So turns out my father was paying my only real "friend" to socialize with me

So turns out my father was paying my only real "friend" to socialize with me.
How about that?

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i mean at least you had that

Good, you know he can be bought, now pay him to suck you off.

god damn, that's really fucking sad.

At least you have a friend user.
It's worse to just be alone and lonely.
I'd just keep going along with it.

posting this to Jow Forumssadcringe for sweet karma, sorry user

Thanks for the real world example of how karma actually works in a society.

Doxxing you after you post for karma, not sorry fag

Well i can't really look at him as my friend now. Especially because i'm that super paranoid type, i'd always wonder about how he hates me seceretly.

That's pretty rough user. My condolences.

user, you don't need to destroy your friendship over this.
He never said he hated you.
Maybe he is low on money and he also enjoys being your friend.

>would hang with someone that only hangs out with you because he gets payed for it.
the absolute beta male

Lucky. My parents never paid for me to have friends.

It's better than what I do now.
Which is hangout with nobody.

if he really was my friend and just needed the money he would have told me.

Yeah he could have.
What are you gonna do?

Can you please green text the relationship and how you found out about your Dad paying him please? You really should have had it in your OP.

yes sure sorry, i'll do that a bit later

>17 years old
>10 grade student
>private school, the community is super friendly.
>don't have any social connections
>nobody hates me, i'm that guy who everyone kinda likes, but nobody ever talks to more than a sentence
>have this "friend" who came to the school in 7th grade
>he's this super social guy, friends with everyone, knows everyone's secrets
>got a kinda dumb class, i'm the cliche smart but have asperger's type
>when he joined the class i was his first friend, we both have in depth tech knowledge, so we had things to talk about
>actual friends for about a year
>he lookes up to me cause i'm smart
>i look up to him cause he's social
>summer comes and i don't even leave my house once
>didn't get invited to anything
>i'm paranoid that people won't like me, so i don't go anywhere unless i'm invited
>this results in people thinking i don't want to socialize so not inviting me anywhere
>didn't hear from him in the summer
>school year starts
>i assume he doesn't want to talk to me
>he assumes i don't want to talk to him
>fast forward to this school year
>we start being friends again september
>don't really remember how or why
>winter time
>super depressed
>ask him to invite me into a couple of parties for fear of killing myself
>he does
>i have a good time but feel more empty inside after them than ever before
>life goes on
>he starts not accepting my invites cause he's busy with other friends
>feels bad man
>bored and hungry for attention so start hacking classmates' profiles
>reading through his messenger history
>find he was messaging with me dad
>find he sent messages like he's sending the weekly payment
>read back, discover what they were doing

That's about it folks
Probably going to kill myself in a couple of days

10th grade*
my dad*

Don't kill yourself user.
Admittedly it's worse than I thought but you shouldn't kill yourself over that.

>richfag who goes to private school
>people wonder about you
>goes to party
>no one carves virgen into his face
>dad so rich he can literally buy friends
>still complaining like a bitch
Yeah Richie Rich, just off yourself.

I was considering it before, but now i honestly don't see a reason to live
And no, it doesn't get better

No it isn't lol. It's fucking pathetic dude.

Yes i recognize that.
But still, can you solve social isolation and being an antisocial fag with money?

A lot of things are pathetic.

Therapy or someone who can teach you how to socialise, you clearly have the money

if he told you you would feel just how you feel now. he didn't want you to feel this. also friends are priceless. you won't know this if you don't have friends but the amount of interest and mental energy it takes to be someones friend, you just can't do it even for money. unless u actually are interested in the person.

I've tried 2 therapists
Both were dumb and just followed the things written in their papers, but couldn't keep up with me. And they were expensive as fuck, so i don't know where i could find better. (Expensive as in my country's standards which is probably below average for the U.S)

>Mfw my mom was paying a guy to live with us and act like my dad for 18 years

Attached: 5845ccf80b2a3b54fdbaecf6.png (800x800, 64K)

>join the military
>move to a big city after your stint
>drive cabs
>never tell your family what youre up to
>get hooked on uppers and cheap liquor
>buy some guns
>nurture an obsession with a young prostitute

For fucks sake can you niggers stay off our site. I swear there's no 4channers that use reddit, but there's redditors that browse Jow Forums.

Maybe hes trolling you.

Are you mentally impaired? The entire point of this thread is that this guy is only paid to keep OP company and not an actual friend. Also sorry OP that really sucks.

Shit. I'll be your friend, user. Don't kill yourself.

>befriend him
Why didnt I think of that