Tfw beautiful, breeze Spring day here at the University of Oxford

>tfw beautiful, breeze Spring day here at the University of Oxford
>woke up early and went for a jog along the water and around the park
>tfw showered and drank a small cup of espresso and ate a banana and put on a pair of pleated cotton trousers, fitted shirt and long black overcoat
>decided to put some styling wax in my hair and was pleased with the result, which lent an air of ruggedness to my otherwise intellectual and small-c conservative aesthetic
>tfw walked along along the ancient streets past countless historic, architectually awe-inspiring buildings preserved for and by those who are worthy of attending the University of Oxford
>tfw felt very lonely not only due to my almost peerless intellect and the sense of detachment it causes but also by the sight of romantic couples who I could tell by their look and accents were privately educated and are from wealthy, genetically profound families with the connections and outlook which almost guarantees a life of success and enjoyment
>tfw the usual handful of Asian female tourists smiled at me, probably viewing me as an embodiment of the Harry Potter-esque gentleman they yearn for, but their attention brought no pleasure at all
>walked back to my room
>tfw saw a couple approaching and instinctively my heart started beating rapidly
>it was my former hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 fees excluding additional costs), elite, English Rose, cute, genetically distinct, refined girlfriend, who was holding hands with her boyfriend
>tfw he obviously didn't recognize me but she saw me and looked at me wide-eyed as if curious about my reaction to seeing them
>tfw she was as cute as ever, her pale cheeks a little red and her big eyes glistening and her hair as beautiful as ever
>tfw I very briefly looked into her eyes with all the intensity of suppressed rage, hurt and passion I could muster
>tfw she raised her eyebrows then frowned and her boyfriend stared at me as I passed with barely concealed contempt
>tfw didn't look back after passing and returned to my room to pace back and forth my room like a tortured working class John Osborne-tier intellectual struggling in an upper class environment
>tfw have been lying on my back on my bed since listening to a Mark Kozelek / Sun Kil moon playlist
>simply can't muster the focus to read a single page today

Truly a disheartening day today. I realize now that having been acquainted with a girl from the upper class who expressed romantic curiosity / attraction towards me I will struggle to ever "settle" (as I currently perceive it) for a girl of lesser extraction. She truly is the most beautiful girl I am ever likely to meet.

How is your Sunday shaping up /lit/? What are you reading?

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Other urls found in this thread:

your gay

Oxford students are jumped up toffs and suicidal Chinese kids

become friends with london frogposter user and try to be each others wingmen and write about your adventures

Started reading Brave New World this morning. Hasn’t really grabbed my attention but a friend reccomended it and already a decent ways through it this early so I can probably knock out a chunk of it later and finish it some time this week.

it wasn't that nice this morning
your story doesn't stand up, OP.

>wake up at 11
>read all day
>finals are soon so no one's about
>i go on lit and see someone at oxford say 'privately educated'

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What's wrong with saying "privately educated"?

And I found it quite nice today, not as warm as yesterday but the breeze was absolutely delicious, especially when jogging.

Imagine being British and never having the opportunity to have dinner in pic related.

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I smell bullshit

Espresso? Banana? You sad faker. You've never even been to Oxford.