides that, I'm done with this semester. Everyday I go to class I just miss staying home, playing/making music and smoking. At least when I transfer (another 3+ possible years of school) I'll focus on my majors
>modafinil still hasn't arrived
hurry the fuck up poos, exams are upon us
honestly I like my history classes since I enjoy learning new shit, and it beats having to jump into the anxiety inducing field of job hunting and all that entails.
if it makes you feel better I switched from CS to history in my 3rd year so at a minimum I have an extra year just for my bachelors and I'd like my masters after that
>the anxiety inducing field of job hunting
I don't find it scary, putting off working isn't appealing to me
>if it makes you feel better I switched from CS to history in my 3rd year
M8 it's not me spending my entire life in uni
from whence did you purchase this modafinil? Student loan incoming and need it to be less of a sperg
>hurry the fuck up poos
>I don't find it scary, putting off working isn't appealing to me
I've never actually held a job, so I'm still nervous about taking the plunge
>M8 it's not me spending my entire life in uni
I mean I'm almost certainly going to wind up in something that's either in academia or pseudo-academic so it's not that big of a deal for me
>tfw getting close to finishing my 25 page thesis
>tfw only summer and fall left and I'm finally out of this hell
I just watched a speech (required) from a fat """"guy"""" that literally sounded like a girl and was about how we should ban guns so I know what you mean.