Why do people get pissed off at others for committing suicide?

Why do people get pissed off at others for committing suicide?
Seriously fuck you if you think people are obligated to live their shitty lives they never even fucking asked for.
Sorry you're too retarded to see how inherently pointless life is.

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Who has ever gotten pissed at somebody for committing suicide?

Inherent value means nothing. It's pure, objective, and there with no other implicit meaning. Subjective value is possible, and is the only thing worth keeping. You're capable of finding value in other things, just because you haven't thus so far does not mean you never will.

The fact that you think a lack of inherent meaning is grounds for suicide just shows your ability to assess value.

You see and hear about it all the time from friends and family as if it was a personal affront to them. Recently even my brother was bitching to me how selfish Chester was for killing himself.
>Oh how selfish
>How could they do that to their family
>Fuck them for doing such a thing

To assign yourself purpose in life is just projecting an illusion to yourself on why you exist. Finding fulfilling purpose in life is still arbitrary, even if it does bring you joy.

>on why you exist.

Pure and utter bullshit. The things I find worth living for are not the reasons why I exist; I exist because X years ago, for whatever reason, my dad came inside my mom and I was just their genetic offspring. That's it.

I'm alive now, and I'll be dead for an infinite period of time soon. You spend most of your existence in a state of absence. You weren't alive for an infinite amount of time, and soon, you will be gone forever. Life is just a quick flash of light in your existence.

Think of it as a waiting room for death. You're going to be dead one day. What do you want to do in the meantime? Are you so impatient that you'd gallop towards the inevitable?

>Finding fulfilling purpose in life is still arbitrary

ASSUMING IT'S NOT: No, it's not. If something can cultivate your spirit to the point where it makes life worth living for, and for an extended period of time, it's not arbitrary.

ASSUMING IT IS: What's the significance of arbitrariness? So what if it's arbitrary?

>, even if it does bring you joy.

There is no "even". There is only an "and";

Finding fulfilling purpose in life is arbitrary and it brings you joy.

who ?

It's a selfish thing. They care more about how your death would affect them than how continuing living affects you.

I think if someone is in a sound mind, and still wants to kill themselves, they should be able to. I do think that we should provide resources for suicidal people, but shouldn't just institutionalize someone for being really depressed.

That said, if someone is like psychotic or otherwise disconnected from reality, I think it's reasonable to institutionalize them, at least in the short term, to try and get them stable.

That Linkin Park dude.

Because they need you to be a good little wagelave.

>my dad came inside my mom
Isn't that more along the lines of how you exist rather than why?

>Are you so impatient that you'd gallop towards the inevitable?
So what if someone is? When do you draw the line on someone's suffering? Was their life worth it if they never found true joy in life until their 70's?
>So what if it's arbitrary
Constantly having in the back your mind that your purpose is purely an inheritance of the mind for the survival of our species is very hard to kick. Knowing that the universe wouldn't lose or gain value if the entire earth blew up makes it hard to think it isn't anything but arbitrary.

this 100%
although it sucks for the mummys when sons kill themselves

>I think if someone is in a sound mind
I think people, for the sake of their sanity, want to believe that anyone who wants to kill themselves are not in a state of rationality.
That is simply not the case. People can and do kill themselves for perfectly legitimate reasons.

>Isn't that more along the lines of how you exist rather than why?

It's a matter of semantics. You could either argue how I came into existence, or why I exist in the first place. Either way, I do not believe that there is any other reason as to why I am alive aside from an animal's reproductive urges.

>So what if someone is? When do you draw the line on someone's suffering?

My post was entirely for your last line, and while I did not comment on suicide itself, the general gist is this: if you understand that life has no intrinsic meaning, then you understand the lack of TRUE consequences in life. You can change your life at any time given enough devotion, and unless you're being tortured as a prisoner of war? or dying or suffering from a condition that medical technology is unable to alleviate or treat, then most suicides will be seen as unjustified simply because of two conditions:

>death is preferable to living by the subject
>the situation can not be changed

So long as BOTH conditions are not met, then suicide will generally be frowned upon. If you were capable of changing your circumstances, your suicide will be seen as unnecessary, impulsive, and needless, hence the harm it brings to others.

>Was their life worth it if they never found true joy in life until their 70's?

Only that person can tell you.

>Constantly having in the back your mind that your purpose is purely an inheritance of the mind for the survival of our species is very hard to kick.

So then you could argue that this IS your purpose. Not just to sustain, enhance, and improve YOUR life, but the life of your species. Contributing to technological developments? Engineering the cities your fellow men live in? Making a friend laugh? These things matter to people. They might matter to you too, and if they don't; that's okay. Something else will.

>Knowing that the universe wouldn't lose or gain value if the entire earth blew up makes it hard to think it isn't anything but arbitrary.

Why are you concerned with the universe? When you say universe, are you referring to the space which we reside in, incapable of feeling or thinking? Or are you referring to its inhabitants?

If the entire earth blew up, WE would lose value. WE make up the universe, regardless of how much we may make up, but it matters to US. It does not matter to the universe, simply because it CANNOT matter to it. The only possible way it could would be if it were a sentient being capable of registering value.

Sorry I'm on my phone in bed and I really don't feel like typing much more. I appreciate the replies though and will reflect on what you've said.

I've been on a shit ton of antidepressants and antipsychotics and I'm just getting tired of trying to assign any meaning or drive in my life that truly is purposeful to myself.

Words can only help so much. If there were more I could do, I would.

I wish you the best user. Good luck. If you'd like, try to find an activity that will steer you down from these thoughts; not necessarily "distract" you from this thinking (since that implies the problem will remain once you come back), but allow you to step back and assess it.

Try . It helped me. I'm a poorfag, so it's not like I can afford many things anyway, but yeah. No matter how faint, your light is still glowing. You still have some fight in you left.

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>I've been on a shit ton of antidepressants and antipsychotics and I'm just getting tired of trying to assign any meaning or drive in my life that truly is purposeful to myself.

You won't ever find it. Humans are the only ones who are burdened with self-consciousness and the need to find "meaning". Its a trick our brains played on us in the course of evolution by trying to ascribe meaning to our long-term existence, something that grew out of our developed ability to plan for the future in harsh climates.

Anti-depressants won't fix hormonal imbalances in your brain or create new pathways that would create cerebral wiring that would make you able to cope better. Something went wrong in your early development and it is unlikely it will change. To change one's brain structure requires an effort of will to change both one's thinking and one's habits to an extent that the entire personality is changed.

I wish you good luck, but I don't promise any results.

there was someone in my area that killed themselves a few days ago. all i heard the next day was people saying "omg, that's so selfish".

fucking normies, man. the person is dead, have some fucking dignity and don't talk about them. i fucking hate society.

My uncle killed himself when I was an infant, I have no memories of him. However, he hurt my mother more than anyone else ever has. I know that I shouldn't be angry at him and that he probably had his reasons, but a part of me still hates him for doing that to her.

In my opinion, people have to experience something in order to understand it.

Same with depression. Sure they see it as prolonged sadness or even illness, but they don't - get - it because they can't feel it by themselves.

Also a lot of people act like they'll live forever. They don't understand death is part of the deal they got at birth.

Also this, some parents have kids only to leach off of them once they grow old.

They see you as crops basically.

>hating a dead man you never knew.
So you are hating on an imaginary person then?

>You won't ever find it.
>Its a trick our brains played on us
>Something went wrong in your early development and it is unlikely it will change.

You are not OP. You do not know what will happen to him; you yourself are plagued by so much negatively that, whether you realize it or not, you ensure that others are as miserable as you.

>but I don't promise any results.

And yet that's literally all you've done. You're promising him failure. Trying to help OP avoid pain is a kind gesture, but consider what you're doing user. Your suffering is not his to share.

I'm merely being honest with him. What I want or what you seem to project at me has no bearing on OP - he is openly expressing the fact that he cannot cope, all I'm doing is describing it to him from a perspective he deserves to have.

If yoiu have any decency, don't feign sympathy and support, be honest with him and give him answers he needs. There is either coping or not coping and this place clearly states in which category we all are.

Yeah, I guess, I appreciate that it doesn't make much sense but my mother still cries about it occasionally, so fuck him, even if he is just a figment of my imagination.

>I'm merely being honest with him.

Your warped point of view is NOT honesty, it's your own perspective on life which you have imposed on him. Congratulations on understanding fundamental biology; unfortunately, you are as far as possible from being objective.

>won't ever find it
>a trick
>something went wrong
>unlikely it will change

This is not the perspective he deserves, only the perspective YOU think he deserves. My advice is not feigned; it is pitiful, but firm. I am offering him an alternative, and I cannot guarantee he will not find what he is looking for; I am simply reminding him that, given the effort, it is possible he can.

>There is either coping or not coping

No, there isn't. You can deal with situations, and rise above them. This is simply not just a problem that you have to lie to yourself to overcome.

I hear people talk about people who tried to shoot themsela and lived it and it was just stuff like "what an idiot" "people go off to war and die and someone here shoots themselves, i just have a problem with that" but would people say that stuff to those peoples face?

And if someone tried to an hero but became a potato what would life be like afterwards. would they have huge hospital bills and would everyone confront them and tell them tell the person that theyre pathetic?

You've done nothing beyond re-iterating my points in different words.

>My advice is not feigned; it is pitiful, but firm
Man's been on meds for years, you think a touch of pity on korean basket weaving forum is a magical panaceum? Everyone comes here to wail in their own misery anyway, why should I be feeding his problems with attention that he doesn't deserve?

There is nothing warped in saying that someone is fucked if they are in the condition they are and that any recovery whatsoever is fraught with pitfalls. If someone seeks halp, give it to them, but if someone wails and moans about themselves, here of all places especially, what pity or false hope is to be had?

People project their own fear of death onto others. In fact, projection their own world-view is pretty much the only thing normies seem capable of doing.

>is a magical panaceum?

No. Words can only do so much, which is what I stated in . I'm not claiming to be the remedy to his problems, I'm only urging him to remember that a remedy exists.

>and that any recovery whatsoever is fraught with pitfalls.

But the recovery is there. It will be hard, it will be challenging, but it's there. It's obtainable, and it's possible, and that's all OP needs to keep in mind.