I actually fucking did it robots. A girl finally told me she feels the same way...

I actually fucking did it robots. A girl finally told me she feels the same way. I finally made a move and it actually fucking worked

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Say that you want to fuck her in the ass and piss in her mouth. She will love it.

Fuck you. I'm jealous. Now get off this board. Wish you the best though.

>but I want to do this properly and take it slow
Lol you're so fucking retarded dude

Seriously proud of you, my dude.

Now go before these faggots try to bring you back down.

Lucky. My oneitis would never say that to me.

Congrats man. I'm hoping things will work for me too. Soon I will ask her.

>take it slow
lol op she isnt into you

girls dont feel the same. they may feel similarly but the difference in feeling is duration and compelled action. feelings are nice things they receive, not associated with values or work. her feelings are caprice and she wants to take it slow purely BECAUSE her feelings arent the same. there's no point, girls dont make men feel not alone. you are alone.

>like you
>take it slow
just don't get too attached, buddy

Thanks man I plan on it

you fucking insecure faggot why would you question that she likes you twice?

>but I want to do this properly and take it slow
I look forward to your greentext a few weeks from now when she ghosts you

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Honestly happy for you, man.

I hope someday I can get the same reaction.

congrats bot, now please try to leave this place before you become like us again

You know the rules op ya gotta leave
Congrats though

>take it slow

She's got other guys she still wants to be able to fuck lol

All you need is confidence. Even if its foolish confidence. If you ever wonder why someone uglier than you got a gf, its because they tried.
You try, you don't back down, you keep going and you get to dip your dingle in a vagina.

>All you need is confidence
except op didn't actually show that in the pic faggot he was incredulous that femanon liked him

"Taking it slow" means she just wants to string you along and never fuck you.



Just don't get too attached mkay

leave this place and leave it for a very long time.

I have been in a 4 year relationship, and my best advice to you is if you really do like her, don't treat her with contempt and she will treat you just as you want and need to be

OP i know u think we're trying to bring you down but we're not everyone here is right about the taking it slow shit, SHE DOESNT FUCKING LIKE YOU FIND ANOTHER GIRL AND BE MORE AGRESSIVE SO SHES SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU.

shes just saying that to be nice and not hurt your feelings too much

i don't understand the word "properly" as used in this context. why is slow proper, but fast or medium speed is not proper? does she mean proper in terms of her values or in terms of what people general accept as proper in relationships?

if i were you, i would already be alarmed by the manner in which she expresses herself.

the fact that there are "proper" and "improper" ways of doing things to her and that she is already overriding what you want to do because she doesn't think it's proper, probably means that she is a picky and controlling/manipulative person.

Sorry bro, ur cuckzoned not bonezoned.

If she's inexperienced, the part about taking it slow is probably not a lie. On the other hand, it most definitely is if she's had other guys sefore you.

I was in a similar situation once. There was this Italian girl that was totally mad about me. She wanted to kiss and cuddle all day, and if she saw me talking to another girl or if I mentioned another girl to her, she'd get visibly angry. However, even she wanted to take it slow because she was still a virgin at the time.

Words only mean things in context. We don't know the context, but you do. So don't listen to us, listen to yourself.

>posts in tons of anti-women threads
>one slut give a slight hint of attention

Successfully pursuing a woman you're really into seems like it would be a great thrill. I can see why chads are so into it. It seems like there would be a great feeling of euphoria after the risk worked out. I've had relationships before but only with girls I was sorta ho-hum on, and they always pursued me. I'd like to have the experience of doing a real, chadly 'chase' for once in my life.

I really have a hard time figuring how people can be so dumb and make blanket arguments as if a board is a single person.

Heh, get a load of user. I can't believe he still hasn't figured out that he wasn't invited to join the hivemind by now!! Shh, nobody tell him!!!

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>I want to take it slow
lol friendzoned.

My first gf wanted to take it slow
We only ever got to kissing, didn't even cop a feel of her tits. The breakup was slow and painful.

If you're going to get a gf, get with someone who's going to be intimate and not treat you as a friend.

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How did you achieve this OP?

What did you do?

This, op you're retarded buddy

I'm so confused. The girl is the grey text or the blue? If ur the grey text, why are you using those smilies and writing like that to her? Oh my god please tell me that she's the greytext. Why would you sabotage yourself lik ethat if you are?

Mazal tov user. May you be happy most of the time.

What the fuck is wrong with w*men?

Nigger, when there is chemistry between you and a woman, usually the sparks fly and you can't keep your hands off each other. The only woman who wanted to take it slow with me was a girlfriend who was a virgin and one who had very deep religious beliefs. This just seems like she strings you along to be her safety net while she tries her luck with what she thinks are better options

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>The only woman who wanted to take it slow with me was a girlfriend who was a virgin and one who had very deep religious beliefs.

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What in the fucking world is that shit lad

>This just seems like she strings you along to be her safety net while she tries her luck with what she thinks are better options
fucking THIS!!! OP is moving in to the cuckshed and doesn't even realise it

holy fucking shit dude. those cancer emojis. asking her twice to confirm. "I like you, I like you a lot, but I want to do this properly and take it slow"

yeah you're gonna get cucked sooner rather than later

Fast i.e. straight to fucking is not a problem with Chad, because he is hot, but might lack long term prospects. So in her mind, it's "just" fucking.

OP isn't that attractive, but he might have other qualities. However, she doesn't want to be seen as a slut, thus she makes OP wait. In her mind, it's a trade. OP gives stuff and she might reward him with sex.

literally just happened to me after a girl wanted to take it slow as well. good luck to OP I guess

>take it slow
It translates into "I want to keep fucking other guys for a little bit longer and then settle down with a good cuck like you after I hit the wall".
