Are women attracted to abusive behavior (cheating, physical abuse, gaslighting, etc)

Are women attracted to abusive behavior (cheating, physical abuse, gaslighting, etc)

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of course they are.
nice and boring repulses them.

Only the sluts are so you aren't missing out

they are attracted to it in attractive men

Yes to light physical abuse. No to freaking gaslighting or whatever kind of weird, stazi-tier mind control games bullshit

Some of them, yes. In some places even most of them. There's no point in wasting time hating them though. You're better without them. Focus on pure girls and try to be worthy of their affection.

Yes, women love assholes and jerks; basically guys who treat them like shit. It makes no sense, but that's the way it works.

There are a shitload of studies that show women like dark triad men.
They have literally created a movement about demonizing "nice guys".

Look, being a woman I can say this is our worst nightmare, it's like dating a cancer.

So why do women continuously date hyper masculine men? And why do they chase men that cheat on them, abuse them, lie to them, and treat them like garbage?

Then why does all the research indicate women like dark triad men?

short answer? Yes.

I remember reading a story somewhere written by a therapist who had a crappy romantic life but had a patient who was married 5 times and he either beat or cheated on them. One time he cheated on the 3rd one with the 2nd one.

Most women are not. I am a girl. I have abuse fantasies because of my only sexual experiences being abusive and violent.

I have spoken to many other normal girls about what I find sexy in men though, and they all find that bizzare.

Most girls are NOT into this.

Most e-girls you will find on the internet are only here bewcause this is a place we can talk about our strange and deviant desires without much repercussion.

>Hybristophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crimesuch as rape, murder, or armed robbery.

>From a perspective focusing on male serial killers attracting female partners, Leon F. Seltzer (psychologist), has offered explanations based on evolutionary psychology. Serial killers, in his view, are cases of alpha males that tend to attract women. This is because such males were good at protecting women and their offspring in our evolutionary history.

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idk about most girls but i am.
my first and only boyfriend was really awful. i wasnt allowed to have friends, he was very jealous so if i just talked to someone in class it would lead to a big fight. he threatened to beat/rape me a lot and was very manipulative. he would threaten to kill himself if i didn't do what he wanted. he constantly cheated and dumped me for other girls and i always let him back. ever since him any guy ive liked hasn't felt right unless they act the way he did. i have this weird craving now for abuse/toxicity in a relationship.

Which research? And dude, not just woman date with screwed man, it is a lot of guys that give up of a good date to be with whores.

>Focus on pure girls
They don't exist anymore.

They do. They are just hard to find.

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Most of them, No. A few fucked up ones though yes. But the majority is no. The only guys who actually believe this are the ones who think "being nice" should equal an automatic win in getting a relationship not realizing that being nice is just the default thing to be to other human beings so no it is not impressive. If you had something more to yourself than just being bare minimum then maybe you wouldnt have trouble finding someone

You mean impossible to find. You forget it's 2018?

Some, yeah, if they're fucked in the head from having been treated that way growing up.

yeah on a biological level it can't be tamed or changed which is why no richeious man should respect women since they are all animals.

You are just as cringy as women who pull the classic 'where are all the good men?'

THey have sex with them maybe but they do not usually date men like this unless:

a) The man puts on the charm early-on and only turns into a monster after they are signifigantly committed. Most abusive partners do this consciously. They usually isolate them from their friends and families too, so once they show their hulk side the girl can't even go anywhere and has nobody to go to. They will often take control of their finances, their methods of transportation, and literally trap them within their own homes if their demands are not met.

b) The girl has horrible self-esteem and feels she can't do any better but wants companionship

as a man, you can be everything if you want, you just have to put thought into it.
most men are balancing their career with every other thing, since women also demand you make arbitrary amounts of money and shit, or be "equal" to them, whatever, whatever classist excuse you want to use.

>being this delusional
kill yourself for spreading such retarded misinformation

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>Pure girls

>THey have sex with them maybe but they do not usually date men like this unless

Thats all that matters honey

they exist user, you just won't find them, because they're REALLY fucking rare
protip: when they get older, they start listening to their roastie friends and end up getting corrupted, so they're usually 16-20 year old, HOWEVER, they are the true 1%.




Yes of course and its backed by science.

Male differ from female a lot when it comes to hormonal release mechanisms such as reaction to stress. Men when experiencing stress, exhibit a "fight or flight response". Women on the other hand exhibit a "tend and befriend response" which is one of the reasons abuse victims often feel an unexplained attachment to their abusers.

Bitch here, probably.
It's probably dependent on social status and confidence barring the personal experiences of roasties which could exacerbate some fugged up fetishes.

originally originalo

Yes. Even the nice onces and the chaste ones are. It's still not good for a relationship. Violent behavior towards your partner will degenerate any interaction between you two, no matter how hot she and you find it.

For example, my ex girlfriend came really quickly when I choked and hit her during sex. Does that mean she "liked" it? In the sexual sense, yes, she loved it. But if we looked at it from a grander perspective, one that involves morals, self-image, self-respect and feelings and thoughts about our relationship, she outright told me to stop with that. Even though it was really fun furing sex, I also felt dirty after I did it.

To be "attracted" to something or to "like" something isn't everything. Be nice.

Mild physical abuse, yes. The reasoning is that if he's willing to slap me around, he must really love me. Also there's the being controlled thing which is relaxing and hot in itself.

This meme again. If it were true Jow Forums would have no virgins.

So basically like 90% of them, you fucking retard.
>pure girls

No, women want a nice guy to settle down with

but that's all women
they're all sluts

>"nice guys" are acually jerks!
this meme again

maybe when they're 30 and their pussy can't afford them any better


Women fucking feed off of drama. They need abuse, cheating, and just generally being shitty in order to live.

The meme makes sense imo.
Roasties know that they are insufferable aside from their holes. And any man who values them for things other than their holes must be an idiot.

>Roasties know that they are insufferable aside from their holes. And any man who values them for things other than their holes must be an idiot
This should be a pinned comment

>Don't worry, I won't let him buy me dinner I'll just let him fuck me in the ass

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Robots don't value women for things other than their holes.

Stop fucking Chad and see how long he sticks around.

>his is our worst nightmare, it's like dating a cancer.
>date abusive man
>best sex i've ever had
>but gotta leave him
>find soft beta who loves me
>go back and have sex with abusive man on the side
>best of both worlds ladies

just die roasty cunt

women love it.
They love to get off on being hurt
and wollowing in their selfpity
and then running to the society to save them punish the man and extract money.
Its a win win win situation for them

>The girl has horrible self-esteem and feels she can't do any better but wants companionship
if she had horrible self esteem and wanted companionship she'd date an average or below humble man

this rite here

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no, OP, their attracted to normal men who leave their house once in a while, go to parties and socialize, and dont break down stuttering and shaking when they talk to them.

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>Women hate thread
>Elliot worship thread
>Roasties whores cunts die
>Arguing with holes.jpg
Yes, robots are not at all abusive jerks.

>Jow Forums is representative of all average and below men trying to get women

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She will date the below average robot who treats her like shit.

If no woman has ever dated a robot how do they know they'd get treated like shit? they constantly make the same mistake over and over again lmao, stupid bitch

If those threads are not representative of robots, why do you approve of them?

Yes, there are woman the delt with violence and/or disfuntion from the day they were born. They think this is how things are. Even, if they escape from violence and/or disfunction they still emulate it because it is to ingrained in them to change. Soon they are the one bringing the drama and teaching it to there offspring.
Also. Drama is cause from Bordem. Most woman do not push themself in challenging careers and get bord in the everyday life's instead of striving for a more challenging life they manipulate the people around them, spread gossips, and revert to childlike behavior.

What does this have to do with ME? I'm female you fucking idiot.

No, not specifically.

But women are attracted to the sort of men who are more likely to engage in abusive behavior. And most women are pretty willing to put up with abuse when it comes right down to it. Every woman thinks she'd be out the door the second he cheated or hit her, but when it comes down to it, most stay.

Wrong, women have dated robots. Lots of them have posted horror stories about them. You must be new here. You also sound like a very nice guy who would treat a woman right.

robots dont date you dumb whore

I'm not male, lmaooooooooooooooooooo, robots don't get dates retard

How many dicks have you sucked, tranny?

I'm celibate retard LMAOOOOOOOOOOO I'm not like you

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short: No.

Long: Not precisely.
They're attracted to you showing her strength.
My ex was nearly a foot taller than me show I loved to pick her up and carry her around or to carry her when kissing her, she LOVED it. was kind of a weakness to her.

They love it when you demonstrate you're strong.
and that can also mean a bit of spanking and treating her a little rough when things get really hot and intense.

like user said "light physical abuse".

but only tendencies of stockholm syndrome and/or severe daddy issues or rather childhood traumas lead to being attracted to it.
because the betrayal makes them feel young and happy. it's basically a short moment of heaven to them.

Convince all the girls fucking Chad to stop and see how much his opinion of women improves.

No, but that behaviour comes later when the abuser has socially isolated her and gained her trust.

How would you convince women to stop fucking a handsome guy who is successful and kind, and instead start fucking an angry fat neckbeard neet?

No what they're attracted to is confidence and authority. It just so happens that the types of people who are abusive are also easily able to be assertive and confident. You retards think that being abusive is somehow a boon when you're missing the primary point of interest.
The only women who are "attracted" to physical abuse are already broken individuals.

you're painting a picture here.

at this point I really believe you're a troll. if not... I feel sorry for you.

t. "normie"

You wouldn't, just that there's not much difference between the two guys besides appearance once you turn the sex spigot off.

Stupid ones maybe

yes, but only if the guy doing it is hot.

Some women are. I am not. Never tolerated this kind of behaviour. My parents divorce taught me that I don't have to tolerate this shit and it is better to walk away.

Yes, I would not personally do it but that sort of animalistic passion is very hot in the sack but not something you'd want to be around consistently

Oh very often the abusive man is NOT chad. He can be hideous too. I've seen it many times. She feels she deserves to be punished and does not deserve a "good man"