Boredom/Loneliness/Depression Thread

Hey anons. Here we can discuss anything for people who are feeling kinda down tonight. Anything at all is fine, vidya, music, interests, hobbies, depressing stories etc. Anything at all, stop lurking and come join us!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just give me some more benzos so I can make the feeling go away. Fuck I need a plug.

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Benzos are bad for you desu.

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So is depression but you can't win that.

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Says who? Depression can be cured. We are just too lazy to do it.

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>epic 3dpd of random whore making le silly face
please fuck off back to r*ddit

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Yeah just give me some benzo that'll cure it slowly.

>being this new
lmaoing @ you

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It's not like anime is any better.
>Fuck I need a plug.
What do you need a plug for though, your bum?

Fuck. Why am I not attracted to asian girls at all?

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Plug is another term for seller.

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>don't care
>not depressed
elaborate feels

>Yeah just give me some benzo that'll cure it slowly.

You do know benzos are depressants right? They will just make you relax, but you won't actually be any happier and it won't cure anything, and besides that it is extremely addictive. What benzos are you fucking taking, Xanax?

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>calls someone a newfag
>immediately spoon feeds someone basic druggie lingo
lmao go back to your fucking hovel

What do you mean user? Elaborate your feels or mine?
>Plug is another term for seller.

Aren't you able to get the drugs like a responsible person, without resorting to irregular/illegal sellers? Isn't it easy (actually too easy) to get prescribed benzos? Just how much are you fucking taking?

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wdytwa oreginao

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>but you won't actually be any happier and it won't cure anything
I know I said that in my very first post.

>wanting to think user I use buttplugs
Yeah you fag

>easy to get benzos
I fucking wish but my doctor is shit and gives you placebo pills.

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About to jerk off and play some vidya, then go to bed.
Probably gonna grind some levels in Fate TCK or some shit.
So what are you guys up to?

Can somebody please fucking explain to me why no matter fucking what I can't get my dick hard for asian girls? There's just something that just repulses me so much about an asian girl, no matter how cute she looks. What is wrong with me anons? The worst thing is I have asian blood in me

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the feels are elaborate

>I fucking wish but my doctor is shit and gives you placebo pills.
Have you tried seeing another doc? Silly question, but can't you just go to different doctors and get as many prescriptions as you want? You just need to make a lot of appointments, that's all, and if you can lie or make up stories well, then you've hit the jackpot.

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>the feels are elaborate
At least you're not depressed user. That's a good thing, right?

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You literally can't ask for the pills you want where I live or they will make it seem you are like a addict and write it on your portfolio so I rather not risk it.

Probably the eyes

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Weather's warming up and it's got me in a mood for some reason.
Remembering all of the spectacular failures in my life, too.
Had a dream last night and I swear I was able to feel what it's like to be loved. I forgot the feeling, though. Doesn't really help.
Is it true that there are meds out there that can make me a sociopath? I know the prescription jew can never give me good feelings, but if I can get rid of the bad ones too idfc at this point.

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Read up articles on how to treat depression for the tenth straight night. I work at 9:30 tomorrow (cashier job) for 9 hours and I'd rather fucking kill myself

I was in the last thread with the online gf that broke up with him and saw an ig story of her with some guy and heart emojis. I still wanna die.

>Probably the eyes

I don't think so. It's not the eyes. I guess it has much more to do with three things. One of them is that I put white women on a fucking pedestal (I am really racist actually to all women except white), the fact that white women have a better frame and are more "womanly" after puberty (bigger tits, wider hips), have MUCH better teeth (have you seen japanese women's teeth? They hide their smiles when they laugh) and thirdly, because I have asian blood in me and don't identify with my asian part of the family?

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yes, yes it is

post music you faggots

Pic related. I hate my life and I want out but I can't do it myself. I'm stuck self-wallowing until the 1-in-whatever unlikely scenario happens where I'm hit by a car or caught up in some fellow NEET's massacre.
I always get asked "well what are you waiting for, the noose to tie itself?"
As a matter of fact, I am.

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I use to like white women with blonde hair but got tired of it since they all looked the same. I know ironic since all JPs look arike.

>afraid to live
>afraid to die
I would say I'm more afraid of the extreme pain before death.

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>Had a dream last night and I swear I was able to feel what it's like to be loved. I forgot the feeling, though. Doesn't really help.
Those are the worst user. Love really fucking hurts, specially when you wake up and realize that the "beloved" one doesn't fucking exist and isn't there for you. Love is a fucking meme, don't fall for it.
>Read up articles on how to treat depression for the tenth straight night.

Actually that's good advice. Depression is treatable and a lot of anons don't fucking work enough around here and are lazy and don't realize they can change it.
>I was in the last thread with the online gf that broke up with him and saw an ig story of her with some guy and heart emojis. I still wanna die.
What story? I am genuinely curious. Tell me all you know, please.

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>tfw no e-gf to fall asleep with you on the phone so you can pretend someone is there with you

I am a loser who doesn't deserve a trap gf.

but i wish i had one so we could cuddle and fuck and get high together and i could cook for him/her and make their peepee tingle

>Moe Shop
You like Moe Shop too? Holy fuck, I used to think that all weeb shit was bad until I start listening to Waifu Wednesdays. Their shit are THE BEST. Holy fuck. Do you like Snail's House too?

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>What story? I am genuinely curious. Tell me all you know, please.
She was out with her friends (who are mostly male and are musicians) backstage and she took a video for her instagram story with one guy and she was kinda close to him and she had that heart plunger arrow thing flying around, it made me beyond sad, and I cried like a little bitch

>tfw no e-gf to fall asleep with you on the phone so you can pretend someone is there with you

tfw I used to do that by requesting audios of girls telling me they loved me and I even cried listening to them. Eventually I started believing myself to be madly in love and it just fucked up and worsened my mental health.
Stop it before it's too late user. Love won't bring you happiness.

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Do you like Snail's House, Moe Shop, Carpenter Brut, or Waifu Wednesdays user?

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Genre needs to make a comeback so I can openly listen to it and be super sad

>liking old jazz


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My mental health is already ruined user.
I just want to pretend that someone loves me, okay?

>tfw paranoid delusions and intrusive thoughts have been getting worse
It's getting pretty bad anons, I keep thinking I'm being stalked around the house and shit.

>I am a loser who doesn't deserve a trap gf.
Are you actually unironically into traps user? Have you ever been with one or even fucked one? I don't think it's like you expect. I really don't think it's like it and these types of people are riddled with mental illness (not that women also aren't all mentally ill whores, who are mentally fucked by nature for just being women, but still.)

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I don't have a history of listening to weeb stuff but they seem alright
brut yes

>I just want to pretend that someone loves me, okay?
Ok user. Try this:

Hope you don't mind incest though.

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>what are you listening to?
>eww jazz? so old
>listen to REAL music from your own time
>they're all dead, why do you still care?
>where's the singing?
fuck off you're literally no different from all the other normgroids that give me shit for it

Hey anons. I am trying to fucking find this fucking thread that is archived but I can't find it. I just googled it but can't find it archived in sites. Anybody have the link to pic related?

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You're gonna make me cry user..
Thank you though I'll listen to it for the rest of the night!

>You're gonna make me cry user..

>tfw this literally made me cry even more than once in a single day

I kept listening to it on repeat.... Why have some many people been lately requesting this? Is it because of the incel resurgence on this board?

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old jazz is pretty comfy as background music

I feel like such a child.. a Man isn't supposed to cry, and yet I'm bawling over the voice of a woman that I'll never meet.

>tfw this is my browser right now
I'm not the only robot like this, right?

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>a Man isn't supposed to cry
humans are emotional creatures you retard
anyone who tells you this literally isn't human

>I feel like such a child.. a Man isn't supposed to cry, and yet I'm bawling over the voice of a woman that I'll never meet.
Honestly user. You shouldn't listen to this anymore. It does no good. I had lied down in my bed a few times and listened to this audio with my eyes closed imagining this woman in my arms and we telling each other words of love before going to sleep. Believe me, it feels good when you do it but tomorrow you'll feel like ABSOLUTE SHIT, because even when your conscious mind knows it's a fantasy, that animal part in your consciousness that recognizes love won't know that, and you'll feel like you're in unrequited love and start feeling despair. DON'T THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS. You gotta fucking believe me.

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never reached that level but yeah my tabs are pretty thin
what's your record?

>what's your record?

Hundreds and hundreds. Actually I started using Vivaldi a good while ago but since 2 days ago I've been using Opera because Youtube is slow AS FUCK on Vivaldi. But I have a lot of times had hundreds of tabs. You should use Vivaldi it is SO MUCH better and more organized and has a shitton of great customization for tabs that makes everything more organized and easier for you.

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>keep having days where I legitimately feel like I'm losing my mind
>but there's occasional normal feeling days sprinkled around so I don't feel like I'm actually crazy
It's a weird feeling. I'm the worst I have EVER been mentally right now, in the moments of clarity I can sit there and think about how fucking crazy I'd seem to someone else if I were to actually talk about it. A few weeks ago I had a bunch of word docs that ranged from almost attempting to professionally evaluate every friendship I've had in every regard, another was just a bunch of notes about a self-help book I was going to write to get rich, another was a journal, another just a list of things I thought to myself that I thought I was a modern day genius philosopher for thinking, but they were all in fact just stupid bullshit that normies say just worded pretentiously, and another was me just writing angrily at myself telling myself a bunch of shit that would make me better.

These last two months have been a fucking roller coaster where every emotion feels like an individual personality that just takes complete control of me, the last few days have felt like a cocktail of them all at once, and then today I feel like I'm going back to normal again. This exact same cycle happened about two weeks ago though so I'm expecting it all to start back up again.

It's what my father told me everyday as a child.
I don't think I can.. it feels so nice to hear someone tell you that they love you.

>too lazy
Nah, i just can't magically whisk away depression. It doesn't take days to get better. It doesn't take weeks. It doesn't take months.

It takes years.
Its hard to maintain habits that untested psychology says might work based on observation alone for years, when the very basis of the affliction you are dealing with is founded in a feeling of hopelessness.

Can i go a week? Sometimes. Can i go a month? Maybe if not too busy with school and someone holds me accountable. Years? No. I can't. Because working so hard just to not feel like shit to only see no progress makes it impossible

We aren't lazy, and theres not "cure" for depression. Theres treatments that help. Same as with terminal cancer. But when you have terminal cancer those trratments just postpone the inevitable. I wish there was a cure.

I think we're the same person user.
should one of us try waking up or taking those meds we've been avoiding for a long time?

I'm not against listening to old music. I just don't like jazz anymore. I used to. A lot. But then I discovered more happy euphoric, even "pop" sounding music that can create so much more feeling and come ever closer of inducing euphoria in me. And usually jazz is not well remixed and shit and raw in remixing etc, while I think that remixing audio well is the secret to making you have a "music orgasm".

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If you figure out how to wake up from this, let me know. I've never seen a professional before and for some reason I'm more against getting help now than I ever have been, so no meds for me.

well drop some links then desu

>I don't think I can.. it feels so nice to hear someone tell you that they love you
Let me tell you something, and listen very carefully. LOVE HURTS. It fucking hurts. And when you're in love, you are not in control, there's even a quote by Freud (he's kind of a pseud but a lot of stuff he said is legitimate): "there's no stronger state of a man being defenseless than when he is in love" and being in love there's no control and the neurocortex and the rational parts of your brain are turned off when it is madly in love. And the fucking thing is, if you actually start believing full-heartedly that you are in love and FEEL love, dude, there's no way that you can contain it and be fine, you will crave, LONG for love that you know there is not in this World for you. Your life will become a HELL created by yourself. Don't listen to this too much, and specially don't be A FUCKING DUMBASS like me and don't request audios of girls telling you they love you.

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>I'm more against getting help now than I ever have been
yep, we're the same person.
I'll try to think up some ideas then I'll get back to you with what I have

>well drop some links then desu
This unironically desu.

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>what's your record?
Shit dude. Just at this interval of time it has grown to this.

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My life is fucking pathetic, i'm total loser everyday is the same shit i cannot handle this anymore

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>My life is fucking pathetic, i'm total loser everyday is the same shit i cannot handle this anymore
Story of my fucking life user. But at least I am happy. Very happy. Wanna know my secret?

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>I don't think I can.. it feels so nice to hear someone tell you that they love you.

Take the advice from this user, pic related is good advice.

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i've been attracted to traps since i was 12 and first was exposed to it. am 25 now and want one so bad

fuck this is gonna stay stuck in my head until I grow to love it, quickly resent it, and then start liking it again

>tfw someone posts a cap of your post as advice 20 minutes after you've posted about how you're losing your mind

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HOLY SHIT user. Are you saying you were the one who posted this?

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Anybody here into Mystery Skulls? Fucking amazing band.

quitting nicotine right now, it's making me fucking depressed.

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Yeah, sorta surprised someone even bothered saving it

>literally no friends, not online or in real life
>not even porn entertains me anymore
>just spend all day scrolling through Jow Forums without thinking much about anything
I hate everything about myself and I contemplate suicide daily. How the fuck do I start enjoying things again?

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Do you smoke and why?

>Yeah, sorta surprised someone even bothered saving it
Wait, you faggot. If you knew how painful love is, then why the fuck do you want to keep hearing these "I love you" audios?

>I hate everything about myself and I contemplate suicide daily. How the fuck do I start enjoying things again?

That's a good question. How are things outside your depression and having no friends? (i.e family, physical health, nutrition, mental health, etc) Not enjoying shit is a sign of depression. How is other stuff going fag?

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Cigs occasionally, but Juul all day every day until recently. Used to just be while drinking but became an every day thing.

>Cigs occasionally,
Cigs is such a thing for fucking losers m8.

stop being a fag, nothing wrong with an occasional cig

Fuck off kadex

My family is pretty loving of me and give me lots of support. I have an extreme case of clinical depression and I'm a 200 pound lardass. I've also got assburger's if that means anything.

>>nothing wrong with an occasional cig

>bad for lungs
>bad for heart
>gives cancer
user, are you OK?

> I've also got assburger's if that means anything.

What does that mean desu? Are you on antidepressants?

OP is Ricebottle.

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>then why the fuck do you want to keep hearing these "I love you" audios?
That's a different person.

Are you ok?

It always starts like this: "Oh, it's just an occasional fag, user." Next thing you know you need it to function for the next day.

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I hate being born in the age of the kids who got fucked by boomers.

Between two jobs I make about 90k a year.

In the place I live after taxes I can't even afford a one bedroom apartment to myself and have any more than 1k left over each month for savings.

Its fucking ridiculous. I am getting so pissed at boomers for leaving us in this fucked up situation when they only had to work one job with no degree or debt to get a nice house and family.

How the fuck am I supposed to start a family in a fucking one bedroom apartment. Im fucking livid.

No matter how good I do. Its not enough. And I get fucking depressed about this. Working jobs for what?

What's the fucking point of this all if it's never going to amount to shit? No family no kids. A little bit of money and that's it.....

Impossible to find a woman thats not a roastie... Uhh.. Fuck I'm so irritated right now..

fair enough, at least i'm off it now.

I'm in a similar situation user, also earning above 90k and barely keeping my head above water in a shoebox apartment

I have been considering moving to a developing city where I can buy land and a few businesses cheap like they did, hold it for 6 decades, marry a local girl and become inevitably rich. The hard part is picking the right city though

>almost 3 figure salary
>still complaining

You faggots are never gonna be happy, will you? Also, fuck off with this spacing formatting will ya?

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I have come to the realization that not leaving the house for two weeks is probably detrimental to mental health. I haven't eaten in two days, just drinking water. So addicted to shitposting and watching streams that my life has become a steaming pile of shit.

I was supposed to start work Monday but missed my orientation and pretty much fucked that up. Mfw moving out of my apartment because can't afford it. Going to live with mom again because total loser.

Was dating a grill for about a month who was older than me and 7.5/10 but she met some other guy and is now fucking that guy.

I made a plebbook and proceeded to make a fool of myself to all my old friends who hate the new sperglord me

Really fucking hate myself

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On another note, I wanna tell you anons about my obsession I have. And I HAVE to tell someone. Basically, I have this fetish that mixes two impossible things to happen in my life. One is Love, and the other is incest. I still dream that one day a really hot thin woman in her 30s becomes my mother (in every sense) and then comes to my room and says she's fallen madly in love with me. I want to be loved not just by a woman, but by my mother at the same time. She confesses that she's in love with me madly and wants to be with me forever. I agree and admit I am also in love with her, I have been since the beginning. Then we make love and tell each other that we love each other all night long. I know this will never happen but it's in my mind all the fucking time. What do anons? Is this a sick fantasy?

>I have come to the realization that not leaving the house for two weeks is probably detrimental to mental health.
Oh don't you fucking tell me. Haven't you ever heard what damages Sensory Deprivation does to you? Do you at least have someone to talk to?

>Was dating a grill for about a month who was older than me and 7.5/10 but she met some other guy and is now fucking that guy.
Sorry user, but women are just whores nowadays.

>Really fucking hate myself
Sorry user.

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Holy shit this is my greatest fear

I always go full shutdown when a girl leaves me, and so far hasn't mattered since I've been in school and had no expenses. I am dreading going into the working world, where shutting down means you've basically ruined your life and have to basically start over.

Erlkonig by Schubert is such a good song. And of course Goethe is a good poet but even after several years of German I can hardly understand him. Schubert in a sense I think as a composer is underrated in that his piano and highly Romantic works have been "normalized" and are good for a quick listen to normal people, but beyond that people won't return to him, therefore ignoring his symphonies and more significant pieces. But it always seems to no matter how Late Romantic or 20th century Expressionist I go in music, or back even to Schubert and his like, I can't recapture that transcendental feeling of listening to the immortal Tristan prelude while falling asleep. Berg's Dem andenken comes close at least. Even Wagner gets memed on hard and people can claim to be a "fan" of his music but sitting through an entire opera of his will kill them a thousand times from boredom more than one by Puccini or Mozart. And even I confess that I remain infatuated in a "honeymoon period" with one piece of another before leaving that too. So perhaps Alles Vergangliche ist nur ein Gleichnis etc. if I can still recall Goethe. And the most damning thing is that there's no one to tell this too, since people who really know this stuff aren't swayed by emotions alone, so thanks for hearing me out

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You posted on the wrong board bucko.


Yeah, it hardly matters now though as /lit/ and /mu/ have become isolation as well, so why not Jow Forums, really? I feel doomed that I will never really know enough about these things to truly engage in discussion, but just enough knowledge in esoteric topics as to distance myself from general conversation. Mediocrity though, of course, is nothing new! The whole time it's like I've been waiting for life to start, but it never does

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I'm sorry user. But I think that the problem is not that you have gone too far in topics of /lit/ and /mu/ that we can't follow. Some robots can. But you just posted all of this stuff and talk without focusing on a single particular topic and of course it seemed out of place. What do you wanna talk about? I will try to follow the best I can.

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Semi-manlet here. Wanted to ask you faggots if height-increasing shoes work. Do they?

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Do you listen to Bach user?


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Hey anons, how are you doing? Me not very well.