>roommate asks me to leave the room for a few hours
>say no
/uni/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
>my dorm room doesn't have separate rooms
>it's me and my roomie's two beds a few feet apart and two desks
>roommate brings a chick home
>user can you leave?
>no, i'm not feeling good
>they start having sex
>i start to jerk off watching them
>no, you stop having sex
>girl gets weirded out and leaves
uni is literally fucking highschool if you still live at home
t. lives with his dad still
it's literally still HS when you live on campus too, though? and corporate world is even more HS, HS turned up to 11.
what's your point?
roommate got DABBED ON
same, much harder tho
>roommate asks me to leave the first week of the semester
>say ok
>says forget it because his tinder whore fell through
>asks me to leave a week later
>say nah I'm playing a video game
>has to ask the tinder whore to go home
>never asks me again and acts like a passive aggressive bitch for the rest of the semester
>play youtube videos at max volume until he throws a fit and goes outside
Damn these niggas finna boutta be based
your english is improper
you uggo
at least i'm not illiterate
It's better than high like this tbqh. A lot more free time, but the work load is harder.
Its highschool except you have to actually try
good thread whos got morrrreeeee
True, but the downside is there is way more cultural marxism on campuses.
everything is hs2.0 after social media became entrenched, just watered down and with more pseud bs
>arrive late to class
>wearing sunglasses
>they are prescribed glasses
>only one wearing sunglasses indoors for some reason
>teacher asks why i am wearing sunglasses
>"they're prescription"
>o-ok, user
>wear sunglasses for entire class
hello nice to meet you i am the cool guy
Which is why I spend as little time as possible on campus and go straight home. I never bother with the campus culture lunacy.
>1st year uni
>assigned a group project
>tried to hang out with the group because of all the retards saying you'll never know until you try
>it was boring as fuck, playing card against humanity and this normiefag laughing at his own joke, repeating it for like 20 times
>never hang out again, communicate everything online and blasted their asses one by one for not doing their work properly
Group project was a fucking mistake. Got one guy to drop out though.
you sound like a beta bitch.
orignial gommmce toooo
>make some friends at home
>start losing weight
>been lifting and it's finally paying off
>happiest I've been in over 14 years
>go to uni
>fail to make friends
>in tiny hot stuffy room on ground floor next to dorms entrance so can never sleep
>depression comes back
>start doing bad on assignment and getting apathetic
>go to docs a few days ago and she gives me happy pills
Tfw actually thought I'd enjoy uni
>1000 word essay on course reflection due Thursday
>there's no hope for me bros
>just fuck my shit up
>leaving a room you pay to live in so someone else can have sex is alpha
ummmmm no
I have to travel home every single day.
I'm missing out on the college life. Living in a shity room would be so much fun.
>10 page assignment worth 25% of unit due 1pm tomorrow
>planned out studying for the next 4 weeks
>it's all optimistic an shit, factoring in breaks and priorities and whatnot
>5 exams
>subject A: 102 hours -> for 40%
>B: 63 hours -> 50%
>C: 61 hours -> 21%
>D: 91 hours -> 45%
>E: 104 hours -> 54%
I'm gonna fail everything
Are you literally fucking retarded? You can get that done in an afternoon.
Not at all what I said. Twisting words to make yourself not look like a bitch.
u flippin jip i got like 10x that to do
living in a dorm feels like being on a field trip that doesnt end
This, if you work in cubicles it's just an extension of fucking high school. Gossip, cliques, retards screwing each other. It sucks ass.
At least they aren't allowed to bully you anymore.
>being my alter ego, the Joker
>faggot normie roommate walks in and embarrasses me
Vid related
How are American dorms? Is it as normy infested as I always hear?
I live in together with 4 other guys, we share 2 baths and a kitchen but everyone has his own room. They're chill and nice, I'm glad I moved in there to have contact with other people and make friends
I think I'm about to drop out
I don't know what I'm doing here
I don't belong here, for sure
My mom will cry though... I don't know what I can do
How about focus, study, improve your grades and become a success, you disgusting niggerfaggot?
>exams start in 4 weeks
What about you bois?
There's nothing I care to study
I only came to college because of outside pressure and a need to change my life's pace. But I don't belong here. I'm still undeclared, I cannot care about anything. I barely get out of bed, my hygiene and weight are worsening, I don't put on real clothing anymore just an old t-shirt and sweatpants. I haven't spoken to a single person this entire year. Not one. I'm getting more misanthropic every day and I feel like I'm going to snap and jump off a building
is there a topic you are remotely interested in?
>roommate came back drunk last night
>made out with be and crashed in my bed again
>woke up this morning and told me it isn't going to happen ever again, again
No. I don't like anything and I'm a lazy subhuman who hates working. There is no career I can see myself tolerating for the rest of my life. I wish something would kill me so I could die without the stigma of suicide. I don't see a future where I can be happy
He just want your boipucci
user I have a girl pussy and she does too
Uni is alright, its dorms that are absolute trash.
I was like you my first year in a state uni. Got my failing grades rescinded with some mental illness waiver and didn't register for more classes. Now I've done fuckall in the three years since then and I feel worse than I ever did in uni because of how I'm just wasting away. Signed up for some CC shit classes so maybe that will go okay.
Worst part is that I would get 95%+ on the exams in the classes, but I failed all of them because of mandatory attendance and my autism made that impossible.
keep talking in an original way
You're experiencing depression and it has nothing to do with uni but is all about your mentality. You will be no happier dropping out and doing a shit job and disappointing your family. Start talking to people, exercising and eating healthy. This is a critical time for you to get your shit together because once you drop out, life becomes much harder and even more intolerable because your parents will force you to get a mcjob or you'll be a disgusting NEET for a while. And then you really will unironically contemplate suicide.
>t. dropout
>I have a girl pussy
I am American and it was exactly like yours but one of the three bedrooms was a double
>Start talking to people
You don't understand, this is legitimately not possible. If it was possible, I would be doing it and many other things in my life would be different
>1000 word essay
This is fucking nothing if you know what to write about. You could finish this today and get a good night's sleep if you don't fuck around
>And then you really will unironically contemplate suicide.
>And then
user, I...
>chilling with qt3.14 in her room
>she asks roommate to leave
>roommate refuses
>rommate is also 10/10 qt
>threesome ensues
get fucked, virgin
Do you mean you just want me to tell you what happens? I'll just greentext what typically happens
>sitting in the room alone, as usual
>either playing vidya, on Jow Forums, or watching something
>she gets dropped off by her friends or maybe a random guy
>she always want to talk
>she changes while we talk and sits on my bed
>goes from talking to flirting
>she kisses me
>we make out for a few minutes
>she cuddles and then passes out
It's happened at least two times every month.
>tfw no qt roomate to kiss and cuddle with
You're either a larping fag, or a fag who hates girls even though you say you're one.
>things that never happened
Why do you even bother?
do you enjoy it? Is she hot? maybe rub her clit a little.
I mean I like girls some so I'm not going to complain. I don't think either of us are "hot" but she's prettier than me for sure. We're both just normal looking I think. I was actually thinking about making a move to go further since the semester is almost over but then she asked me to be her roommate again and we already registered together.
>virgin coping ensues
>but then she asked me to be her roommate again
how does that affect the situation? Just make her feel all nice and become casual fuck-buddy-roommates. It's literally paradise.
havent gon to uni yet but it's gonna duck if i do
I don't think things are that simple. She's a good roommate and I would rather just be her roommate and never do anything than try it and she wants out. I'm not into her, I just thought having sex of some kind would be nice.
well you shouldn't be pushy of course but when she is really wasted and the mood is nice you might make a move and convince her that having casual sex is nice and not weird at all
t. virgin
Your ideas are as good as mine. Turns out that you're always going to get over the christian values your parents drill into you and you'll start liking girls again anyway but I was left without any social skills or experience thanks to home schooling.
But seriously she's a great roommate and I don't want to have to match with another rando.
>roommate asks me to leave the room for a few hours
>was planning to go out anyways, so I say yes
>roommate sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, white boy"
u don't need to know how to talk to lick sum pussy
you're so fucking cringe it's ridiculous. go watch porn or something instead of harassing a girl with your fantasy of convincing her to fuck her roommate
when even reading that makes you churn a little
It's okay it's just Jow Forums
I'm not even the guy she was talking to before. I was just commenting on the "my parents left me without any social skills or experience" thing because not having experience or being a sperg isn't going to prevent her from licking drunk roommate's snatch if/when she comes onto her again.
Somebody get this hothead outta here.
Isnt that basically rape
>makes you churn a little
what did she mean by ____ this?
>hear "He cute" from the girl that came over
Stellar Structure and Energy Transport and Galactic Spectroscopy and Evolution exams tomorrow! Wish me luck!
I don't know. They do have posters in the hallway telling us to report it if our roommate gets date raped
That I'm so deprived that even a shitpost makes me think about it enough to get somewhat aroused.
good luck, lad
i assumed a \o/ shape for a few seconds for you
Secured a PhD spot, happy.
how are you deprived? uni is literally the easiest place in the world for women to get dicc or pussy or both. even if you have autism it is still easy.
he cute!
he ugly
takes 1 2 know one
All I do is go to class, use a stationary bike during low traffic hours at the rec center, and sit in my dorm room. The only things closest to friends that I have is the study group I go to and we never talk outside of it.
Some people just aren't good at doing anything.
do you even know where you are or did you come from reddit to bully people
>4 physics reports overdue
>other teachers always say something, but this physics teacher never says any fucking thing
>In lab as well, never says much unles you ask him and then speaks some gibberish
>Had 2 weeks vacation
>Wasted time
>2nd semester exams next month
I fucking hate myself rtn. I never thought I'd become like this. But ever since the year before the final year of high school, I turned into this weird... thing. I don't feel much, all food tastes like ash, there's this feeling of extreme anxiety for no fucking reason. This is fucking bullshit. I was one of the gud bois in school. Now, I'm the fucking slacker. I don't wanna be just another statistics. But no matter how hard I try, I can't concentrate. I can study for hours on end but learn nothing. Even the simplest shit that I perfectly knew before, I can't understand properly and I forgot it. Wanted to see a doctor and see if I could get my hands on some adderall or some other medication to help but parents won't let me because they don't believe me. "Hurr, durr, if you REALLY concentrate, why won't you be able to do stuff user? Work harder!" Fuck this shit.
I live in the engineering-only dorm and you'd think that would make people more focused on school because it's harder, but everyone is fucking loud and does retarded ape shit the majority of the time
>be me
>mechanical engineering senior
>want to go to graduate school for materials engineering
>shit is cool
>3.2 GPA
>166 Q, 155 V, 5 W on the GRE test
>decent letters of rec on the way
>letter of intents fairly personalized
>applying to 5 R1 schools
Well lads, am I fucked or am I going to get accepted somewhere?
My entire time at uni was miserable, but despite that I was managing to scrape by with mostly A's and B's. Not the current, final year though.
I missed deadline for my honours project, I am unable to finish another project for another course, and I have an exam tomorrow that I will not attend.
Is there any point in asking to be allowed to resit the whole year and for a chance to get full marks? Looking back at it, I should've sought professional help right after the end of the first semester of the first year, but now I don't think anyone is going to take me seriously anyway.
Women can't be robots, so your implication is invalid. She's just lazy and wants them to come to her. The sad part is that they eventually will.
just 5 r1 schools with a 3.2 gpa
are u intentionally trying to disappoint yourself or?
I'm undergrad at an R2 right now so I'll probably just end up staying here if I don't get in anywhere else, but my major GPA is ~3.45. Probably doesn't mean much but I don't fucking know.
>failed my first semester
I know Uni is my way out of this shithole country but I just can't motivate myself enough. I'm depressed and lonely.
I hope I can make it.
>binging on aspies instead of studying
I'mma be 30 when I start college with my own car and my own place. I plan on slaying college poon because I'm not a beta faggot
don't originally die
everytime i watch australian tv it's fucking awful.
i'm starting to understand why they spend so much time shitposting here.
How do you guys cheat?
But I am a white man.
>3.2 GPA
Are you white? If so, unironically kill yourself for even thinking you had a chance. I hope you don't become an engineer. It seems like you are lacking some basic commonsense.
I have good grades, but it's been feeling like a struggle to make myself study for finals lately
I already got my grade back for one that I was particularly worried, and I got an 84, so I don't think I'll bomb the other ones, as long as I study at least a little bit before I take them.
I don't, you disgusting degenerate
Only normies cheat, you make me sick
I try to ascend into normie life, but that brings new problems.
>took a shit load of drugs on friday in the evening
>think that they will wear off the next day latest
>they don't
>my brain is still not working properly on monday
>meet with female classmate for a group project (she's the only other group member)
>she creates a schedule for us, I'm kind of able to function in the moment and agree to everything, but could not really remember shit from the next day on
>got some work done by now, but I'm totally unsure about what to do and till when
>already look like an unorganized retard, so I don't want to ask for any information about our schedule
The problem is that I'm actually getting shit done, but we started the whole thing with me being the badly organized passive guy and she is the boss, which is making me feel powerless while she has a reason to be angry at me and to complain to her roastie friends. I don't really see a way to change that by now, since every action I take seems to facilidate this relationship.
Well that was unoriginally rude
Also nigger, my GRE is a 166Q which I had a professor told me he'd take on that alone. He buys much more into standard tests than class shit.
diff user, u are definitely the bitch here