Can you lower your standards and be happy at the same time?

can you lower your standards and be happy at the same time?

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I refuse to improve myself when this fucking ogre can get laid. STATE-PROVIDED GFS RIGHT NOW

state-provided gfs may be a monkey paw thing user

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she has heard they are well hung, the BBC strikes again, max par

Male foreveralones far outnumber female ones, we wouldn't be paired with them

My standards are quite low, but I would never lower my standards for that. Even if I could accept someone who looked like that, her personality is just to generic and dull to justify it.

what would we paired with then. married women?

>not posting the correct version
how the fuck do people destroy these images

It's a queenlander, what do you expect

>tfw this image makes me disgusted to have even set foot in Qld

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it's easy to say you'll be able to look past someone's looks but every time you have to look at them you'll be reminded of it. even if you "accept" it the dissatisfaction will always be there won't it?

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Of course. Looking past someone's looks is easier said than done. You'll have to walk around the city with that monstrosity whilst feeling jealousy of guys with the most plain and average/slightly uggo gfs. All while thinking to yourself "I could do better".

All humans are shallow to sone degree including us and would leave for the first respectable looking woman.

the fucking hand position is the craziest part imo

you know she had to do it to em

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I know this state is fucking shit give me any other state except for NT ina heartbeat

We would be paired with 4-6/10 females who are single voluntarily because they think they're too good for us (they're not)

She has a hormone disease right?

i literally cannot tell the difference between those two images.

same friend
original :))) )>)

what about the below 4s

>N.T ain't a state

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How is this a problem though? Are you really scared of giving this up to them?

And even this ogre categorized sleeping with a black man as one of her "feelthy" fetishes lmao

im not scared at all, the bbc will inherit the earth and thats a good thing

She'd look cute if you starved her for a few months