How do I get my sister's friend to fuck me?

How do I get my sister's friend to fuck me?

She comes stays overnight at our house pretty often and I've said hi a couple times. I can't stop jacking off to her pics.

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Just slip her some sleeping pills or something

What do you recommend I purchase?

Jesus Christ

No user do not fucking roofy this girl, roasties aren't worth jail

seeing as you post on r9k i doubt there is any possible way for you to accomplish this in our reality

I look like Chad but I'm socially awkward so how do get her?

What the fuck are you actually considering raping the chick? Get some fucking help, you desperate degenerate.

She's everything I want. Small, Big ass, big boobs, cute face, long hair. I really would

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>worth jail
How are you going to go to jail, if she's sleeping?
It's like getting charged for taking candy from a baby

She and my sister hang out with a lot of Chads so I could put the blame on them

Fuck off normie, you get lost and end up on the wrong board?

No fucking wonder you degenerates can't get laid. Even Jow Forums is more respectable than you faggots.

Jesus Christ don't fucking rape the roastie.

>implying I care about your respect
Kek you're a nobody

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I don't want to rape her but I really need her. She is the most perfect girl I have ever seen. If she won't fuck me then I'll have to move to rape. Please give tips on her to get her to fuck me tho. I really want to see her facial expressions and hear her moan.

Kek join the club bruh

Maybe try asking your sister for help?

I don't want my sister to know tho. She would probably find it weird, knowing her. I was thinking about approaching the girl when she's alone and saying something but I'm not sure what to say

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Ask her if you can stick you tongue in her butthole
It's a 50/50 chance she'll say yess

Get some research chemical benzos

I was thinking about being direct about it since I look like Chad. Maybe if I act like Chad she'll be down

How do you get hold of them? Can I just buy it online somewhere?


try bribing her with money.

How much do you think would be enough?

$600 should be a good amount. She might try to haggle up, so don't say yes for more than $800.

Get drunk with them but dont force her to get blackout shitfaced. If you can somehow steer the conversation mention you lay pipe like a Mexican plumber. This is where if your cards are all lined up she may say prove it or you can say wanna bet. You would be surprised at how a little alcohol and flirting can really open up a girl to getting dicked down. If you can deliver that shit she will come back for more

People like you are the dumbasses who get caught within 24 hours. You're not that smooth. Rapes are literally havens of genetic evidence and a girl won't just get plowed in her sleep and not notice. She will probably get tested and it will be obvious who did it. Also roofies are the oldest trick in the book and literally the first thing the girl and the police will look for.

Just don't.