/creative robots/

Come share your creative works with other robots

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unreleased track called jenkem overdose

I hate myself too much for being bad at drawing to actually draw.

I like to make memes and reaction images. Here's one.

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Pretty comfy (stated in an original way)

hey me too bud.
I want to be so, so much more better than I currently am but any time I try to draw and improve my own lack of skill gets me down

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You can play an acoustic version of this by flicking and rotating an unopened aluminum can.

meant for must smoke moar weed


lo fi folky stuff, ambient stuff, vaporwave stuff sometimes, weird radio sound colleges.

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>trap beat

any feedback appreciated

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I transcribed some shit and covered it


Well just because i've a thread open on /p/ right now, so here we go

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All are resized for Internet usage. If anyone is interested in a wallpaper version, just tell me and i'll quickly do one

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No, not me.

vocaroo.com/i/s1zjMsNHO5HH (Vocaroo compressed the shit out of it)


Im pretty good at making shit music though.

aaand one from the subway. If anyone is interested in this kind of bullshit, you can look into my bad instagram account


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just because we're on Jow Forums and friendly-non sexually depicted women are kinda underrepresented, here is a portrait of a female who in fact is on here

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tune/video I made while tripping. got a few on my channel

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>Live big band jazz
>dinky synths

I'm not making music "for the money" but I'm trying to get paid for my work so if you give a listen to the spotify link it would probably help. I don't know how this works.

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This is nice, good cover.
Hey you're really talented and I hope you have a wonderful day. Your synth melodies are super fun.

Here's my music and art

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Didn't mean to greentext that vocaroo

wew lad, your stuffs really good too

It's a good night for a bump

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>inb4 i follow too many ppl, had this for years.


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that is me, lolkek

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i like this one

here's some of my stuff
experimental soundtrack for a video game I'm currently working on, some of the instruments are placeholder, the image is concept art

some miscellaneous r9k inspired track snippets i haven't really bothered to master

i'm kind of new to this so I'd appreciate any feedback

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Why did you assholes tell me "Please stop singing" when I have no allusions to being any good at it, but I'm supposedly all here by myself with no one watching so why would you tell me that?

Then all the "stop posting" shit, to the point that you keep harassing me even though you are my "friends" in order to get me to stop. I'm never going to stop until I get what I want and then I might cooperate but until then go fuck yourselves.

I really don't care if people are taking credit for the things I say or using my words to pretend to be me or using my words in order to impress someone. God, you faggots are even using my sex moves.

At some point, when will you realize that you don't hate me but instead worship me? You know everything you do, I do it better. Yet you still harass me and make fun of me? How does that make any fucking sense at all?

They tell me it's a mod here but I don't believe that. Mainly because I know that this board exists solely for me, so if it's a mod then it is someone involved in all of this so it doesn't fucking matter does it? Whatever harassment, torture, and all that other shit that you faggots do is going to happen either way.

Just leave me alone and let me go home.

Here is venom I paitned.

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they fucking drugged me with a benzo again so now I'm super fucking tired out of nowhere.

I fucking hate you people so fucking much. I'll never work with any of you.

This is what I did today.
It didn't let me upload with the soundfont I wanted.
Screw notation software.

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Wow you sound delusional. This post made me sad because you sound like you think you're not insane, but it's clear to anyone reading it that you're not well in the head.
The fact you drew a cool Venom makes it even more tragic, since you have talent.

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pretty good, are you planning on producing it?

I might think about it you really think it's that good.
Any advice?

I make dark EDM. It's the only thing I enjoy, really soundcloud.com/its-the-end-music

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Got to the shadow chapter of the book. Did a couple exercises. Still not sure what I'm doing.

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Nice production, creative too. Impressive!

yo this is aesthetic as fuck. saved, and I don't even like photography.

I mean, do you guys really think that "If we just keep doing it, it's going to work eventually!" when it's been almost 2 years now?

You people are fucking retarded. Like, literally retarded.

cool-ass drawing but you're an absolute cunt. You're not talented enough to be this pretentious.

Pretty great dude

Thanks, I try hard to make stuff that doesn't exist yet.

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lmao best rap I've heard in awhile

pic related is my most original content

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I'm currently making a collection of outdoor seats and coffee tables.

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I made this.
Id see her again at a corner store
A few years down the road
And this time
Id have a real story
to be to told
Id slide up cool and straight
Id joke this must be fate
But I could see it her eye
I was just another guy
A game of catch up
A Stillborn match up
And while sitting at a booth
Wed both hold back the truth
And though my stomach would be queasy
Shed let me down easy
And say nothing has changed
Cause by god I'm still deranged
Any fake daydream
Any real feeling
Starts with asking how
I see your face in every crowd
I want to sing loud
Ive missed you, youre wonderful, I left feeling sore
Id kiss you, youre beautiful, I want to do more
It was mid day
I thought of you
My heart stung
It pierced me
My guitar strung
it released me
And I loved you
You had no clue
And dear god, I thought you knew it
I confessed my love to you and I blew it
Was there no chance?
No hope?
No stance?
No coping
With these thoughts
No more.
I was a lunatic
But I was good at it
I didnt want to move on
I couldnt accept that you were gone
No sir, no sir
Youre too immature
You dont know her, know her
No, not anymore
You know theres no cure
I was heart ripped
She was guilt tripped
I left feeling sore
I was love sick
I was off tick
I need to do more.
No chance?
No hope?
No stance?
No coping
With these thoughts
No more.

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I can't even come up with a user name much less create content.
I hate every single thing I can think of.
Everything sounds gay.
Am I just mentally ill and the names are fine?

There was a study done that, at least in EDM, names matter waaaaay less than people think they do. Having a coherent aesthetic is important for all art, but the actual name doesn't matter at all.

If you can tell it to your friends and family without being to embarrassed or ashamed (not just uncomfortable, that's normal) then it's a fine name.

I made house music, heres a thingy im currently working on

The stereo on the synth sounds a little weird. Also the lead in the intro needs it's own space, it clashes with the chords too much.

I like the progression though, reminds me of when I first on got into electronic music with deadmau5 and mord fustang

thank you for the criticisms cuz I can really use it
>The stereo on the synth sounds a little weird.
In what way? Is it too much or what exactly? cuz to me I feel that it sounds correct

idk, it just makes you too aware that it is in stereo. What are you using? If you are using chorus, something like ozone imager/dimension expander, in synth widening, or some weird mid side processing that would explain it.

The best way to do stereo is to put a delay plugin in on at ~25-30 ms and 7 ms between the right and left channels of the stereo response. And put the mix of the plug at like 15%. If the plugin has a lowcut, use it up to 200-400. If not, use mid-side EQ to cut the sides to 400. I use Replika XT to to this.

But yeah, then the synth is alone it sounds kinda thin because it's being spread out too much in the stereo space. It's also a tad bit loud when the drums come in, or could just use an EQ dip on its peaks.

thank you man ive been struggling with good sounding stereo for fucking ever, thanks

No problem, I didn't get it either until I picked up that trick from a Future Music session with Black Sun Empire.

Stereo is one of those things nobody really tells you how to do, but it can fuck up everything.

We are robot men making robot music. What a world we live in