tfw they want you alive but don't want you involved

> tfw they want you alive but don't want you involved
> no job allowed for robots that pays for a place to live
> no sex allowed for robots, not even hookers
> have to pay full price at university but excluded from the "fun" of college life
> religiotards even tried banning alcohol and have successfully waged a war on drugs to keep us shittily aware of our loser status at all times with no escape
What kind of shitty planet did I end up on? The demiurge is more believable than an all loving god. I would be atheist but it seems way too planned out to be an accident. It's as if this world was designed for maximum suffering. Robots were born into the shittiest caste possible, worse than niggers.

Attached: IDgHUiAs.png (400x400, 98K)

norms just refuse to see how truly despicably shit this world is, so much so they'll delude themselves into thinking that ""bad"" things happening in their country/around them are beyond horrific (ie a president winning election is akin to a death sentence) and because of all this refuse to actually face the real bad & just hope/wish/pray it stops happening or goes away or isn't apart of their life. no one wants to put in the effort, ignorance is bliss.

No, YOU don't want to be involved. You don't want to take a job you think is shitty. Prostitution being illegal is ridiculous. What is affirmative action? Everyone knows the war on drugs is an impossible feat because it's in place to make money.

Honestly we're gonna need a socialist revolution to make life worth living. Real socialism, not idpol radlib shit.

You could be a female indian debt slave with undiagnosed illnesses, missing teeth, arranged marriage

this isnt even fringe case either, thousands and thousands in this posiition

>The demiurge is more believable than an all loving god
That's because you're dumb.

If I take a waljob I get $10 per hour. You get denied housing in even 1 BR apartment if you make less than 35k a year.

> durr u just making excuses

Why do animals have it better than humans? Because this is a prison planet. We didn't even evolve here. We live indoors and burn in the sun. We need air conditioner and tech to survive in a lot of environments.

National socialism would have gotten rid of unfit. I could have been born a xhad with a large dick

War on drugs still keeps drugs out of reach from people who need them the most