Dont you just HATE political correctness?

dont you just HATE political correctness?

Attached: 1514187128016.jpg (539x960, 84K)

most people with brain does

I'm not triggered by any of that other than "communism will win", simply because it's so pathetically false. The rest is just typical edgy teenage brainlet shit.

Most politically correct post ever posted in here, just go ask Hillary.
This. We should gas those people who want to look edgy.

>america sucks
>hail satan
satanism is just christian lies about paganism
>communism will win
>fuck christmas
fuck the christcuck version of it sure, but the pagan version is fine
>burn the flag
>blah blah blah snowflake
anyone who says snowflake unironically should be shot
>it's a free country
but I thought you said fuck America?

OP is a edgy teen or presenting to be one. You are right, of course

Everything listed there are things PC special snowflakes believe. Say something like "white power", or "there are only two genders", and they'll get triggered.

Oh boy lad your one of them righty versions of those faggots, you do know your just as bad as them

the irony holy shit

OP is utterly bamboozled.

>gas people who want to act edgy
this dude's absolutely right fucking kek

We wouldn't be here if we did.

All those things have been politically acceptable to say for a while


>Le paganism
Lmao fucking FAGGOT

>free country.

Attached: 1513993594626.png (1313x623, 223K)

Oh wow you're the little rebel aren't you. Saying shit that is normal now and was edgy 50 years ago.

You gen Xers are honestly worse than boomers sometimes.

That's actually autism.

Being politically incorrect is saying true things that piss of the real snow flakes aka the left.

They say these things in every university across the country and oftentimes on mainstream television. What exactly are you trying to say lmfao...

I hate leftists so much it's inhumane

>t. vargnigger LARPagan semen drinker

>christcucks eternally butt-blasted by mere mention of the word "pagan"

t. Politically correct christbutthurtfag

This, edgy =/= politically incorrect, though they often intersect. Politically correct means changing or censoring truths because they upset people.

>confusing butthurt with raucous laughter
>mfw LARPagans absolutely, eternally BTFO to the point that they cry about things that happened over a thousand years ago
>mfw they have no idea what their rites were except by reading Christian authors' interpretations because pagans were illiterate mongoloids
>mfw most pagans are homosexual because they're butthurt about Christianity's anti-butt banditry


>This. We should gas those people who want to look edgy.
Only a faggot would say this. So many right wingers are fags lmao

>right wingers typically against faggotry
>left wingers always pro-homosexuality as a core tenet
What did the commiequeer mean by this?

>be varg
>scream into a microphone and call it "music"
>chimp out and murder someone like a nigger
>spend most of my life in prison like a nigger
>get out and collect welfare like a nigger
>make dumbass nonsensical videos on Youtube for edgy neckbeards as my only source of income other than welfare

>be you
>sit on computer that mother bought for you years ago
>shitpost on Jow Forums about the white race
>dont get far enough to reproduce white children
>supports israel

The only thing that triggers me is that if I said to the person who made this graphic that trans people have mental defects, white women are more privileged than white men, sluts don't deserve stable relationships, Hilary wouldn't have been a good president, gays are degenerate, and black people act like shitty niggers because they want to and not because of oppression, and I guarantee they would flip their shit and start screaming at me, calling me a nazi, and recruit their friends to harass me online.

These people love free speech to voice their opinions, but freak out and go full retard the moment someone voices opinions differing from them.

pol got rekt

the thing about being offensive though is it's mostly people being edgy faggots. we don't need political correctness, we just need to ignore obvious trolls.

If you dont say things that are verifiably false and actually piss people off you arent an edgelord.

so what faggot
it is just the same shit as calling a faggot lol why does that trigger you


I'm more triggered there are so many stupid people.