Has anyone here legitimately started "being themselves" as in just completely embrace your autism and not give a fuck...

has anyone here legitimately started "being themselves" as in just completely embrace your autism and not give a fuck what anyone thinks?

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Yes, its less stressful for me if I just do things the way I was meant to do them.

id probably have the tard wranglers called on me if beed my self

Yup. I go outside when I have to, dressed in a filthy hoody and jeans with sandals with dirty socks. I shower once every 1-2 months and dont care if other people find me smelly. I don't interact socially with anyone even if they try to speak to me.

Trying to be myself right now, it's hard.

Uhh honestly I don't think Jow Forums is helping.

The whole "Just bee urself :)" crap normans spout means you should act normal, funny, socially acceptable and charismatic. They don't mean to actually act like yourself.

I hate the "just be yourself" crap
"Myself" is a nervous, miserable wreck who hates everyone, especially himself. If I want to get anywhere in life I'm going to have to learn to not be myself.

No shit Sherlock. What he means is being unabashed about our autism and being as we aamre made to be. What cones natural to us, and giving 0 fucks about what people think, because it's not like they cared about us before anyway.

Yep, I stopped caring a while ago. It's not like it's gotten me anywhere in terms of visible success, but I'm not bitter and feeling pretty happy about my life that most people would probably consider rather unimpressive and lonely.

Yes, still no difference

I was insecure, prob a douchebag and or tool in the eyes of some in school. Adulthood had bent me over and fucked my ass. Now I hardly care how I smell

Yes, but being yourself/confident is very weird to others if you aren't conventionally attractive. You shouldn't give a shit though.
t. ugly as shit but confident guy

>try being myself
>for some reason act like a sarcastic asshole
>supervisor at work tell me to stop doing that
there is no winning someone pls kill me i hate myself so much. im such a garbage human being i cant talk to girls i can hardly make friends(moved out of country and only made 1 friend out of the 1 1/2 year ive been living here) why a. i such a social retard and im getting old and i cant grow up mentally i wish i had a shotgun i wouldve blown my brains by now

I'm not autistic, but I gave up really worrying about how I appear to other people a couple of years ago. I'm honestly happier because of it.

Be better don't be yourself, never be yourself.

If I were pretending to be someone else I wouldn't be staying inside all the time, rotting my brain away in front of a screen. I'm being myself harder than I ever could, if anything.

How can I be myself when I have no self to be?

Seriously, its like I have no sense of having a personality whatsoever. The few times I manage to talk to people I'm basically IRL shitposting.

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yeah when you get into your 30s you will probably start not giving a fuck.
I tell stupid Normies to "Fuck off Faggot" all the time.

Yes, and my "social anxiety" went away. So did the daily, sadness type depression. I still have le edgy nihilistic existential anxiety sometimes but in general it's an improvement. I'm fine talking to people now, even new people in group settings because I know I don't want anything to do with them on the long term. I've also adopted the mentality of just leaving whenever a situation starts boring me.

You mean be a bitter, depressed asshole that brings everyone around him down? I'm getting closer to it every day. People used to tell me how calm, collected and happy I was but it was always an act and it's worn me down so much that I cannot handle it anymore. I don't care what they think anymore, I tried faking it 'till I make it and in case anyone is wondering, it doesn't work at all.

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If I saw someone dressed like this I'd ask if they were from the matrix.

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I still dress nicely but I don't censor myself in public these days because it's funny to watch strangers reactions to me and my mates talking about midget penises and pegging in public

>me and my mates talking about midget penises and pegging in public
Especially when they see 13 year old kids talking about such things, must weird them out.

Yes, I do that, it is very fun.
I also lost most of my ability to care about things, so even if I wanted to care, I couldn't.

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Yes but thankfully Im not hideously deformed and look like I play sports so it kinda leaves them in shock

I'm paranoid, hateful, anxious, and easily aggravated. It takes all my willpower to not lose it at work or at college. I can make people around me laugh, but that's it. I cant relate to people my age because I dont watch any tv or movies. I have nothing in my life to talk about either. Sometimes I go deep into my thoughts at work, and this leads me to ignore important information or walk into people.

"Beeing myself" isn't too great. I just wish I was normal.

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"Being myself" would land me in jail or maybe get me killed.

Yeah, I usually bleed more and more of myself into people the longer I know and interact with them, generally I just try to avoid human contact as much as possible.

Somebody who dresses up in a trenchcoat and sunglasses does care what other people think of them, they're just socially retarded. People who don't give a fuck wear sweats and a sweater, or pajamas and a t-shirt.

I'm quite repressed socially though. In my own home and with close friends I'm less repressed so I don't go insane.

I mean, maybe the discount Eminem school shooter look makes him happy.

Yes, and now, people do not want me around them. I had become even more isolated by people. Thanks for the advice, normies.

I despise myself. If I embraced the normalfag philosophy I'd become an hero within the month.

>25th birthday was in 2015
>decided 'fuck it, I need to stop worrying what others think about me'
>basically did what OP said and started 'embracing my autism'
>didn't really know exactly how to do this, because I had been holding in any expression for so long
>figured I should buy some clothes that suit 'my style'
>thought hard about what I enjoy
>realised I enjoy learning about African history
>decided to start dressing like an extravagent African dictator, Mobutu who was president of the DRC until 1996
>had all these clothes arrive that looked like this, felt ready to go out and finally be myself
>go for a walk in my clothes that were kind of like pic related
>walk fucking 40 feet from my house
>group of teenagers sitting across the street
>one of them yells 'we killed all the buffalo you safari cunt'
>they all laugh
>turn around, go back home
>put all the clothes in the cupboard
>haven't worn them since, back to wearing jeans and graphic Tees
>feel even more disconnected and impassionate than ever before
>tfw cant remember myself

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Yeah, I stopped giving a fuck some time ago.
I'm usually a quiet guy, but I'm very direct when I'm talking to people, being not afraid of speaking my mind.
I don't wrap sjit in because of other people's feelings, so I have been told at my job that I can be seen as very rude.
The "chads" at my work also try their luck with me. Giving me comments and such, trying to be funny at my expence to impress girls, but I just play along with them.
Ofcourse, this means that they have begun to be kinda passive aggressive when it comes to stuff, since I don't care about their social hierarchy.

Yes this >wear the same outfit every single day
>every. single. day.
>ignore/avoid people, try to end any social interaction as soon as possible
>speak very bluntly and to the point
>don't care for the social pecking order games
>dont care what anyone is/does/says as long as I get what I came for and go straight back home

I'm the guy you quoted. I tried all that fitting in stuff and trying to pass as normal but it just caused me to burn out after a while, all I really too from that was to keep my mouth shut more often.

No because I have to get a job

I have.
It has made a few people hate me, but that doesn't really bother me.
I mean, why should I care for other's biased views on me?

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I want to do that but everyone owns cameras nowadays and I don't want my autism documented forever. It's bad enough when those memories are locked away safely inside my mind. I considered always concealing my face in public but that would only draw even more attention to me. If I was born 30 years earlier I wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit.

Yes. its called being an adult. as long as you don't break any laws, who the fuck cares what others think.

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Damn it, Denton! Get back to work.

i have on a few occasions but i find it to be more trouble then its worth and i just continue to pretend to have a different personality

You have to be true to yourself. You know who can dress like that? Neo or JC Denton. Are you some character from a video game? No. Then dress like a person instead of embracing some fantasy.

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I'd rather fucking shoot myself in the head splattering my brains all over the wall and let my cats eat my rotting dead course until my body is inevitably found years later because of my unpaid bills.

Nah, dress however you want as it doesn't matter

Unwillingly yes.

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he didn't mean that shit he meant have you ever actually been yourself

I'm different with every group or person I'm around, I'm really good at it too, I don't even know who is myself

tell the supervisor to stop doing that
>"do what?"
>"being a cuck"

just be yourself is normie code for just be a normie. If you embrace you autism they will come down on you like a ton of bricks for stepping out of line. They will insult and mock you.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

>Nah, dress however you want as it doesn't matter

But you're not a samurai, or some ninja, or some anime character. You're a dorky kid. Stop pretending to be something you aren't.

If you are a person like that, you can do it. But your looks should be a genuine expression of yourself.

become a hardest nail in the world and nobody can touch you

Your looks express you're a dork with fantastical delusions. If you're not hurting anybody and aren't going to make it as a normalfag anyway, dress however you want.

>120lbs Wesker

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>"just be urself and everything will be allrite user" XD
>decide to be myself
>autistically spaz out in public instead of holding self back
>"OMG user! Why are you weird? Get away from me! What happened to you?"

>get told to be myself
>decide to
>go into hermit mode
>seclude myself and not talk to anyone
>decide I like being myself
>however, no money to keep it up
>get denied living expenses due to being myself
>instead, told to be a wagecuck
Well make up your fucking minds, normies. You tell me to be myself but later contradict that. Fuck you.

>at junior high
>in math class
>"fuck this people suck"
>stop tying to be nice
>act on what comes to mind
>no one fucks with me anymore because i jab at shit that others are to nice to mention
>people talk to me without being dicks
>people respect me, make friends
>being myself actually helped me