right wing retards have NOTHING but identity politics
supposed privilege is literally all they have to offer
right wing retards have NOTHING but identity politics
supposed privilege is literally all they have to offer
While stock markets have performed better when a Democrat was President, that doesn't mean it performed better *because* a Democrat was President. That's a gross oversimplification.
See the Fed paper from Campbell et al
not just stock markets, pretty much every aspect of economy. job creation, etc. democratic states also tend to contribute much more compared to republican ones. almost every single aspect of the economy does better when a democrat is president this happens time and time again. repubs only seem to lower taxes for the richest people and invest heavier into military
Why do you shill an apolitical board, shareblue?
I haven't gone over the data not related to the stock market, but I know politicsthatwork has a bit of a left bias. Not saying their numbers don't check out, but I think they oversimplify things to fit a narrative. For example a lot of economic measures don't immediately kick even if the President would have a direct impact on the economy - see Trump taking credit for the 34% gain in the S&P during the first year of his presidency before enacting any economic measures whatsoever.
Can someone seriously explain the appeal of being a drumpfy?
I've always thought it was blatantly obvious democrat was the "better" side just by comparing the states. I did very well in HS and went to a great uni, and pretty much everyone was a democrat compared to my shitty HS where it was about 50/50.
Is it literally just rural/suburban retards?
>the appeal of being a drumpfy?
It makes other people mad
Literally just memes and
I think no matter how you spin it it turns out democrats are the party that aims to improve everyone's lives while republicans are the party that aims to please corporations the most and invest the most into the military. At least as far as the modern parties are concerned. Republicans used to be much more for the people. But if you look at actual stats and data it's almost impossible to come away thinking democrats are doing more to hurt people through policy.
I get that it's that on Jow Forums, but in real life?
It can't be just too piss people off, and the muh gays muh abortions boomers can't make up all of it
It is indoctrination. Liberals have perfected their propaganda towards young average/slightly above average people. I used to think like you around 6 years ago, currently going to university and redpilling the rest of the mathematics department.
Like I said, I don't disagree with you economically, I'm just saying I think it's generally a bit of an oversimplification. And I suppose the Republican voters would argue that there are more measures of presidential success than economic ones - national pride, military prowess, standing in the global community etc.
Now I personally think those are all poppycock but I'm sure those are still common reasons for voting.
People enjoy pissing people off in real life as well. And most people simply vote party lines because they always have. In the nineties the majority of Democrats polled were against abortion, so was their party. The party line changed and the same Democrats were now for it twenty years later.
Lurk more and read more. Read sources when people post them. It is not just to piss people off, I unironicly dislike Trump a bit for being too much of a democrat even.
>standing in the global community
Which has gone down with the past few republican presidents, including the current one
Condecend to people who disagree with. It will make you feel superior. You don't care about politics. You just care about your team winning the game.
Yes, definitely. Well, the last two certainly.
This is almost every shitlib ever. The only honest ones on the left are the classical liberals.
What do you care about, asshole? Present you arguments? If a republican president came along and he was all for the people I would gladly support him and be in favor of him. The thing is that seems highly unlikely. Trump is most definitely not that and it doesn't seem like any current republican politician is arguing for that.
>being a wingcuck in generall
Different user but who are "the people"? 50% of the people feel like they are better represented by Trump than the alternative.
Maybe those millions of people are all blinded inbred hicks but it seems unlikely.
>Actually being happy that the not-quite-as-right-wing political party are able to exploit people more efficiently
If this is the level of the conversation you want to have, let's just not talk politics
I'm an academic and a complete elitist. Everything went to shit once we allowed plebeians to think their opinion mattered. The world is full of trash that nobody wants to dispose of. I don't talk about it publicly because it would ruin my career of course. Who would read a paper published by an unabashed racist?
>Bragging about job creation on a NEET board
Around 50 years ago pretty much everyone.
I only side with the democrats for gibs, I'm socially apolitical.
>smug fence rider who is superior to everybody
This is only excusable if you are under the age of 22-24
Absolutely everything points to Trump/current republicans being an absolute disaster even this early on. Their tax plan actually ends up hurting low and middle class families in the long run. Trump is full on neocon in terms of war. He has lowered corporate taxes and the republicans are pretty much more corporatist than ever. They've done everything they can to hurt the economy. They're investing record numbers in the military. Everything about Trump points to him being a neocon on steroids.
>actually being mad that the not-quite-as-socoalist political party isn't exploiting the people enough for your gibs
Daily reminder that cultural marxism is making it harder for robots to fit into society.
No one fucking likes robots in general.
It sure didn't feel like the economy was doing better under obongo.
Identity politics on the left is spurring an equal reaction on the right, whites especially white men are genuinely terrified of the possibility of Latin America/Africa style revenge against whites, whether the direct kind (i.e. mass murder) or the indirect kind (more and more quotas/affirmative action/ultimately racial wealth redistribution).
You have to admit absolute power corrupts absolutely, if the Left succeeded in winning a demographic supermajority in a few decades time, why wouldn't they decide it's payback time against whites? They've successfully spread the "white people got all their wealth by robbing black and brown people" meme to the extent that many if non most non-whites believe it. It feels good, it fosters unity and political purpose and potentially offers the prospect of cash and prizes down the road.
Seems pretty evident to me that whites really do have reason to worry. They're kind of caught between a rock and a hard place: if they go full South Africa to try and keep their country at least for another half-century, then non-whites will be even more embittered and determined to fuck them in the ass. If they do nothing and just keep playing the conservacuck game then they will just lose... more slowly. And maaayybe all the SJWs will just play nice(r). I doubt it though.
>robots don't care whos president because we never got out anyways
just because you're a dumb fuck that got bitched out by Jow Forumstards doesn't mean you're welcome here
Why do you guys keep using this wierd term, just say "leftism" or "so-called progressive social engineering"
Go back to Jow Forums, you fucking faggot
Your feelings are thankfully irrelevant.
Daily reminder that cultural marxism does not exist and is a boogeyman for retards that also fall for a number of other conspiracy theories.
This, literally every decade since the 1960s the Democrats have been wading further and further into this whites are the devil bullshit. Bill Clinton in 1994 practically WAS Trump by Current Year standards.
All idpol shit is inherently right-wing, "left" idpolers still support class collaboration and rage at attempts to actually change the economy to benefit average people regardless of race. All this race war shit does is obscure material reality and who benefits from the current state of affairs.
Can we just go back to the 1980s and stay there? I don't even care if there is no internet and the USSR exists
>whites especially white men are genuinely terrified of the possibility of Latin America/Africa style revenge against whites
Why do you speak as if whites are a worried racial collective, when they're clearly not?
Why do you think you're going to get anywhere arguing with Jow Forums
im mid-top right on the charts, just cant stand wingfags whatsoever
>16.1% other
Wow, for all the media fearmongering, young white men are by far the least likely people in America to hold fascist views.
Not sure if your causality holds up. The district of Columbia is the riches place in the country. Its run by democrats. But its not the richest place in the country because its run by Democrats. Its the richest place in the country because its the capital. So all the lobbying firms and government agencies put their headquarters there to be close to Congress and get that government cheese. We all know that the Democrats presided over the great depression. But they didn't cause the great depression. The depression caused the Democrats to get elected. Another example of this. Cities tend to have higher poverty rates than rural areas. They also tend to be more democratic. But Cities are not making people poor, they are attracting poor people.
>All idpol shit is inherently right-wing
True, but resentful "oppressed" groups have been larping as left-wing for a very long time, because it's a lot easier to feel self-righteous about yourself that way, then just seeing yourself as just another interest group.
This kind of thing was pioneered in the anti-colonial struggles against European imperialism in the 1950s and 1960s, and in the struggle against minority rule in South Africa in the 1980s. A lot of these movements, such as the revolution in China and the struggle against the French in Indochina were really nationalist movements at their core, and pretty ethnocentric at that. But playing up the anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism cards both widened opportunities for potential support from abroad AND often made participants in said movements feel much more self-righteous about themselves as representatives of the "oppressed" fighting "imperialism" rather than just members of one interest and group fighting another group. The same pattern exists today in the United States, these people would rather fight as "anti-racists" than as "anti-whites"
I complletely agree with this post and I wish more left wing orgs had wised up to it. You'd think after all the anticolonial "revolutions" just empowered the local bourgeoisie more people would've figured it out.
Pretty sure they (increasingly) are, even leftists talk about it
What do those numbers measure?
I think the Comintern had an inkling, but turned a blind eye since as far as they were concerned the West was the main enemy in any case since it was the home base of the capitalist enemy after all.
>a small sample size is representative of the entire white population
If anything, they probably polled trump supporters to get the race baiting narrative that they want
You could just check the exit polls and see. Democrats are the clearly better choice if you're a woman, black, Hispanic, gay or highly educated. If you're a white man you're more likely to vote Republican. Tbh the truth of the matter is that 85% of society is below 115 IQ and their opinions shouldn't matter so if that was the case Democrats would probably win every time