Start riding bike in town for short errands

>start riding bike in town for short errands
>on the sidewalk though because people with cars in America are generally aggressive assholes who get angry at bikes on the road
>have to pass the local schizophrenics that walk around town
>there's one walking his bike up a very slight hill
>try to alert him by yelling "PASSING ON YOUR LEFT" from a fair distance behind him
>he doesn't even react
>overhear him mumbling angrily as I pass him by
>pedal harder and GTFO of there

God dammit do I need to start carrying a knife or something? I don't want one of these freaks to get the wrong idea when I'm just trying to be courteous and alert him when I pass like you're supposed to do.

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is it just me or is that puppet adorable, with his little bike and suit

just get a good used car, they are comfy and safer.

Just buy a bell for your bike. I hate it when people yell at me about passing.

what this one said, get a bell or horn faggot

He's from the movie Saw, cute lil' lighthearted film check it out sometime.

I've had a car since I was 18 but only used it to go to work and back. Now I'm a 28 year old NEET and don't need no car.

Makes sense, will have to get a bell. Or should I get a clown horn lol

Shouldn't you hold your arm out and turn your head at the side you're going to turn? Yelling is kinda autistic desu

I ride my bike to work and I live in third world country where motorists have similar, if not more, hatred for bikes on the road. Just ride close to the pavement but not on the gutter. Let them pass by if they want to but control the lane as much as possible.

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You shouldn't ride your bike on the sidewalk.

That's for turning on roads, I was just passing by a guy on the sidewalk from behind and you generally want to alert them to your presence so they don't inadvertently step into your path as you pass by.

It's not illegal in my town so I much prefer not sharing the road with angry motorists when I'm just biking down the street for a bit. It's a small town so it's not like the sidewalks are ever crowded (outside of weekend events).
I only go on the road when there is no sidewalk.

I'm retarded, and I didn't read it carefully. But yeah, you should avoid riding on the sidewalk. Those angry motorists are all in your head. Even if they are, just ignore them. Just follow the rules of the road and you'll be fine. Watch some videos on YouTube and plan out your route beforehand so you'll know how traffic flows and where you can make turns. Just common sense, really.

I was one of those angry motorists before I got a bike lol I feel kind of hypocritical riding on the road since I'd always get annoyed at having to pass slow-ass cyclists and I don't want to annoy everybody by being a slow cunt that everybody has to pass.

best to get a knife just in general, but I don't think you need knife. I live in an area with a lot of mentally ill homeless people and have never been attacked, granted I'm 6'4, But you never know.

>people with cars in America are generally aggressive assholes who get angry at bikes on the road

Don't you guys have cycle lanes there? They're everywhere here in the UK.

remember to clear any knife carrying activities with ya govna, otherwise youll have to bin that knife

Ah, I guess most do people hate cyclists on the road. I just avoid major roads myself in order to avoid having to let others pass. I almost never got blared at except for the occasional impatient asshole.

user said he lives in a small town.

Some cities do, but the car culture here is so prevalent that they would go mostly unused. At least my town has a nice scenic bike trail that you can get raped/mugged/murdered on. I'm probably gonna hit that shit up today for the first time.

Just get an LKW horn like on this video

don't be a kike, bin that bike

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That's fucking awesome, I want to get a ridiculous horn.

>on the sidewalk though because people with cars in America are generally aggressive assholes who get angry at bikes on the road
Gee, its almost like you're endangering both yourself and people in the cars near you

But it's perfectly legal to do so, bikes fall under the category of "vehicle". In some places it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk.

Yeah, but there's a difference between staying on the side of the road and riding your bike in the middle of it slowing down traffic and putting everyone involved at risk

>riding your bike in the middle of it slowing down traffic and putting everyone involved at risk
That's not how you're supposed to ride a bike on the road though, you keep to the left of the lane, but not on the shoulder, giving enough space for cars to pass when they can.
You're supposed to follow all traffic rules as if you were a car.


Haha I meant right, left would be suicide