Oh yeah douchebag? How bout you go off yourself with a fucking blow torch
I apply and then I either get no response, rejection email, or an interview then a rejection.
You know why? Because I haven't networked and I'm not black/Hispanic/Asian/Muhammad/woman/trans/fucking everything but a white male. Everyone in my major that has gotten one has been one of those things or knew someone.
What is your excuse for why you don't have a job?
Not that user but he's right. I'm one of the top students in my department at a top-15 uni and I still struggle to get fuck-all because I'm white, straight and male.
i already have one. keep getting rejected when i apply to a different one, cuz i'm a typical beta asian tech worker
thanks for the thinly veiled Jow Forums thread OP. i'm sure this thread will be full of replies about people's job efforts and not about how nigs are destroying the country and genociding whites
Not even above guy but it's really not that hard if you aren't at a shit tier school. Half of college is networking and if you aren't doing that you're pretty much wasting your cash.
I'm a straight, white, American man with a college degree. I'm literally unemployable.
what is your effort in getting a job? are you applying everyday?
>Half of college is networking
whelp, looks like we're fucked, boys
if this is true and you can't get a job then you're probably a shitty person. that is the easiest mode
soon enough I'll get forced into getting one, so I've been taking advantage of being able to be a NEET for as long as I could. I've had four months basically of having to do nothing at all, except the occasional odd job to make money for booze and weed
graduation is next month, and I can't run from my problems anymore after that