This is an incel. If you say he has any chance you are just sugarcoating his hopelessness.
>inb4 muh no such thing as involuntary celibate
This is an incel. If you say he has any chance you are just sugarcoating his hopelessness.
>inb4 muh no such thing as involuntary celibate
He should just lower his standards and stop letting his toxic masculinity keep him a misogynist. It's the bigoted personality that keeps women away.
Shit, it's not like life is limited to pussy. It's just a past-time activity. Life has more to offer than holes.
>skin treatment
>go to a nice hairdresser
>a few plastic surgeries
now he can fuck a 4/10
for someone to be an incel, they have to be actually retarded.
hello i go on Jow Forums and look at pictures of strangers on the internet to validate my prejudice and insecure worldview
Genetics isn't the only thing that defines your look. To look like this guy, you need to have horrendous hygiene, bad alimentation, and a complete lack of self awareness.
He could have a great career as a thespian if he would ever dedicate his life to playing The Beast on Broadway. Women would love him for that. Pretty sure everyone would.
just needs a haircut, new set of clothes and spit game. This will only work if he bees himself
>a few plastic surgeries
kek not everyone has thousands of dollars to drop all at once
Do you even know what "a few plastic surgeries" entails
You're telling me that a man needs to spend years and an unholy amount of money just to get a slight chance at a low-tier woman?
Holy fuck what a joke
k, hes poor and cant afford plastic surgeries, still my point stands, he can fuck a 2-3/10 by just doing the other 3 things i mentioned.
if any so called incel really works on himself, he will be able to fuck someone.
He could still use a shave, haircut and acne rinse.
No he can't
Those 3 steps you mentioned are already things every incel did
It's not even enough to let a 5/10 man fuck a 2-3/10
Do you honestly think incels decided they don't have a chance just out of a whim?
No, it comes after despite all effort and things that should've worked, it doesn't, and it doesn't take a genius to get why.
Going through life without a companion is quite sad. Being able to experience things together with a person who you love and who loves you makes everything more fun. I mean, do you wanna vacation alone or go to an amusement park alone? Go to the cinema alone? Eat at a restaurant alone?
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."
>fucking shower
>workout and lose weight
>skin care, it's obvious he has some allergic reaction or eats horribly
>get a good haircut
>find clothes that fit him
That would be seriously enough to score a 7/10.
Only one cure if you look like that.
This poor bastard
That would not be enough to fix his face. It would barely be enough to make him not be harassed by strangers on the street.
He could shave
He could get a haircut
He could lose some weight
He could clean his skin up.
He could get a root.
He could do many things but it won't do much good. Incel is incel.
Other posters have said it, but OP doesn't seem to get it or keeps trying to deflect the choice of the cell to something or someone else, so let's use an analogy. Instead of being ugly, you're unemployed, middle school drop out, and borderline homeless, living with parents that won't sustain him much longer.
>guys I can't find a job, i'm involuntarily unemployed
>hey they're hiring over there
>I applied, they didn't want me
>how did you apply?
>online and in person, that's what you said to do
>for how long?
>2 years
>how are you applying, specifically?
>i send this resume and I call
>ok well this resume sucks, let's roleplay a phone call.... okay you sound incredibly incompetent of course they didn't hire you
>it's not my fault, I tried everything and I can't change my education
>you may have tried everything, but you tried it wrong, and yeah you can educate yourself online there's so many free resources now if you are online posting this, you can educate yourself
>but I can't learn to be what I like online
>so you're choosing to be unemployed then, because nothing in this area attracts you enough to learn how to get in that field
>no I'm not choosing, it's involuntary, because I apply as I am right now and they won't take me
>how about over there in X country?
>I don't have money to travel there
>well if you could educate yourself in something basic, you could get a temporary job and save up to get there
>no but I can't just show up with no cash
>yeah you can, plenty of immigrants do it here and in other countries
>but they're educated or have degrees
>US won't accept most of those, so they start from zero just like you would, but you are going somewhere cheaper to live
>but I can't get a visa
>if you are american, you don't need one, they'll take you anywhere
>but that place is a shithole
>some areas may be, but not all of it, and you can still thrive
>no that's too risky, i'll get killed
>whatever, keep choosing to stay as you are
It's not everything unless you are not having it. Then you are being excluded from one of the biggest things in life.
He needs a 1500 calorie diet, no pop, 40 grams of sugar diet, sardines/almonds/Guinness 5 days out of the week, Greek yogurt + marmite on toast for breakfast.
you keep assuming these things. the fact remains that he hasn't tried it, so none of us can't know for sure. If he lost fat, gained muscle, got a better hair cut, even dyed it black or brown, all of that would be enough to land some asian girl with white fever. I'm not talking about a really fat philipina either, he could get a legit slim educated girl in China that is okay looking plain, gorgeous looking with make up. They'd jump at the chance to marry his blue eyes and blue passport.
He just needs to decide if this is a priority or not. We don't know that guy, for all we know he's perfectly content as he is. Not suicidal, he's posting pictures online so he's more confident and indifferent to stranger's opinions than a lot of us are already. Sure he posts things like "I wish I had a gf" and then goes to his video games. He's choosing his lifestyle over one with a gf.
It's a voluntary choice.
Is he a clinical retard?
Nah, Guy could still be decent if he lost weight. You never know what you look like under all the fat. Pic related is an incel. Irredimably fuckefd by genetics.
With a large amount of work and lowered standards this guy could maybe get somewhere but I find it hard to believe he'd put any if that in so he's pretty much fucked
He was in special ed if I remember right
I mean there's a lot of things h could do to improve his chances:
>Lose the weight
>Trim the neckbeard
>Take care of his acne
I'm a solid 5/10 and this guy makes me look like a 9/10.
Damn, guess I really did win the genetic lottery.
Thanks for the confidence boost, anons.
Yea so it's not a dude who looks ugly, it's a handicapped person.
he could still get laid tho
Being really ugly should be considered a disability and they should give us neetbux so we don't have to leave the house and be looked upon by others.
Companion =/= Pussy
A companion could be a friend or family member. OP is trying to make a point about people not being able to fuck.
I've tried a few times. It's not as great as people make it out to be. Seeing people lose their minds over it is sad. It's overrated.
>no one posting the pic of him with his girl at the prom
If anyone saved it, please post. The butthurt will be legendary.
handicapped people get laid (with other handicapped people)
>I've tried a few times. It's not as great as people make it out to be.
Yeah but you only know that because you've tried it. It's not knowing and being excluded what drives people crazy. Being told they aren't good enough even for a roastie whore. It's not about the actual sex.
>dating on their own level
Its eyes are as blue as the deepest sea. Beautiful creature.
If he lost 50 pounds, took Accutane, shaved, and got a hair cut, he would just be ugly. I've seen A LOT of ugly dudes with rather attractive gfs. Hell if he could grind out $10k and get a nose job he might end up attractive.
> just clean up that acne bro just use some scrub
Lmao the only way he gets rid of that severe cystic acne is with isotretioine
ay dios mio...
el ogro de las americas...
I need a guy like this to stand next to me when i try asking a girl out.
Like Stacy who has an obligatory ugly girl she surrounds herself with.
Incels tend to be 5's with delusions of being an 8 for the most part, the guy in the pic is a 1 he is just plain hopeless far worse fate than your typical incel, which is why is hart to feel sorry for them when they could easily turn it around
Women in Burger-tardville can now punch up 3 ranks for relationship stuff and about 5 ranks up for hook up stuff.
ie if you are a guy 4 or below, you aint getting shit, E v e r,
No, that's lookism. Incels are legit ugly. Not as bad as the op guy, but still 2-4
I live in Burger town
There is a guy who lives next store to me who is a NEET and he is Autistic as fuck along with being as dumb as fuck. Hes on neetbux still relise on mommy to get him food. because he doesn't drive.
Looks wise he is a 4/10 weighs about 300+LB and yet was married to a girl who is a 6/10 and had 2 kids with her.
any thing is possible user
non ugly people dont have a fucking clue what kind of shit ugly people have to deal with. And when attractive people give ugly people life advice, it's usually like when i see millionaires giving people who live in trailer parks financial advice.
As to How To actually fix the incel problem. It's a three part strategy:
1. Prostitution needs to be Legalized. If not for everyone, at least for incels, ugly guys who have never been able to get a gf, the disabled,etc... And, the government should pay for it, at least one session per month, if you want more it should be out of pocket. This should be in place til about the year 2040.
2. A Serious government funded effort to build a robot passable for a human woman by 2030 to 2035 at the latest. That would be impossible to tell from sight is a robot. As companions for incels.
3. And, the final fix would be serious research funds for plastic surgery advancement, so that by about 2040 a 1/10 could walk in to a clinic and in a few days come out as 10/10.
Exactly this
Wow user you can read minds