Virgin cuties also crave for Chad, you need to understand that Jow Forums

Virgin cuties also crave for Chad, you need to understand that Jow Forums.

I was like most of you 3-4 years ago: a beta male, a robot, complaining and always sad to think that I was just a shy anf nice boy who deserved a cute gf, but girls never liked me.

But I worked hard on myself during this whole year, and I have changed, and you also need to change if you don't want to die alone. It's never too late to better yourself robots, you can find a fine woman who will love you.

>be more confident about yourself (stop watching porn, it was one main source of my lack of self-esteem, it certainly is yours also)

>work hard in your studies and find a job that will make you rich

>read a lot, watch movies and series, learn about politics, history, sciences, philosophy, music, and art in general ; if you really have knowledges in these field, you will be someone people want to talk to and you will talk to anybody because everybody has a hobby especially fine girls (they are fond in literature!)

>practice sport, go to the gym, and you will look better than 80% of young men in the street in 6 months to 1 year

>have good hygene and dress nice, it is maybe the most important

Don't give up robots, you will find!

Attached: IMG_20180328_000653.jpg (1000x1491, 173K)

K senpai. Cristiano Originaldo

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When you're 5'3" like me none of this will save you

You don't get girls because of your shit personality bro, girls don't care about appearances!

Attached: loser in reddit gets rejected 1000 times just be yourself mate PUA shit rejected a thousand (979x581, 68K)

Here is my personal success, just in 1 year:

>I study in a engineer school, and I'm fond in literature and cinema
>I dress like pic related most of the time
>I stopped watching porn and masturbating and I looked like much nicer
>I meditate twice a day, and I think I have a better control of my life
>I do boxing, swimming and go to the gym everyday


>I meet more girls on the internet, on dating apps, at school, at parties (I was never invited, but now yes), at the bar, etc,.
>I'm more confident and can talk to everyone with ease, I've become sociable
>I often get compliments about my look and my personality
>Many girls stare at me when I walk in the street

I'm still a khv because I preserve myself for "the one", but more than 10 girls asked me out for a date or even said " you're pretty", "I love you".

You can do it robots

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For deformed faces, you can hid it with makeup or haircut, if it's too bad go for a surgery

>But I worked hard on myself during this whole year, and I have changed
No you haven't you filthy normie. You were always a disgusting normie and you still are.

>Do all this work for some fat whore that's already slept with a bunch of dudes

I'm not even going to argue I'm just gonna say no. I'm gonna buy a gun and every one I come into contact with can either suck my dick or give me their wallet. Which is still more of a choice than life ever gave me.

I ain't doing SHIT

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Tell me more about what surgery will make the guy on the right look at least half as good as the guy on the left without looking like the fucking Bogdanoff brothers.

You can, do sport, better yourself elsewhere, and maybe search for church girls, they care more about your personality than your body

Its unlucky I have an autistic personality as well then
I never really stood a chance

I'm a friendless khv and 4/10 for 21 years, now I'm a friendless khv and 6/10

Don't tell me I'm not a robot

>>I often get compliments about my look

That's where your advice became useless for 80% of men

Attached: how men rate women how women rate men and women are the ones complaining about high standards of bea (1025x383, 27K)

because most of men have terrible look, if you better yourself you will look good

at psycho hospital, there're 8/10 girls craving for sex man
some dude I knew went multiple times there and lost his v-card

>having to pickup up girls at a psycho hospital because no sane girl would like for a 5'3" man

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>fond into literature
Theh read shitty romance, erotic fiction, and vampire/werewolf shit

> think that I was just a shy anf nice boy who deserved a cute gf
I'm neither nice nor I deserve anything.

> it was one main source of my lack of self-esteem, it certainly is yours also
Name which sort of insecurities it might give me.

> have good hygene

> dress nicely
> you will look better than 80% of young men in the street in 6 months to 1 year
How is it going to fix the fact that my emotional and social decelopment stopped somewhere at middle school level. Let's suppose I somehow went from 3 to 7. I still do not know how to start an informal conversation and what to talk about.

> a job that will make you rich
No such thing in Russia.

My dick is 4 inches erect.
Now fuck off normie.

I'm 5'4 and pic related so don't give up

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my boyfriend is a typical robot, and yes i know other people who have the qualities you have described but i still want to date him.

Well done user she looks nice
Thanks for giving me hope

How do you pick up girls at a psych ward?

Give me your email maybe? I'm interested in talking to my fellow slavbots.

[email protected]