Sympathy for the incel

That tripfag Jack is on The Daily Beast, fucking kek

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Holy shit out of all the faggots he is the one to be interviewed.

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>toxic masculinity
>failure of masculinity

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"toxic masculinity"
"failure of masculinity"

why always the negativity about masculinity?

If that nigga Jack don't use his infamy to get a gf, then he's 1000% a volcel/normie that can't complain about ANYTHING. He's good looking and infamous. Two qualities that true robots have

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Meant to say *don't have

This. Incel or not, the fame will get someone to want to fuck him.

a feminist can never accept being wrong about something, the whole lie would then unravel

Masculinity is dangerous to females. The essence of it is predatory in nature

Because there's a culture built around it which is literally dangerous, causing boys to be violent, feel entitled, and lash out when that goes wrong.

every human been ever has been violent, entitled to the things he/she wants and has lashed out when things didn't went his/her way

where's his pic? "Good looking" verification needed.

It's Jack Peterson

link to the actual article

I'm really happy with the way this came out. I will forever be grateful to Mandy for writing this.

That dude is good looking? He looks pretty average to me. On the male scale he probably only ranks like a 4 or 5 at most. You have to remember guys always "scale down" when it comes to attractiveness, while girls scale up. An average girl will usually get a 5-7 from most guys, but this dumbass would probably get 4's by every fucking girl you could ask.

>Man murders a bunch of people and attempts suicide because they weren't successful with women, a masculine ideal
>Why do people be blaming this on masculinity

Yeah masculinity dindu nuffin, it wuz a good boy, fuck them sjws.

>bunch of people
kek good one

You didn't know women are mostly all man haters now?

feminist whores writing about toxic masculinity LOVE getting choked and pretend-raped by big violent aggressive studs

maybe we should deal with TOXIC femininity that selects violent mates?

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it's always men who've done wrong dear user. Never women.

>Yet another entitled feminist cunt who talks down to men and tell them what they should think and feel and thus throws more fuel on the fire.
Like clockwork. Normies never learn do they?

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Because feminization of the west will weaken its social cohesion. The female nature is passive and nurturing, it is not competitive and aggressive.
By neutering the west you make it easier to lead in the direction you want and eliminate most threats to your control.

Also fuck the other faggots and roasties that answered you

Read the article
it's actually pretty good (and neutral). I was surprised.

Has the media lost it's fucking mind? Where are all these fucking crazy people coming from posting news articles and shit that people that don't have sex are some kind of weird oddity. Did they just get brain washed growing up to get used like human sex toys or did a rape fuck up their brain ?

What a dumbass feminist. You a strong woman scared of a strong man? Pussu

>I will forever be grateful to Mandy for writing this.
"T-thank you almighty feminist g-goddess for looking down on me..."

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I have read the whole article and it's the same man-hating bullshit, it's just written in a nicer language than usual.

It really is not, but you're too retarded and victimized to realize.

This. Its nothing special, she tries her best to be neutral but you can tell there is an undertone of "fuck these weirdos" that she can't completely contain.

If he's a 4 or 5 I guess I need a negative scale.

I cannot believe that men actually form their identity around the fact that they cannot get laid.
Men are supposed to be remembered after their skills. Being a plumber, musician or a engineer is now replaced by being a person who cannot get laid.

this is probably the best explanation on what's going on. not sure why ((media)) never discusses them seriously and just takes it that feminism is here to stay.

Nowhere in the article does she condemn the shitty behaviour women can be capable of even when she gets hard evidence, nor does she acknowledge that todays young men faces real hardship. She still consider incels to be wrong and living in an echo chamber.

Calling people who think different from you retarded is a really strange discussion technique. I mean, what's the goal?

it's a fascinating movement. i remember a few years ago when it started. it's a terrible feedback loop as well.

1. a guy that isn't getting laid, lets this become his identity
2. he starts hating women and radiates contempt and awkwardness
3. because he's becoming so fucked up he becomes LESS likely to get laid
4. goto 1

they're doing this to themselves. it isn't that hard to get laid, but if you spend all of your time shitposting on an anime board about how much you hate women you're destroying your ability to meet one.

>another entitled feminist cunt who talks down to men and tell them what they should think and feel and thus throws more fuel on the fire.
That was the retarded part. The article is very neutral, doesn't really take a side and just tries to explain what incels are to normies who have no idea.

I stand by the theory if more women who already are promiscous fucked incels there would be no incel epidemic.
It literally makes no difference to pity fuck some dude. When you go around fucking absolutely anything.
Women are just evil.

they probably would if the incels weren't sitting at home and complaining about how terrible women are

there's a lot of slutty girls out there that are easy to fuck, but you don't meet them by posting about how you hate women.

And I disagree. The article is still anti-men even though it makes a bigger effort to hide it than usual. I would even say that this makes it worse than usual. She also added a cheap kick against the mentally ill, which is just bad taste.

you're just an evil cunt. i know women better than you that do more for men than what cunts like you do.
You do nothing but project your hatred of men onto men and promote the real hatred.
revaluate your life roastie bitch.

Non sluts- fuck 1 Chad at a time
Sluts- Fuck multiple Chads

Just lol if you think a woman will sleep with just about everyone just because she is a slut

sluts fuck anything they all know this. Thats the big lie.
They are literally denying specific men sex based on prejudices.
women will literally fuck dogs before pity fucking a male friend that needs it.

im a dude and nothing I said is even remotely evil.

i used to be like you. years ago i used to sit online complaining how women wouldn't like me. then something clicked and i just gave up, i started doing what i wanted and ignored women. then, one day, years later, i met my girlfriend in a software engineering class.

the problem is you, and the problem has a solution.

there are also sluts that can't get chads (yes, there are). chad is fucking the 7/10s. there are tons of 5's and 6's, both slutty and non slutty. they are out there. as long as you're at LEAST a 4 you CAN get laid.

if you're a 3 just give up.

>sluts fuck anything they all know this.
If that is true why does prostitution exist? Why pay for something if you can get it easily for free?
Why is porn so popular?
Why are dating sites so popular?

bullshit you are a dude roastie lying cunt get the fuck out of here with your man hating bullshit you absolute cunt.

>women will literally fuck dogs before pity fucking a male friend that needs it.
it really depends on the women. some will some wont. for every man hating dog fucker there's a pity fucker. YES they do exist. do you expect them to come to your front door and knock?

>why does prosti..
because they will fuck ANYTHING.

nothing i said was man hating and i'm definitely a guy.

it really doesn't women are hardwired to fuck anything. Women that claim to never do anal will finger their asses in the morning. This is how the womans mind works.
They will fuck absolute failures, losers, low iq, ugly you name it. and will do it volunteerily.
Yet, they refuse flat out to ever have sex to a guy who is emotionally hurt and down on his luck crying out for intimacy.
Its like the ultimate proof that the female brain has an evilness to it.

I believe him, but he is probably just a beta provider.

It might be because of how much woman dislike virgins. Woman only want guys who other girls want.

also to make it clear im talking aboit a specific situation where a whore knows of a man that could need it.
So these are people who are known to each other. Its got nothing to do with going out and meeting.

>everybody is the same
look, some girls are definitely like that. some girls live in such hypocrisy it's sickening. but you would have to be deluded to truely believe every single girl is like that.

in my highschool one lunchtime there was a girl giving out blowjobs in the bathroom. literally a line formed. she didn't turn down anybody. 100% total slut.

at the same time i know a girl that didn't lose her virginity until she was 25. it's PROBABLY because she's asian/an immigrant, but the point is they exist.

i admit almost all western girls are fucked, but even in the most toxic female culture in the world (usa) there ARE some girls that aren't like that.

you've got black and white thinking and it isn't doing you any favors.

Toxic femininity. Females that read it would likely attack her if her tone wasn't hostile towards the thing they dislike.

i've met 2 girls that love virgins. one was super fat and nobody would fuck her tho, also she was a redditor, also she was a FUCKING WHALE. she was like 500 pounds god damn.

you know im right. All a woman has to do is give a hurt guy a one night stand to put him back on track.
Im not even saying this a thing all women should be doing but for some women what is one fuck with guy? Its nothing.

>All a woman has to do is give a hurt guy a one night stand to put him back on track.
That I agree with. I do agree that if these guys got laid once it would greatly improve their lives. That's one of the reasons I'm VERY pro prostitution.

I also think the guy has the ability to get himself out of the situation. I got myself out. I was in a terrible place, I thought I was in love with a girl that would never like me (friendzoned HARD), I thought there was no hope, I almost killed myself. But I got out.

>it isn't that hard to get laid
You seem to ignore the fact it is for them, therefore it actually is hard to get laid. If it's easy for usain bolt to run a 4 minute mile, it doesn't mean it's easy to run a 4 minute mile. You see how that works?

men cheat more than women on average.

bullshit what women calls cheating is usually nothing of the sort
>woman indicates she wants to break up with a guy
>guy finds another woman
>first woman "OMG you cheated you rapist!"

As long as you aren't fat and toxic you can get laid. If you are fat and toxic then it's your own fault.

Any average guy can spend some time learning pickup techniques and close a fatty EASILY. Fat girls are desperate. Because they're fat, and nobody likes fat people.

Wrong. Men and women cheat about the same amount. Men just get caught more often.

But they don't fuck everything.
Only guys that are above a certain loks threshold.
Anyone below that could as well not exist for them.

Also men cheat more because woman are just sharing players. They crave high value dick and are surprised when it cheats.

I actually did this with an ex. She dumped me and the next night I hooked up with a polyamorous (read slut) chick.

When she found out she was PISSED. She said "how could you do that! what if I wanted to get back together."

The kicker was she left me for somebody else. Total double standard. About 6 months later the other person left her and I got to bang her again though so that was cool.

The majority of them would rather fuck a dog, film it and post it on the internet then to hug an "incel" deemed man.

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>As long as you aren't fat and toxic you can get laid.
I think I know what I'm capable of better than you would, anonymous internet asshole.

ya, girls go up. a 5 wants at least a 7 but will settle for a 6.

this means as long as you aren't a 1 or 2 there is an uggo out there for you. she probably has more mass than the moon, but it's just a hole. treat it as such.

Prostitution has nothing to do with it.
Pity fucks won't help either.,
As long as the guy knows it only happens out of pity or because he paid for it it won't mean anything.
The problem is that nobody wants to do it with them just because they simply like them.
And that will never change, since woman are incredibly shallow in their affection. If a guy looks bad nothing will ever change a womans affection towards him.
And as long as that problem is being glossed over, nothing will change. In fact, I'm sure it'll only get worse with time.

>believing "facts" a rostie posts on twitter
You're WAY to gullible. Most girls wouldn't fuck a dog. Most girls are so obsessed with their image they would NEVER post themselves fucking a dog online.

Clean yourself up and as long as you aren't fat you can EASILY get a fat chick. Fat chicks will drag their utters through a mile of broken class for a thin guy.

Either you don't or you're mistaken about your nature. Or you live in a small town.

Not even close.
With the advent of Tinder and online dating every woman has the chacne at a night with Chad.
And you know that she'll get it eventually when Chad can't get something else but still wants to fuck. Then he dates down 5 points, fucks her once, and she'll live on thinking that's what she deserves.

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women will fuck dogs. They joke about it all the time. Its the whole plausible deniability thing. They will only get btfo when they get caught.

You're right, it's all in your head. You have to change there first.

>be in shape
>stay fit
>dedicate your time to build up your body properly
>now waste your life with a fattie who can#t stop eating
And yet you still wonder why men drop out of this shit?
When woman clearly think they deserve something that requires work without putting any into it themselves?

>Either you don't or you're mistaken about your nature. Or you live in a small town.
Or maybe I do and you're an idiot that likes to talk down toward other people being un-aware it's extremely condescending as you're making many assumptions. Opinions are like assholes, you think you're opinion is big, and you're a big asshole. Nice try though dimwit. I can tell you have good intentions but that doesn't really correlate with good actions if you knoww hat I mean.

Read it again.
Pray to god that your two braincells start to work for once.
Then post again.

7's are going to fuck 3s, don't kid yourself. that chart is a lie. mine is more realistic.

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very few do, because they're loud doesn't mean they're representative

But a few man who can't get laid and bitch about it are represntative of the whole male sex.
Got it.

You are really naive. In the female mind know one will ever know they let dogs rape them.

You're determined to be deluded and unhappy. Life isn't fair, nobody said it was, but if you self destruct and blame everybody else it will never get better. You CAN make it better but you have convinced yourself that it's impossible.

I hope you get better one day user.

Look at Tinder or OKcupid statistics.
Only guys rated 7+ get any female attention at all, even from hamgalaxies.
Every other man gets simply left out.

>But a few man who can't get laid and bitch about it are represntative of the whole male sex.
Got it.
I never said that. Most men can and do get laid.

Technically it wouldn't be rape if they're willing. Also I would be very surprised if more women are fucking animals then men. I would love some proper statistics on that.

>bro just go talk to them

While the 80/20 rule works in theory, it's actually the other way around in reality. A small minority of promiscuous women are having sex with all the men.

women do it because women have various degrees of male hate. Animals are not men and horny dogs will hump anything.
Guarrenteed if you leave your average woman alone with a dog she'll will use the dog and no one will ever know.
Om a sidenote women will use anything in the house as sextoys including food in the fridge.

kek, she wrecked him good. by the way, you mentally ill retards are cringey beyond help.

That isn't an representative sample of the general population and therefor cannot be generalized to it. It's textbook self-selection bias.

t. dog fuckeer

>women do it because women have various degrees of male hate
For starters that's mostly western women. Feminism doesn't exist in a lot of countries. I will agree western women, in general, are more fucked in the head and have a lot more male hate. But don't for a second tell me all women are like that because it simply isn't true.

male hate isnt unique to western women they have feminists all around the world in some non western countries their version of feminist is even more radical.
The degree of male hate differs from womrn to women. There are even women that genuinely love men.

>toxic masculinty
i'm fuming. this fucking entitled cunt doesn't know what she's talking about, there's nothing males to nowadays to cause direct on purpose harm or troubles to cunts like her.

go back to the early centuries you dumb whore and see how you do then with these fucking speeches of yours, women were baby making machines and only rights they had was to shut the fuck up and get bred, you could get fucking raped and nobody would get, if a guy stronger than your husband or boyfriend overpowered him, he'd be allowed to take you and rape the shit out of you until you pop out and sire 10 of his children and you'd have no say in it. I FUCKING HATE WOMEN SO MUCH

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This post is extremely misogynistic. Now before you go and accuse me of being a basedboy (I actually hunt and eat my own buck in the forest behind my stepdad's house), I was raised in a loving household by 2 parents who did their best to raise me. I always treated my sister with respect because that's how I was motherfucking raised. I haven't gotten a girlfriend yet, but I am friends with a great group of girls that I can gush all my secrets and what's ailing me and they provide me with the support I need to flourish as a man in 2018. I even bought one of them a malt yesterday and got a peck on the cheek. You fuckers need to get out there into the world and realize that women aren't alI out to get you.

>shut the fuck up and get bred
>take you and rape the shit out of you
>baby making machines


>reee why dont women like me

>You're determined to be deluded and unhappy
Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.
>anyone can get laid
oh wait let's backtrack here
>Life isn't fair
There you go. At least you can stay optimistic even when you were wrong. Can't really fault you for that.

you are fucking retarded originallly

>There are even women that genuinely love men.
There are thousand dollar bills too, how often you see those?

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Can't wait till breedable sexbots. The laughter of free happy men will be heard all over the world.
Drowning out the screams of horror amd despair from the roasties.

Life isn't fair, and some people get delt a shitty hand, but it isn't a reason to give up. you'll have to work A LOT harder than chad, you'll never get a girl that looks as good as he can, his life will be easier and happier, but that doesn't mean you can't get yours.

Unless you're a 3 or below. Then your only chance is hookers. Your only option is to get rich.

I could see one today if I wanted. Go to the bank and get one.

>he still thinks breedable sexbots will happen considering the way society is changing
i'm suffering just as much as you

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I don't need you to tell me what my options are faggot. Seems that part just doesn't get through that dense layer of skull you got there.