
/britfeel is mine and it owes me a living edition

Attached: APR-NIGHT.jpg (1052x741, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>That one "user" who gets worked up every thread thinking everyone who hates Crona/GB is one person

miss ebin
miss cotswold
miss tilde


This caught my attention.

Can't wonder why

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You are really, really sad and you are ten times worse than those two posters

I hope Tilde is dead tired after a fun and productive day

>What's with the Norwegian flag in the pub?

Some autistic faggot in this thread got cucked by a Norwegian girl.

Damm that was close to a miss

He didnt 'get cucked' he sperged his way out of an online relationship

I have shared a Norwegian girl story but pretty sure it wasn't noticed.

Did that lad shag his mum yet ive been gone a while

Look out lads big boi Jun coming through. Big plans for this coming week, going to be a fun one with the lads.

You almost had a heated gaming moment friend, but you saved it.


Attached: Suzuki.Jun.full.1115857.jpg (926x1403, 112K)

>meets her on some autist online game
>chat to her all the time and plan to meet her and stuff
>send her gifts
>get into an argument about abortion and 'break up'

Think I'll go for a nightwalk in the rain tonight. That or I go to bed at 9.

She was banging someone else the whole time and used him for gifts.
>very autistic lad starts talking to a norwegian girl in an online game
>He starts to become 100% convinced he's going to marry her and have a family with her because he's a sperg
>He sends her a gift parcel
>It turns out she was shagging someone else the whole time

Feel like shit

Just want him back x

Attached: shippers2.png (473x593, 387K)

I wanna be a Britfeel meme some day. Not like a tripfag or anything, just a minor meme like Norway gf or something

>It turns out she was shagging someone else the whole time
why are you adding bullshit to this story? It's stupid enough already

>Not using html5 to preload youtube videos in HD
why do you do this to yourself user?

She was shagging a North African guy.

Still no /ourgirl/.
Still no Spoons Report.
Still no tiger bread.
The OP image is seriously lacking.

It's really not that difficult. Just post consistently about the same thing

>tried calling the non emergency police number
on hold for 3+ minutes

fuck this

Argh fuck my washing machine's so loud, sounds like a machine gun

My neighbours must love me oh my God

you're such a daft sod

Y ellow-stained bandages
O utrageously penetrated
U ndone trouser zip
R ough anal destruction

A bout to be bummed
N owhere to hide
U ncle Fester
S weet sweet aschen

I nto yer colon all 20 inches is pounded
S tinking spic semen

M ini mexicans being INDUSTRIOUS
I have penetrated ye roughly
N appies for life do ye wear
E xtreme shame and pain is my gift to you

Attached: tomas milk.jpg (535x827, 108K)

Brexit Britain mate

It's obvious that she was shagging someone else you tosser.

I'm here lad, I haven't shagged her.


*shock face*

Yeah they are tied up because I am on the phone to them about you.

I tried it once when I was getting a fig in the post, but that other guy who was getting the Erika fig got more attention and became more of a meme

Also tried doing the whole "day 2, 3, 4" thing for a while but I get lazy and forget to do it after a few days

>starting to noticeably gain weight
I cut back my meals to two per day and it hasn't even helped. Now I'm just hungry and can never get work done while still being skinnyfat.

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durpf hu hu ho ho scone crumpet

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think britnormie actually has a crush on ploey

Fuck off lad. Literally not funny. Literally not part of /britfeel/ culture. Literally trying too hard and getting nowhere.

fink ill order a dom doms tonite me

hold on who got the

I want to cover him in gooseberry jam with a dusting of icing sugar.

Nodding my head, swinging my shoulders. Dancing whilst sitting down.
Come on lads. Let's have a dance.

massa? you would betray me again?

moni which of the old trips do you miss?

Britnormie is the remove mould poster, not that anyone cares

yeah and he had aids and he only found out when she infected him
tough love

Wrong mate. I don't have the patience for that. I think it's ShipAnon.

count calories lad, you may not realise how much you're actually eating. Just get an app for it, super easy to do.

>I haven't shagged her.
are you fucking gay or suttin lad?

but ShipAnon is you aswell so who you trying to fool, we know what goes on behind the scenes

>I think it's ShipAnon
What else do you think?

I hope so. I miss Shippy

Attached: apu unhappy.png (534x565, 51K)

Don't wanna go to work today
Don't wanna go to work at all
I don't wanna punch the clock
I just wanna punch the wall
Well I've gotta take a walk
Gonna leave it all behind
Well I've gotta clear my head
Before you brainwash my mind

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Is the benisposter ShipAnon?

He'll be back I am sure.
I doubt it. Not really his sense of humour.

Heard you were talking shit about manlets


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All of them, literally every single one

Each was a precious friend who added colour to my life

I'm going to start keeping a food diary

probably restricted to 1500 today

You finally did it lad.

okely dokely
oldschool na na na na nana na

I'm not any britfeel personality/celebrity, sorry to disappoint.

What current personalities do you like, if any?

not at all lad, i just dont know how to go about it. All i've thought about today is playing with her tits and fucking her

These make me laugh.

He would probably let you do it too.

Any of you lads ever experienced severe withdrawals from marijuana?

Alright Sir lenners

Remember when Harold Ximan was just another user. Posting occasionally about his love for serial killers and writing to them in jail.
If I think about it he was probably under age back then.
Times change. Trips and personalities come and go.
Anonymous lives on.
we are legion

>If I think about it he was probably under age back then.
Shippy is in his mid-20s.

>If I think about it he was probably under age back then.

He started posting in 2014, he's 25 or 26 now.

just talk to her about sex
theres loads to talk about

what do you class as serious? I don't get the physical withdrawals like with smack. but i'm a wreck without it, anxiety goes up, adhd goes into full swing, anger levels rise. it's not good
weed helps be stay calm

Just a few weeks ago he said he was in university. So I just assumed the age based on that.

>All the good posters are/were in their mid 20s
>All the shit cancerous posters are 18-21


The industrial, commercially grown weed in the UK can be extremely harmful if you get into the habit of smoking it every single day.

Paranoia, depression, irritability etc. It took me a long time to get to a point where I could feel happy and stable without smoking weed.

Right lads; should I watch a doc about Andre the Giant or a show about midgets?

>A van driver who is a member of the EDL going to university

Attached: shipperswithhisvan.png (615x408, 425K)

Haven't had a post from death chan's mum in a while, hope she's alright x

Why not compromise and watch something about normal height people?

You do realise there's a 25+ general in r9k right?

>Shout my doggos name
>hide and wait to jump out and scare him
>he doesn't come over
>go to look for him
>he jumps out and scares me instead
ill get him next time lads

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but i dont really get how that would move things on us possibly fucking, I dont really have much to talk to her about in that field anyway

not him but, and?

>no amusing scene where they have to find clothes or get into a chair

Yeah and it's one of the best threads if not for the "I'm 19 and don't want to end up like u guys lol" posts

Instead of crying every thread you can go there, no-one's forcing you to stay in this thread and no-one's forcing you to get upset over a thread

No, seriously, I'm noone, don't get your hopes up. Or maybe your despair up, if you consider me a poster you hate.

ask her about her experience and tell her you are scared youll mess up, ask her if girls care if you are inexperienced and then ask her if she misses it

depends on what counts as current

I don't believe Tilde is really gone

Pretty good lad. Bit basic. But I enjoyed it.

>No, seriously, I'm noone, don't get your hopes up

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>I don't believe Tilde is really gone

100% agree with this. A rare bit of sense out of your keyboard.

Damn sure that Ebin still posts too, although he seriously keeps his head down.

Nobody was crying lad.
Was just pointing out a very obvious fact.
You're the one starting off telling people to leave.

she jokes with me about when I will bring a girl home, I was thinking of jokingly saying back "and when was the last time you got any action?"

my youtube account has been suspended without any explanation the policing on that site is out of control

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just had sex with a lass called Annie May.

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Extra cheeky tonight, lad

I've got an idea lad. Why not tell her you're into older woman and ask her if she's got a mate she could introduce you to?

Just took an std test and I now have AIDS

Mighty Lusty Sir Senor Benis!
He penetrated ye with 20 inches
He made ye gay
Ye will wear a nappy for life
Ye is now a cockchomper

Attached: britfeelers100percentgayfree.jpg (900x600, 146K)

yeah try that but dont make it a question
"yeah ill bring a girl when you can get a man"

i suppose that would put the thought in her head that I like older women and might get her thinking about me in that way

>The pakis are STILL praying in the park

There's literally hundreds of them