School shooting fantasies

>arrive to school in trenchcoat, underneath I am strapped in bombs, machine gun and gas mask in bag.
>placed mustard gas bombs in ventilation day prior
>hide bag in bathroom
>on lesson, moment before gas is meant to discharge I go to toilet, put my mask on and wait for gas.
>I go and kill as many as I can before police shows up
>when they show up I fight with them for some time but surrender after a while
>when they come to arrest me I blow myself and them up
I think it's world record material

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Why does a thread like this not get any replies?

Because we know faggots like OP would never do it anyway.

Gee Mr. FBI maybe because we're actually not evil mentally deranged murderers

OP isn't evil. he's a martyr

My ultimate fantasy would be this

>Have a Bf-110 ready to go at an airport 50 mile away
>Go there, take off and fly to my hometown
>The aircraft has a two 500kg bombs, four 50kg bombs loaded along with full cannon and machine gun ammo
>School is divided into three blocks; A block, B block and C block
>Dive down and release one 500kg on the front entrance of the school in A block
>Come back around and drop the other 500 on B block on the side where the science labs were, hopefully causing a gas explosion
>Drop the four smaller bombs all on C block aiming for the science labs there
>Strafe the people running with the machine guns
>Use the cannons to strafe the three-story part of A block (That part of the block is almost tower block like with an all window front and back
>Continue the strafing until the rounds run dry
>Crash the plane into the sports block

pretty cool gas idea user, would be effective, as windows in school often don't open much for safety all the normalscum would drown on land!

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>just straight up arrive at school with a machine gun and maybe a glock, not sure about this part
>trench coat, Steel boots, Wrath t-shirt
>pull the fire alarm
>maybe throw some lightbulb bombs just cause I want to
>shoot as many as I can
>climb into a unused always locked room next to a PE toilet
>overdose on various pills (that I can easily gather over like a few months,benzos and whatever will be "on stock", pregabalin, tramadol, concerta, dimexol, oxazepam, plexxo... whatever)
>be the first school shooter in our country (plus a fembot so yea, I'd be godlike)

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oh and the "strapped in bombs" is also a good idea

For what cause exactly? What changes would he ideally inspire through his actions?

See? No response. Typical edgelords who fantasize about meaningless violence because they feel "wronged".

>building has 3 floors, with 3 main staircases
>set up playlist to play edgy music over PA system
>detonate explosives to take out the staircase, trapping people on the top 2 floors
>get 200+ people who all get to hear a kick ass playlist while it's happening

what country? I demand an answer, please

Czech Republic, why?

Mustard gas will burn your skin.

just reported you to czech police, say bye bye!

please come to poland and be my mass shooter gf

pls be shooter gf

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>fantasizing about shooting your classmates
>not fantasizing about shooting politicians, CEOs, and other people actually ruining the world

>not realizing that everyone is ruining the world and not wanting to punish them for moral impurity

Carry on boys

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It's constitutionally protected speech, FBI-kun, no imminent lawless action in this thread.

Not even going to overshine Breivik with this desu.
You need to plant bombs in several buildings and do something absolutely epic to mug him and McVeigh.

Fantasised about this a lot

>Come to school wearing combat boots, black cargo pants, trench coat etc, kind of a requirement at this point
>Armed with shotgun, rifle, handgun, knife, molotovs, pipebombs, and propane bombs
>Our year was allowed to go out during lunch, gun them all down at the gate and head into school
>Head towards English block, go through cafeteria, gets congested at lunch, shit ton of students, tiny doorway, lots of casualties
>Leave propane bomb in there, get out before it blows
>Go through French and IT, come out where lower years hang out, good view of English block and tennis court, both at bottom of large staircase
>Shoot at tennis court and English from staircase, chuck molotovs in English and leave a propane bomb
>Only way for students to escape is to loop round the school
>Run back to the main driveway, cut them off and kill anyone in or near the carpark
>Head towards Geography, small building, shoot through windows and chuck in molotovs
>Check near Music building, chads and chav cunts hang out there, big social area, kill them all
>Maths and Science are connected, fairly large building
>Go through peeking in classrooms, shoot people inside
>Chemical storage shed next to Science and Tech, break in and set it on fire
>Head to Tech, access to all classrooms from one corridor, easy kills
>Head back towards science, new building disconnected from the rest, small, more easy kills
>Head around Maths and towards library
>Go in and kill all the fags and retards that hide in there from chads
>Connected to 6th form
>Just walk through and shoot, not really a priority
>Come out next to music, go past and head towards sports hall
>Doubt anyone is still there but can't leave it untouched
>Shoot out windows of side entrance and open door
>Walk through blowing shit apart
>Exit next to Art, shoot out windows and set it on fire
>Check out building for extracurricular activities, again, probably no one there, more fires
>Shoot myself or surrender to police

> gun them all down at the gate and head into school
That's where you fail. You're not going to gun down everyone, and there'll be a panic and alarm going.

my ultimate school shooting fantasy

> learning some useful skills
> reading books that intrinsicly interest you
> trying to achieve average grades that you don't drop out of school
> trying to socialize with people that may be useful
> finishing school and leaving any dumbfucks behind

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only one gun? what will you do when it jams? fucking retard

Chad and Stacy will still make more money than you because of social connections

what keeps you from getting the social conditions they (might) already have?

just having some kind of social network does not mean that you are going to earn money... except you are kind of a politician in some socialist shithole.