>online practice gf being stupid again
>why don't you just
>you should
>thinking to myself "stupid bitch"
I hate when femoids think they have legitimate thoughts but it's fucking "just bee yourself" tier.
Online practice gf being stupid again
if i had a "online practice bf" or whatever i don't think i could take it seriously. i'd just be shitposting on overdrive
Baking abusive to your online practice gf's (male) is the best part. Seeing how much shit they'll put up with because they're so desperate for your validation.
Chillax, OP. If you weren't so angry around those who care about you, maybe you'd be having a better time? She just wants to help. Follow her advice, if you can.
You both sound like shitty people, desu
>not realizing that all opinions are subjective and that which one holds more merit depends on each person's own subjective interpretation of a situation's ideal outcome
instead of telling each other what to do as if you're telling them a fact, try talking about what you both want to happen in the situation and then coming to an understanding based on that
where do i get a practice gf
'being yourself works you just need confidence n look them in the eye that's how they know you mean business
other then that dress clean smell good n just throw yourself out there
if she doesn't know about anything you're talking about to her then she's not for you
small talk is just for casual sex
You deserve it for treating someone as a "practice gf" What a shitty way to view another person.
you need to practice to get good user, wow how dumb are you lol
select one
This is my fetish
>user pushing me away
>me continuing to stay
>user puts time and effort into making me hate him
>still reply back
>user focused on me
How does one get a online practice gf?
Every female I talk to loses interest after a day
just gotta be yourself bruh
Just be sweet to her. Tell her you are thinking of her and it helps if you are cute.
I try
I guess I'm not finding girls who are desperate enough
And I'm probably too nice
>literally uses every normie advice besides saying "just lift bro"
You're memeing with me right?
Are you a cute oregano?
Would you be happier if she just called you a pathetic fag?
But shouldn't matter online
How tall are you + weight o?
6'2 230
Holy shit filter
What's up with you?
Just wanted to see if you were a skeleton
A girl I knew a decade ago started messaging me a few days ago. She tells me "work your butt off and things will get better". Bitch please, working hard never got me anywhere. It's all about who likes you and who doesn't.
>online practice GF hasn't masturbated over voice with me in over a week
you people are disgusting. unless your partner is also using you as a practice partner, this is a horrible thing to do to someone and you should have it done to you when you genuinely have feelings for them. it would serve you all fucking right.
anons can no longer whine "why r women so cruel", "why wont women love me" and "women are all scum who just want to use you"
Do what I did, go for the suicidal ones. Alternatively, stalk the fuck out of them, find out about what she likes/hates, where she lives, etc. That way you don't have to be your aspie self.
Have been talking to this girl for about a month now and it's been great so far.
But word of warning, user.
Don't do what I also did, and don't get emotionally invested. It'll backfire if you do.
Speaking from experience.
you made them this way u roast beef
if you kick a dog it will be scared and bite you, what did you expect?
Don't involve me in this
I don't know how these people get practice gfs and I can't even get one to regularly talk to me
>"why r women so cruel", "why wont women love me" and "women are all scum who just want to use you"
No one ever asked you to come here hole, fuck off.
Have you been stalking me user?