If you're an objectively ugly male how are you supposed to have enough confidence to participate in society?

If you're an objectively ugly male how are you supposed to have enough confidence to participate in society?

Attached: eggman1.jpg (1920x1080, 123K)

By being alpha. It's a state of mind and way of carrying yourself. You're still going to be objectively ugly, dude, and you always will, just fucking own it and be happy.

Normies don't define you, they don't define how you think about yourself. Fuck them and focus on the parts of yourself you actually do like.

Maybe you like your eyes or your hair, so fucking focus on them and ignore your negative aspects.

Just ascend, nigger.

>coping this hard
holy shit dude

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>literally just bee yourself bro

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His advice is good and is not "just bee thyself XD"

For me it has vastly improved my life to learn to work with the negative aspects of life to have the best life I can rather than be angry all day about them. Internal validation is key to a happy life, it sounds like a meme but it isn't.

>everything is fine, I can be alpha if I want to!
WOW, the land of make believe!

Without the use of drugs, such a thing is not possible. Our brains aren't made for it.

>being this delusional
No such thing as an ugly "true" alpha. Ugly fucks who act alpha will at best be the lower ranking brute enforcer to a true handsome leader. Also, what does one do if they do not have any aspect of themselves that they like? What then genius?

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It is possible actually. It's called managing your emotions user. Let me ask you, has being a bitch and whining about your lot in life ever gotten you anywhere? For me it didn't. Instead I choose to cut my losses and have realistic expectations for life. It has helped a lot actually, and having a more well-tempered mind is a reward in and of itself.

If you don't like anything about yourself that's your own problem user.

Oh my god you've just solved it! Why didn't I ever think of that before???
I'll just stop being sad and be happy instead. It's GENIUS!

>just accept that you are genetic trash, will never be loved and will be forever hated by the majority of society
Truy the path to happiness

By realizing that finding a partner isn't all there is to life.

Life is way bigger than starting a family in my ways. I think that you need to find and do something that makes you proud and fulfills you spiritually, be a job or a trade, start a company, have a mission.

Through work, compassion and genuine drive to be a positive part of society success will come to you. You will be confident not in your looks but in your hard work and your ethic.

And then bitches will see that and drown you in p00n

>Through work, compassion and genuine drive to be a positive part of society success will come to you.

You clearly aren't trying to live that way if this is your response. Mature people don't react like you just did. I'm not saying you will get a 10/10 GF and become an alpha, but being able to evaluate your own emotions and make realistic, achievable goals is a prerequisite to having ANYTHING in life. Think about it user, do you really want to spend your life whining and complaining on Jow Forums? It feels good to lash out at me now, but in the long run lashing out and whining will not get you anywhere.

I actually knew a guy that looked just like Eggman in college.

I guess the main difference was he was fairly confident and smart despite having below average looks and now he has a fiance and works as an accoutant

But you've already accepted that user. Now, knowing this, how are you going to live the best life that you can?

>By realizing that finding a partner isn't all there is to life.
Biologically, it is.
>Life is way bigger than starting a family in my ways. I think that you need to find and do something that makes you proud and fulfills you spiritually, be a job or a trade, start a company, have a mission.
You gonna tell me to check my horoscope next? Maybe do some divination?
>Through work, compassion and genuine drive to be a positive part of society success will come to you.
Fuck that. Why the fuck would I support a society that hates me and is actively working against me?
>You will be confident not in your looks but in your hard work and your ethic.
Yeah, good goy work hard so Mr. Shekelstein can buy his 10th yacht.
>And then bitches will see that and drown you in p00n
Not if you look like quasimodo's slightly taller cousin.

I'm not. There is no point. My best life is still shit.

What's the purpose of deluding yourself into thinking you're cool when clearly everyone thinks otherwise? It's just a form of escapism. You might as well do drugs at that point, that would work better

>doesn't work
>doesn't want to contribute to society
Honestly user, why would anyone want anything to do with you? People don't want to be around someone who is adverse to providing anything of value to the world and is offended by the suggestion that they do.

l'll take Shit That Never Happened for 100, Alex.

With this attitude your life will be shitty. If you weren't so pessimistic it wouldn't be as shitty even if it didn't live up to your full expectations.

Not everything is about social status, women and appearances. If you think that way, and your only reason for existing is to obtain these things, then you're basically a shell of a human being.

Oh, I tried. Back when I was young and naive. The only difference was I had more money and worked harder.
>People don't want to be around someone who is adverse to providing anything of value to the world and is offended by the suggestion that they do.
No, they don't want to be around someone that looks like they have a birth defect. Being a wagelsave didn't change jack shit

hes not really ugly and neither are you.

Whatever fits your cynical view of the world i suppose

Yes, it would be ~10% less shitty. That's something I'm not going to bust my ass off for.
>muh cult of positivty
Being positive is just as bad as being negative. Both are, by definition, unrealistic worldviews

HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Next thing you're gonna be telling me is that pic related has model potential

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How old were you then, and how old are you now? What job did you have then, and are you unemployed now?

I don't necessarily agree, but even then, you should just stop caring, and accept that you are a flawed human being, without lying to yourself

I'm not an optimist, just not a pessimist. Pessimism and optimism are both forms of cowardice. Not everything is about what you have or the amount of things you're consuming. I feel much better learning to control my emotions and work towards a goal I may never achieve because I know this is at least virtuous. You will feel much worse giving up, even if that's easy and comfortable.

even little things count, hell, even a new shirt can give you a little confidence boost that could make you appear more alpha in one situation, even if youre not an alpha per se.

23, 26 now. Mechatronics engineer, and no I'm still working as a mechatronics engineer but with lower hours and an easier and less stressful place.

Yes, because working my ass off for nothing will make me feel so much better

not really, but im pretty sure he can make himself work in some way

Whatever keeps your just world delusions afloat, buddy

>not believing certain woman cha smart & rich men, however they may look
You wouldn't understand it as a brainlet/financialet