Why should someone, who never has anyone visit their home, make their bed?

Why should someone, who never has anyone visit their home, make their bed?

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You'd be amazed how a little discipline can affect your life for the better.

why should someone come to this board and ask if they should do something

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Because this board has no topic.

How else do you slay the chaos dragon

>make bed
wtf im a normie now
you're fucking stupid.

How would you know if you've never done it?

OP here, I just made my bed after months of not doing so but I don't really feel much.

I semi-make my bed because I don't like disorder

I was going to make my bed today since all of the sheets and the mattress fell off, but what's the point?

This is actually good stuff

I remember some general or other did a speech on this.

>make bed
>start the day with an achievement
>get shit done

Imagine being such a worthless POS that you need to make your bed to be able to function the rest of the day. Guess it works for military men.

you didn't watch the whole thing
you didn't understand it

It's a transcendental piece of advice. You don't even need a bed to get something out of the speech.

You're dense as fuck.

Making beds is a pretty retarded meme.

As long as the sheets are clean, then there's literally no reason to keep organized.

I always just collapse into my bed and pull my blankie over my body. Fuck organizing it.

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because unlike me, people dont sleep on a mattress on the floor and people have friends who come visit them. i barely find the energy to get up in the morning let alone worry about straightening a single blanket just for it to get messy again in 10hours

i started doing it because my cat sleeps on my sheets and sheds on them so i put a blanket over my sheets so he will sleep on that

I don't really think much of the self-respect or 'discipline' aspects. Mostly, I think that a clean, organized sleeping space will contribute to better rest, and a sense of cleanliness and order in the bedroom, which I would expect most robots to be spending the majority of their time in. The 'easy-going' imagery of things such as a clean bed or desk can greatly contribute to one's well being, kind of like how pleasant scent or colors can. This sense of cleanliness and order can contribute to improved sense of peace and safety, and reduce tension and nervousness in many people.

That is why I think you should clean and organize not only your bed, but your desk and other elements of your room. Less is more.

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Doesn't make sense to me.

>Make bed
>Only to disorganize it at night when you go back to sleep

I mean I get it if you have company coming over and don't want to look like a pig. But for an average day when no one will see your bedroom? Seems like waste of valuable time.

Watch some Jordan Peterson.

But yeah.

>Being US special forces
>Praising Mandela.

What an idiot.

i never bought into the discipline bullshit.

You make your bed so the blankets actually cover you, and you feel comfortable. That way the sheet isn't halfway off and you're laying right on the mattress and have a rolled up spaghetti noodle blanket on you trying to stay warm.

when your bed is made it gives you a surface to put things on, making it easier to do things