Famous robot youtubers

Famous robot youtubers.

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go back to plebbit you subhuman

>famous robot youtubers
>filthy frank on the pic

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more evidence this place is gone

This is the day when I finally regret not saving any of these bait pics.

Uh, no, Filthy has always been /b/. I feel like idubbz is a robot in recovery though

Worst thread of the day, congrats, OP.

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This is worse than trap threads

I'll say my personal favorite, though he's not famous, mumkey Jones is really funny

Filthy Frank was just a tool to make Joji famous. Once Joji became semi-famous he abandoned FF for good.

I'm not op I didn't mean to put a name

100% this, have watched all of his first videos and this is true. Once he got famous he snapped right out of it though

Almost right. Flithy is like 9gag humor, iDubbz edginess appeals to /b/ for sure. There's actually no robot youtubers, except for Reviewbrah when he was less famous. ReviewBrah has actually said in videos before he's been on Jow Forums frequently.

>mumkey Jones
yeah he is pretty good

filthy frank might've been a robot but the way he is now he doesn't even come close
he's the biggest chad of the world

Terry Davis is a bit famous around here

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James Rolfe? He doesn't really produce much content anymore but I am pretty sure he oversees his friends making content for Cinemassacre for him.


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It's funny how some people get mad about this. I don't blame him.

On another topic, the shrimpson boys colab videos are straight up /b/ in youtube form.

Who the fuck is that?

just some angry otaku

G8 b8, m8.

You can close the thread fags

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I reckon mumkey Jones is r9k material. great content

I mean he still produces content but it's all James and Mike Mondays, movie and show reviews, AVGN is pretty much dead at this point he hardly makes them after the movie came out. Probably got burnt out as all hell he used to make them rapid fire

you all fell for the bait. nice job. this should have gotten no replies

Mamamax maybe? But I only really watch his videos when I'm sad because he describes how I and I'm sure many other robots feel more poetically than I ever could