Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #450
I'm tired of talking to people. They don't have anything good to say
So fat you have a "fat voice"
Tfw scored 140 on a professionally administered child IQ test as a kid
Found out family member was raped as a kid
She looks like she could just about pop guise
Ordered chinese for the second time today
Fapping peacefully with the door locked
Finally grew a pair to invite my onetis out to the movies
Choose your power and your enemy's weakness
Only have 30 dollars to my name
What is "connections"
Hey, R9K
Have you ever played a sex game? I did once, amazing stuff
Fembots; Ieft or right?
Tfw huge clit
Had a rough day today so what's your favorite SpongeBob episode r9k?
I think we have projected our idea of the perfect girl over our e-waifu. Thus making it so hard for us to let it go
And they wonder why people call them fake news
When you're doing dirty talk during sex, what kind of stuff do you say?
Mental illness thread
Maybe the redistribution of sex idea wasn't such a good idea?
Was giving women the right to vote a mistake?
Hey, faggot. Why are you walking so stupid? Why are you walking with your head down? You look creepy and weird...
Femanons, why aren't you the #1 fap fantasy of all the young boys in your area yet?
What do I write on my tinder profile, be serious please, no joking around
Game over boys
Like ummm, this is why you need to respect us!
Good songs to play while commiting suicide?
How do I get rid of a cuck/interracial fetish?
Tfw no bf who could see my scars and not be disgusted
Femanon here
Living with ex literally across the US from my family
Tfw therapist hates me
How does it feel to cuddle with someone? Does it feel like I imagine in my head or is it just uncomfortable and awkward...
Do you believe in finding love user?
Hey user are my clothes too tight?
He's so skinny
Why is this allowed? It would never have been tolerated a hundred years ago
Friendly free frens treehouse
Reading a book on campus
When did you realize non-white females are more attractive than white females?
Meet really sweet britbong qt from a fembot thread
ITT: Weird things normies do
ITT: music. Thats it really
ITT we try to create some deep quotes
Good night internet people
"people who proclaim they want/deserve a 5'6 130 lbs 8/10 teenage girlfriend with a body like Venus with arms who...
Am I subconsciously gay if Im into girls with short hair?
Would 6/10 fembots settle with a 6/10 robot?
Would you let a symbiote bond with you? Why or why not?
How was your day, femanon?
Cant believe it, 13 year old chads get to fuck 10/10s
Normalfag logic
Fell for the "moan loudly like an anime girl while fapping" meme
Why not just settle for betraying your race?
Women are not sexually attracted to men's bodies, for them...
I'm making an r9k related video. I need some funny r9k greentexts friendos
Be almost 30 yers old neet
Tinder tricks
Here we can observe 3 baby hyenas meeting their new brother/sister. What do you think?
Any user wanna help a disabled bro out and send me a tenner or something over paypal bls
Why do most girls think that dicks are ugly?
Rank the pictured girls from best to worst in your opinion
What part of a girl is most important? Face, tits, or ass?
Femanons we know you are here. can you at least do me a favor? I want you to record yourself here saying
I will reply to everyone who posts in this thread
Every guy on r9k wants dominant mommy gf and is into femdom
Tfw no bf to stroke my hair
Im rascist (niggers)
Private property should be abolished, it is an archaic concept
Thread about the best poster on Jow Forums
Mental illness
So how are you enjoying our date user?
Low I.Q depression
Anybody here want an avoidant personality gf with scars on her thighs
A powerful robot wizard has create a pocket dimension that is just a giant mansion with no way out...
Tfw just messaged a girl I like
Normalfag memes you don't understand
Be me
Why do women get old so quickly? It's not fucking fair
Catfishing robots
The UK is Fucked
Are all male virgins mass murderers and rapists in the making?
Does anyone else hate female sexuality?
Would you date a girl; who is a virgin, but wont have sex with you unless you impregnate her?
Itt: Childhood fapps
He still hasn't gotten over his atheist phase
Tfw no tall skinny pale British boy to love unconditionally and hold hands with
Mfw having to reject yet ANOTHER woman because I'm a dicklet
Be me
I've unironically got an interview with the BBC on what it means to be an incel. Wtf do I even say?
Can the mods please sticky this?
What kind of day dreams do you have/ used to have?
Do fembots ever worry about their height?
Why is it only females who say sex is necessary for a healthy relationship?
Just give me attention, yes?
Good morning Jow Forums, how did you sleep? Did you have any dreams that you remember? What did you have for breakfast?
Why do people always get so aggressive towards others suddenly in late March/April and continue on for a few months...
You cannot know pleasure w/o pain
Single Femanons why post on Jow Forums instead of some other place more open to females?
Girls with mental disorders are attractive
Times youve fucked up on obvious advances from a girl
Women ruin yet another thing
Jow ForumsBraincels is unironically a comfy subreddit
Who else has a fetish they’ll never fulfish
/UNI/ generally fucked edition
Day 2
Do 30 push ups
Remember this clearly this my robot fellow
Why not just hide your face bots? it's the latest fashion trend
Romance is not dead
BASED keny
I'm 25 and I'm dating a 40 year old mother. A few days ago we told eachother that we're both in love
Why not just settle with a literal hambeast?
Would you date a femcel?
Why do hapas sometimes turn out with top tier aesthetics, but sometimes have gobina features? Why so much extreme?
My first boyfriend ever just dumped me because his parents didn't like the fact I don't belong to their ethnic group
Well user, what are you waiting for?
If you don't like/used to like anime what are you even doing here?
Post your funniest pic
Ywn have Skype sex with her
To all you INTJ fags. INTJ stands for asperger syndrome. You will never get your qt ENFP gf because you have assburgers...
Sign up for leddit account
You cant survive the mind
Angry White men BTFO
Do you live with a human pig?
Who /lanklet/ here?
Incel. The misogynistic ideology that believes women "owe" men sex
Can We Enable Emoji Support?
If women only desire 20% of males and find 80% of them ugly.. then how did your dad get laid?
R9k, let's solve this
If you were given the opportunity to have sex with a female alien, would you do it
Why are incels such creeps Jow Forums?
Go to job interview
Ctrl+V NOW!
Wrists thread
At what point am I supposed to know my girlfriend/ex girlfriend ghosted me and I'm single again?
It's 4:42 am, just randomly awoke at 3 and started thinking about my college friends. Why. Why did we split up...
The Virgin Duality
Fembots, would you date a blackbot?
When was the last time you held a conversation with an unrelated female that was roughly the same age you?
Does r9k hate reddit because people there are more successful?
Favorite lyrics?
Women are ugly without makeup
Hey Jow Forums is me again awh my discord is Satyrn#1783
User your shoelaces are untied, let me fix that for you! :)
That 30+ year old boomer that browses r9k
Fresh discord
That kid thread. Come on faggots, show me what you got. I'll give the first one:
What's a 0/10 for you, personality and looks-wise? someone you would not date even if they threw themselves at you
/leftopia general/
Have you ever walked around in public wearing panties with something in your ass?
Why haven't you come to Jesus yet, user? His team wins in the end
Sometimes I hug my pillow and pretend it's a girlfriend
People find out i'm going MGTOW
Self-Hate thread
Post your favorite reaction image and share why you like it so much
Take the (girl) pill
ITT post your opinions on this young woman named Ciara
Love is just a sickness of the mind, isn't it?
Why not just settle for a 3/10?
Why dont you just settle for gf like pic related?
Is the Incel Problem solved by Just Transitioning?
Security jobs
Tfw no bf to appreciate and let me lovingly play with his balls and tell him they are super cute and just kiss them and...
Tried to kill myself yesterday. now there's an even bigger scar on my arm
Everyone on Jow Forums talking about going on HRT and becoming girly girls
Ever get tired of being told you can't talk about politics and junk on Discord servers...
Jow Forums tells their age and favorite vidya
What would you do if you tried to come here tomorrow and it was gone. All of Jow Forums. Forever
ITT: post your fatal flaw
You better not be memeing me into ruining my life, Jow Forums
What's the best first job to get for someone like me who has general anxiety?
Do you guys feel the yellow fever phenomenon is the result of not being able to get other girls...
Cuts Thread
/r9krinkle/ BLAAART edition
My normalfag friend is pressuring me into installing Tinder. Should I give it a shot?
Holy shit this is so fucking depressing. This is the nature of sex Dynamics pure and simple...
Voluntary Celibacy
Genre-defining Rock n' Roller
Robot food
I'm on day 4 of taking female hormones
I did it bros
SoCal-bots, would you rather live in Buena Park or Central LA(near Koreatown)...
Meet guy on fembot thread
I fucking hate being circumcised...
Why do men kill people when they can't get laid?
Fell for the "pee sitting down like a girl" meme
/Mommy General/
Have you ever done anything illegal? what was it
Summarize everything that you want out of a romantic relationship with just one image
Why the fuck did she choose him? I'm not like you degenerates who post trannies, fuck senior citizens...
Wired Calls On Canada To Ban Jow Forums
You've been in here all last week
Can we get a comfy Thread?
How are you planning on doing to change yourself and get a girlfriend ?
How long has it been since you've had sex?
Who else /terry-core/?
Lol women wear these. Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Anyone have any experience with insomnia?
What is more triggering for white guys? Left or right?
This is getting oreganoli ridiculous
Job Hunt General
Has anyone had any success using an online dating site like OkCupid?
We've come a long way, from fucking guys in the ass in the shower to fucking top shelf billionaire snatch
How do you guys explain your alcoholism to others?
Sperging Out
don't you recognize me? We went to middle school together. What are you up to these days user?
Incel De-escalation
Why not just settle for an anime-loving vidya-playing cosplay GF robots?
Comfy feels thread
"what kind of music do you like user"
Is it my schizophrenia acting up or does literally every verbal communication contain a double entendre that typically...
What is the scummiest thing you've ever done?
User! why not come back to our room and fuck our shitters until they are overflowing with cum!?
Tfw you were not born a beautiful white woman
I'm not trying to complain here or anything but can women truly understand the loneliness a male can get himself into...
Funfact: You are sad and malcontent because you let yourself become sad and malcontent...
I finally made it bros.... I asked the girl I liked out... And she said yes
Bet you have a discord, are under 20 and wear hoodies with skinny jeans and Jordans or Adiadas...
Who /gamer/ here? GAMERS RISE UP
What's with many girls liking travel and plates full of pretentious looking food?
Is he about to end it all?
Why do women have to be so dang picky!?
LSD Games
Who else is on the edge of doing it
ITT we post original YouTube comments that no one has ever heard before
Why don't you just date a fat fucking cow?
Femanons, do you ever use pee bottles or some sort of female equivalent? Do you ever pee places besides the toilet...
Though the whole story is murked
Tfw been on Jow Forums since 2007
Why is it hard for robots to date?
White nationalists: Yeah, I mean nothing is more degenerate than race mixing...
8 months without changing my bed sheets
Reminder that she's going places, while you sad sack of losrs arne't. LOL
Pretend to be azn fembot on discord
Be me, around a year ago
Hello user, I am your government assigned girlfriend from the sexual redistribution social program
Do girls like anal?
Norwegian people are literally asexual
Post your suicide music
Are there any kinos that showcase the indiscriminate passage of time?
Hentai in love life
tfw when your teeth, 21 years cavity-free and counting...
Why do some girls like calling their partner "daddy" during sex? What the fuck does it mean...
Post TRUTHS in this thread
Naturally submissive and feminine
What have you done to respect women today?
Smart only people on this server for Discord
Advice to Incels: Swing the other way
Asian masculinity thread
Stop bullying mixed girls
Is there a way to actually enjoy working?
Scat is the thinking man's fetish
Do you eat healthy, robros?
Mommy gf
He actually does not believe in God
Why don't you just get a 41 year old Vietnamese mommy gf?
Your one and only best friend is being taken away
Hey robots
Guns illegal
/comfy/ thread
What would you name your hypothetical son or daughter robots? I always loved the name Zachariah...
Loneliness epidemic
Mental health thread #2
Guy with the 71 year old gf here with nothing to do, anyone want to ask me questions?
Why do niggas always talk shit
ITT - WE RAGE - Part 382
We post our cringe memories and others judge how bad it actually was
If someone broke into your home how would you deal with the situation?
Why is the alt right targeting pegging all of the sudden? Makes me feel very insecure tbqh
Catharsis Thread
If you were a pretty girl, all your flaws would be considered cute and desirable
ITT: your pets turned into demi girls over night
What are some Jow Forums approved, one size fits all tinder bios? i plan on giving it another go
What are your hobbies robots
Tfw no psychopathic chaotic bf
"hurr durr being fat isn't genetic"
Waifu Discord Fags
Facebook is launching a dating feature...
Why are modern people so scared of aging?
Fatbots why don't you just lose weight? It unironically is not so hard
How low does your IQ have to be to use social media?
Are there any girls like tomoko in real life, and how do i get them to date me?
Jusky Thread
Tfw you apologize to a superior poster after you lose an internet argument
Why is mainstream thought never right-wing...
ITT post shit people say that triggers you
He actually believes in God
Did you ever ghosting someone ?
What percentage of women have nudes on the internet? It seems like a lot
Anybody ever been in a DD/LG relationship?
You will never shoot your school with your bro
Black bots, there are literally hundreds of lonely autistic white girls browsing right now...
What kind of bullshit is this?
Day 1 Draws To A Close
That new sound you hear when you get a (you) is fucking amazing. Thanks based hirosheemoot
Who would you choose? You wouldn't just throw away your racial purity,right?
Femanons get ITT
Communism is making a comback
Its happening
Why can't you be more like female incels?
Why are females scared of acid attacks?
What are your thoughts on tall women, anons?
Let's play fortnite user :-DDDDDDD
Dream of gf
Would you get an edgy gf and take her for a walk in the local graveyard?
Is she right? Are incels only single because their standards are too high?
Which do you pick?
Yo, neets
Why is this board so homophobic? You would think people who have been downtrodden would understand what it's like
Sympathy for the "incel" - Article
What keeps you going? Why haven't you ended it already?
Kelly loves you, anons
Why do we hurt women so?
Im letting my hair grow because i dont want to interact with the haircut people
Let's see if this is true
Do any other fembots want kids? I do but I know I can't have them because of my perversions
Hows your job hunt going Jow Forums?
Haha take that christcucks
Why are INFJs known for being loyal when INFJ girls are notorious for dumping their boyfriends, fiances, and husbands?
I honestly don't know what to do anymore...
That kid thread anyone? Ill start
Why do white men keep betraying their women?
Anyone else here literally /friendless/? I have absolutely no friends. I hardly even have any online either...
Can you guys recommend any good anime that isn't just stuffed with moe shit and ass pans (even when it's "le ironic...
Why haven't you converted to Nazism, robots?
Would you settle for a girl Iike this?
Lost 10 lbs
How are you supposed to sexually satisfy a woman when you suffer from premature ejaculation?
Tell me about your closest friend, Jow Forums
Normalfag says he likes anime
Hi, Faris here and id just like to say that King Black Chad, AKA Michael is not my older brother...
Finally get a job
Comfy MMOs to play?
Holy fuck. Just... holy fuck... I don't know how to process this. I've had heart breaks before; that's for sure...
You will never go to chads cool summer parties
I have a fighting "kink", is this weird?
200 word essay due next month
Feels Thread
I'm in the mood for a vocaroo thread. Post vocaroos
I'm 30 years old, studying physics and math at a university. I'm gonna be at least 35 before I graduate
Why would a man want to be a feminist?
He doesnt pay hot sluts from Tinder for sex
EEU Bots
Deep down inside, you know you want this
Do girls like big weewees?
Why aren't you a daoist? It's the easiest thing in the world
This is the average femanon. Why don't you have a femanon FWB yet?
Why do slavic women have facial features straight out of anime?
Would you settle for a hapa gf?
/mommy general/
he felt for self-improvement meme
Catfished a girl at school and made her think Im in love with her
Bachelors in stem
What have you all done in these 120 days to make your life better?
Are women capable of having interests, or they just mimic them to get the attention?
Fembots, how hairy is your vagina?
I'm never going to fucking make it
This board is officially done. There's no way back
I'm 30 and just got into a university for the first time
Im literally a Chad in every way other than my personality
Motherfucking shit. i was just masturbating and everything was going great. i was in my room, i had my headphones on...
this test said there are 9 people like me
Has any of you here visited a gloryhole before? I'm not gay...
25+ Thread
Would world be a better place if tomorrow suddenly only ~300 million people will be left?
Can we have a thread talking about the struggle of a 'chad'
How does one stop an ICBM?
Tfw you're not a drift king in 90s japan
Talk about literal dreams you've had
Do you honestly see Elliot Rodger, as an incel saint? , I'm not talking memes I'm talking literal
Why aren't you using gnu/linux?
Why is everything in my life so disgusting, user?
Itt: objectively unattractive/below average women you would still date
Would you ever date a granny gf if the opportunity ever arose?
Roasties getting toastie
Be honest, would you feel insecure in a relationship where your hypothetical gf was: smarter, more charming...
What do you dislike the most about yourself user? Maybe letting it out will help a bit
Who voicelet here
Your mom knows your PC password and your phone password
You'll never know me, my story, my contemplations. I am a figment of my own imaginations. I am flawed, beautiful...
Who the fuck would even watch this?
Send me comfy japanese tunes or I kill myself
Tfw no qt gf to help me indulge my agp
I don't care about politics/social issues/world problems or anything that doesn't concern me directly and i'm not even...
Why dont you just settle for fat kinky gf?
Anyone else fantasize about having an older sister? one who walks around barefoot...
Robot addictions
God i fucking hate nu pol. They try to alienate everybody who doesn't share their own views...
What's a way to kill myself that won't leave me permanently injured or disfigured if I fuck it up
It's too fucking late for the "developed" world, anons...
Summer /feelsgood/ thread
I am over 35k in debt and have been planning to kill myself after maxing out the rest of my credit cards...
Does anyone else blame their parents for how they've turned out? Because I know I do
Mental health thread
Are millions of people watching me right now?
Why are black people so hard to deal with? like they get so angry when someone says no. Fucking niggers
ITT: We're all frens
Bots, what would your dream girlfriend look like? What would she act like, too?
So how many people have you gotten to kill themselves user? My high score is 18
Anons, how attractive would you rate yourself out of ten?
What's the comfiest drug?
Why are asians so good at making porn?
Tfw I've gotten so mysoginstic i cant even stand being within earshot of women anymore
Be me
So, it seems that life is a lot of work to be "happy", but the "happiness" is such a little reward...
Tfw 6 foot 3, have a job that gives me more money than I can spend, good looking, drive a fancy car
Why is it so much more common for men to have weird fetishes?
Blue collar bots:
This is how I personally think every robot poster on this board,looks and acts like. Am I wrong in thinking this?
Dogs aren't evil. In my belief(faith). We have the story of the youth of the cave. They had a dog with them...
Times you were CHAD
Tfw no gf thread
Hahahahahaha i finally went on grindr and im getting TONS of dudes hitting on me
Anons, would you date a woman in her late 30s/early 40s if she'd genuinely love you and never cheat?
Lil peep radio. priest of the underworld gothboy click
Im average looking 18 year old gfless kissless virgin. What am I doing so wrong?
ITT: describe your life with one picture
Kelly is love. kelly is life
Do you think he can survive prison?
But honestly...who wouldn't?
What is genuinely bad about Reddit?
Hi user! Wanna hang out and listen to The Cure with me?
Jow Forums anime thread
Under what circumstances would a fembot turn down an opportunity to get fucked by a chad?
Prayer Request Thread
25+ Thread
The most beautiful and perfect woman int he history of mankind
You could always go out with an average "31 year old."
I dropped the weights while lifting
Is volunteering a good way to meet people? I only did it once a while back and ended up not really talking to anyone...
Sits in room all day everyday
Brown nipples vs pink nipples, can we have a discussion?
I really can't believe the whole "you're born gay" thing
Tfw the biggest stacy in your entire grade level was unironically the nicest person to you and one of the few people...
Fembots, what's it feel like when a guy you're not attracted to confesses his feelings for you?
Generation Z is way better at memes than we were
OMG, this girl is so cute. She's autistic, so she's probably a depressed, lonely virgin like me...
Qt modelling for a Korean "fashion" brand
Would you rather fuck a slutty girl and get an std, or die a virgin?
Anyone else scared to start threads? the rejection of a dead thread is to much for me
Tfw babysitting neighbor's 7 year old daughter on friday
What was the moment that crushed your soul and made you start lifting?
Feminine hygiene
Why are white women betraying us?
What does it take to get a high-tier bf?
Women only care about looks or mo-
Do all the guys here hate woman?
Who are your Twitch waifus?
He gave hope to millions
Peeeennniiiiiissss...? What on Earth on you doing? D:
Honestly, would you date a qt with mental illness?
Why are Chads so much nicer than robots and incels?
Googleing reasons not to kill myself
Why are black men so much more alpha, masculine, and confident than white men?
Should I go to the cinema on my own tomorrow ?
How do you feel about giving up seats on public transportation to pregnant women and women with children?
This better not be you bots
Just exercise bro, it'll make your depression go away
I'm losing an argument
What were you like at your edgiest?
Autistic stories
Be me
What should I do if I have mental problems no one else has or can understand?
Tfw pregnancy fetish but never even had a gf
Who here is unironically a soy-boy
All this momcest shilling
Jow Forums is laughing at us again
Tranny AMA
When the memes turn out to be true
Letter thread
Help me Jow Forums, my mom caught me hummingbirding. I've never seen her look so ashamed...
This is a nice thread, please post nice things
Do any of you live for a higher purpose than ***muh happiness***? E.g. religion, nation, a specific person...
'Sup, robros, I found one of these while walking home through a park earlier tonight, and noticed it was still sealed...
Post your favorite shit. Show us what a special star you are
Girls Only
Someone told me that Jow Forums is for low IQ retards. Is this true?
Female has sex with a few different men each week
Is pokimane the most attractive female on earth?
100 word essay due in a week
How does it feel knowing that there are 15 year old girls having sex and getting pregnant?
Drinky thread
Gender Bender
Can you imagine winning a lottery jackpot? How do you proceed?
Why are pedos attracted to younger girls instead of older girls? Pedobots, please explain
I met this older thicker woman at the dog park a year ago and she gave me her number without asking so we have went on...
What are valid reasons to kick your son/daughter out?
Let's have some fun today. Whoever rolls 69 has to rap the whole thread in Vocaroo...
Tfw hate christcucks but love crusader armor
I want a cute anime posting r9k boyfriend
Any Schizo anons/or experts want to explain why schizophrenia is not fun?
What did Sinnter Klaas mean by this? @ 0:30
Tfw fell in love with someone I just met over discord
Girls often approach me since Im good looking and I always make sure to mention my fathers successful buisness and how...
Do you like the idea of GFD, user? Do you want a girl to lead the way and take care of you?
Warning you while you can, do NOT go outside tomorrow if you don't want to get shot by user, maybe another incel attack
Did you ever get bullied by a girl, user?
Isn't it just weird that no person ever has seen any value in me...
Under highway & bored
Robots in a nutshell
Who else here /virgin/ and wants to suck cock?
What superpower would you guys have. Get creative
Chara Piety mne cvnka togaposter
Would anybody be interested in a general Discord server for general chatting and dicking around...
I have $26 to my name
Good looking enough to get multiple girlfriends and have women approach me
Alright, all gather. The summer is on the verge of it's arrival...
Femanons why not take your brother's virginity?
Eurobots, what is your country?
Does the helium tank thing still work
What are you the most sad about atm user? Let it out
There's literally no need and justification to be a robot if you live in comfy Europe
Go to
If you are currently wearing plaided hanes underwear then may 2018 will be the worst month you will ever experience in...
Do you guys have steam profiles? Have you ever added people from here before? How did it go?
Who else /edgy/ here?
Ostracized, always made fun of
Which Tranny should I get?
Rank the girls in this here chart from best to worst in your humble opinion
Post your desktops
Jow Forums feels
Walk into room
It's my birthday today and i haven't heard from anyone
Tfw video games, VR, and AI continues to get better every year
Who's your favorite youtuber and why?
Watching Infinity wars at the movies
How did you overcome wanting to kill yourself?
Realize Adam Lanza obsessed over DDR because it was a measure of CRT (Choice reaction time)
Reddit test
Just lost my virginity to an escort and I didn't get to cum
How to carry on a conversation with a human being?
Would you date a fembot (male), Jow Forums?
Your future
That could be your life but instead you chose video games and Japanese cartoons
Why is there such a hatred for non-masculine looking guys? The guy in pic related looks like a normal beta dude...
Why not join the military robots? You will be drowning in pussy and money if you do
Crap rip off for console or is it actually good?
What do footfags love in feet? I don't get it
Just found out that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide...
Instead of killing just incels why not just kill a majority of whites since the majority of whites also happen to be...
So I heard about incels and came across this board and I'm shocked. I have never seen a more vulgar, racist...
My favorite foot worship doujin
Can somebody explain all of this Piety shit to me...
Do girls really expect guys to shave their balls?
Talk to me, yes?
If you were to be given the power to stop time and do anything, what would be the first things that you'd do?
Anyone else unironically they were born as low iq muslim in a desert shithole? i envy these guys so fucking much...
You are now aware that there are 30+ aged women virgins out there
Do you believe in yourself finding a girl that likes you user?
Hey, big bro! What did you order from the internet?
That guy who tried his hardest to become a normie for one year but still failed
Where can I find an above average looking, middle aged mom who's dtf
Let's Make This No Fap May
Aspiring wagecucks, why do you want a job?
Should Kratos be black?
So user, what do you think about this interesting fellow on My Anime List?
Best college major?
ITT: pros of being alone for many years and doing everything all by yourself and being doomed to live and die in never...
Holy shit liberalism was a mistake. Western Asians are crying about cultural appropriation now like a bunch of negroes...
How do I get a tanned skinned colored eye bf? Those are my only standards as a femanon until then I am foreveralone
Reminder to stop being a creep. If she rejected you, LEAVE HER ALONE
Girls taking a leak in public
What do you gain by coming to Jow Forums?
I wanna be a schizoid
Real fetishes exist since you were a child
Were you friends with any girls as a kid...
Why women are going apeshit over a oversized piece of plastic?
Hey r9k my dad asked what i want to eat and i dont know what to eat (only frozen stuff from the grocery market) what...
Tfw no average looking, headsucking gf
Was Hitler a robot? How did he go from basedboy to Chad in less than 6 years?
You get two choices
I really want to live inside a girls' belly
What's the logic behind cutting yourself robits? i think its stupid
His parents make him pay rent to live with them
Sitting in class with girl who rejected me
Where there hipsters in your city/town r9k? What do you think is next?
How fat am i, Jow Forums?
MGTOW community
Why don't you guys just get plastic surgery? It literally fixes everything
Why dont you date a fat girl? they so cute and mushy
Hey kid, heard you would pay to go on a date at this point. That true?
"So user, what have you been doing the last 10 years?"
Why are women on Discord such stuck up cunts?
Why do Stacy's look so soft? Are they soft, Jow Forums?
Be me, male in my 20's
White people are pathetic
30+ Thread
If you're so desperate for sex, why don't you just fuck a female dog?
Beats child to near death
How the fuck are you supposed to meet girls in uni when your major is CS...
How bad is this and what do I do?
Why is it that women who sleep with multiple are considered whores yet men who sleep with multiple women are considered...
Be me
Why aren't you playing the superior vidya?
I have been married for three years. I am a kissless virgin. And I'm afraid that I am falling in love with my wife
This man was born without arms and legs and still managed to find a qt wife and have children with her
A-aah~ Goodness! She's really bumpin around in there today user... you wanna feel?
Why is Thailand fill with Chads nowadays?
Why is rape so damaging and traumatizing...
Why don't normal people realize that if we actually followed their advice we would be in a worse place than where we...
Please get angry over this picture and defend Trump
Guy hits on me
Why don't you wear a mask robots?
Just found out my sister thinks being a pedophile is a sexual orientation and thinks that sex is a social construct (he...
Whoa............................ Jow Forums has finally been btfo
Why is the plastic bag lethality so low?
What age did you originaIly lose your virginity?
Why do women want boyfriends?
In order to get girls you have to be Cha-
The incel problem does not exist
Choose one, kill all the others
What's your greatest internet achievement? Mine is this. Some bait I posted on /b/ became a pasta
Okay let's pretend you were able to get a girlfriend because you lowered your standards...
Rub finger behind ear
Post your political compass
Personality Disorder Thread
For all you yellow fever anons what do you think when people say your kids will turn out not looking like you?
Have any of ypu been diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder? It's urgent, I have questions
Whats your Plan B in case you got permanently banned from Jow Forums?
Hairlet /gen/
Do you blame females for your lack of success with the opposite sex? Or is it your own fault?
Why havent you ended it yet and how would you?
How gross is your vagina, fembots?
There are almost no things in life truly forgiven. If you were a prisoner once, you are forever a prisoner of your sins...
My discord is Freya#1783 if anyone wants to talk!
Why don't you play Airsoft? Real looking guns, fast paced action, real gear, great exercise, tactical...
What's up, my name is dopamine, and I am looking for a friendly community to join
Robots, describe how cum smells
Anybody use 7cups ?
"Anime's gay!"
Anons share their hobbies, maybe answer questions from other anons interested in getting into it
Where does Jow Forums pirate its games and movies? I'm finding piratebay is shitty nowadays
I need a robot
MBTI thread
I'm bored, post em if you got em. Or make one then post it. Or fuck it, who cares
So in order to pass my English class and graduate, I have to do a speech about my my life
What is the most pathetic thing you do?
Would you be ok with a gf who didn't want any sex at all...
Post your filters lads. Also what is your opinion on using filters?
Tfw no cute chubby bf
How do you cope with loneliness? anything in particular you do that works well?
Mom finds son's reddit account after hanging himself
Just lower your standards bro
Why do robots choose to remain alone when they could just settle for a 5/10?
5.5" girth vs 6" girth
Is Jow Forums social media?
Tfw no gf like this
How do you feel about asexual women/ women who don't date...
My dad is getting remarried to a single mom and she has a 10 year old daughter, they're moving in soon
Do you remember your first crush/love?
Weird sexual stories? I'll start
Involuntary celibate
We all talk shit about redditors, but in actuality we probably all use it at least a little
You are violent
Under what circumstances can a woman be forever alone/undateable/incel etc?
Just watched. Phenomenal
That 30 year old guy on r9k
Tfw cheat day turns into a cheat week
Why do i want to suck cock user? i can't help it. when i look at cocks i just want to suck on it until it cums
Would you rather wake up tomorrow with 10/10 looks, or $10,000,000,000.00 in your bank account?
Be me, 28yo NEET living with mum
ITT we post everything we ate today
ITT a simple and yet hurtful insult
Abused all my life
Parents just kicked me out
What ruined you?
Is this the perfect female body? Traps are more feminine than women themselves
Spend weeks looking up this girl on okcupid
Finding a femdom gf
Is there anything actually wrong with just resorting to violence when dealing with normalfaggots?
Dog barking
Please help
Anyone here Undiagnosed mental illness virgin?
*cough cough*
Fembots, how would you describe your ideal dick?
Well that was it, another day another dollar uh, now let's go h... wait user, where's your car?
Weed fags get the fuck in here
Want to be more social
Why haven't you settled down with some pretty young thing yet, user? Why, back in my day I was already married...
25+ thread
Incel Rebellion Watch
Hart Family, Before Driving Off Cliff, Hid Dark Home Life From View
Sup Jow Forums I need help on which girl to pursue. Here's what's going on:
Looking for someone in san jose to stay with for a while, im a homeless trap
Normie GF
Why are so many Jow Forums users suddenly becoming conservative right wingers or wannabe Nazis and are now demanding...
Why don't get you get a cute japanese bf fembots?
Music thread
Artist portrays the reality of relationships between four walls
Alek runs you over
Be me
This fat greasy piece of shit had a gf who unironically loved him and enjoyed his obnoxious ass for years despite his...
Why arent you learning another language you monolingual faggot?
Why does reddit always regurgitate every single thing Jow Forums came up with?
Jow Forumschildfree might be the r9k equivalent for women. It's all bitter WGTOW , female nihilists
Bad fetish help me
"and these are your new coworkers user, I hope you get along well"
My boyfriend saw that thread I made the other day about how I find it difficult to have feelings for others...
Uhh... Guys, how do we stop the eternal roastie?
Every single fucking girl has a boyfriend, no matter how boring, stupid, slutty, cruel, ugly or lazy they are...
Reminder that the 'Avery' tripfag is actually a 13 year old Canadian girl by the name of Emma. Stop responding to her
I hate not having the balls to approach and ask out pretty girls REEEEEEEEEE
GooOOOOOOdd mythical morning, Jow Forums!
ITT your dream job
I Finally Got an Internet Gf
Why aren't you bigger than 9 inches Jow Forums??
"fembots have it easy etc"
Man Divorce His Wife For A Sex Doll Claiming She Is No Match To Sex Doll
Blocks your path
Your cunt
Why are bosses allowed to just lay you off because they don't need you anymore?
Who else has a chad best friend?
Kelly bread
You know how you resort to escapism to never have to be alone with your thoughts, right?
Do the people you went to high school with know what you're up to now?
I was fired from a gas station because i curled up on the floor under a blanket and fell asleep lole
My friend:
Why does being submissive feels so good?
There is no conspiracy
White genocide
/uni/ general
How do I get my sister's friend to fuck me?
Talk about about your mental well being
This is an incel. If you say he has any chance you are just sugarcoating his hopelessness
I was happy when Trump won back in 2016. I thought he would get deported and I could finally be with her...
Who here /terrified by normies/?
Thoughts? *spoiler alert faggots*
"Heh, yeah kid I used to be meme, back in the day"
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship