Why does being submissive feels so good?
Why does being submissive feels so good?
leave this board pls
sexposting needs to stop
I like having someone tell me what to do and love a real man making me his bitch.
>Why does being submissive feels so good?
dumb sissy white boy
i'm a real man
i command you to stop posting.
post elsewhere reiko
i've seen reiko's dick before
it smol
Are you a trap/trans? Or are you a woman? If you are female get off this board. If you are a bio male who transitioned to female than this is fine.
Because you've never even tried to be dominant.
>tfw i got a boner reading this
Why does clocking Jannuthreads feel so good?
Try harder next time, you're way too easy.
What would it take to make you stop posting these threads every day?
Do I have to be your bf to make you stop?
I will probably stop posting completely, people hate me way too much.
Although I have a few alternative ideas.
>Do I have to be your bf to make you stop?
Do you want to?
and yet you still posted you disobedient faggot.
>Although I have a few alternative ideas.
Don't commit. Please.
>Do you want to?
Not if you're going to keep making these threads every day.
Jannu what happened to your bf from yesterday? Are you already cucking him?
Because you're giving over all the decision making to someone else and being submissive requires you to let your guarded walls down which feels absolutely amazing.
Get yourself sectioned. Then I'll have another bloke in a wig to laugh at when I'm at work.
I can't delete this thread because it's too old, but it seems like a good opportunity to say goodbye.
I'll finally go away like you wanted to live my old life without chans. If nothing works out for me in the next few months, I'll just kill myself so you won't hear from me for sure.
Alea iacta est.
Don't you have a lot of anons on discord by now? They'll keep you company. Also a lot of us like your dumb threads.
Don't let the bullies get to you. A whole lot of us are rooting for you. Please don't hurt yourself. You can be happy. Just keep at it.
Don't misunderstand, I wasn't asking you to stop posting because I totally h8 you and want you to go and stay go. Completely the opposite. I want you to be happy. I want to be your bf, even if it would never work out I still want it. Attention whoring makes you seem promiscuous though, and I'm no cuck. I want you all to myself.
Thank fuck. Never come back
Why not become a male prostitute? Then at least you can bring others joy with your useless self.
Hope you're doing well user. You get messed with a lot but you seem like a pretty decent person deep down, keep it up
I don't want STDs/HIV. It also goes against my nature and my morals.
And it is moral to waste your life when you could use it to pleasure others?
I'd rather pleasure someone who loves me.
Well, you are a fucking nigger, good sir.
Do it for cheap enough and any man will love you.
Being dominant feels even better if they're -just- that right kind of cute that really pushes your buttons.
Jannu are you cucking your new bf?
No. I merely asked if the guy actually wants me to be my bf, but I won't lead him on. If I got someone interested in me, I'm not gonna flirt with other guys.
Anyway, I pretty much gave up on everything so this is gonna be my last attempt.
Post your hairless legs/ass.
No please stop I love you
What? So he wasnt interested?
No, we are talking over email and getting to know each other. It's going fine so far.
I didn't post ">tfw no bf", now did I?
I just find it really comforting when someone is satisfied because I provided them with a vessel for their pleasure and satisfaction. Like I have some value and use to someone, somewhere. It probably isn't healthy.
Just because jannu found someone doesn't mean she needs to stop posting. If you found a gf would you stop going on Jow Forums?
No but I also wouldn't bait people into giving me sexual attention.
Please don't leave Jannu, it'll feel like something cozy is missing from r9k without you
Hm. It doesn't seem like it's an exclusive relationship yet. You can chat with someone who's interested without it being anything more than that. If they're just dating and getting to know each other I don't see why Jannu should stop posting, or talking to other guys even. It sounds bad when you put it that way but that's how the game works, you shop around until you find a good fit THEN you stick with them. Like trying on outfits at the clothing shop, you're only committed after you pick the one you want and leave with it.
And where is she found doing that here?
Come the fuck on. Its Jannus M.O. post something submissive that is way open to any wild interpretations, bait losers, get gratification, rinse, repeat.
it's super comfy
at least if your domme loves you as much as you love her
I like where this is going l.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Disgusting.
>Why does being submissive feels so good?
because you're a useless little slut faggot that needs to be dicked in the ass 24/7 to function properly
>useless little slut faggot that needs to be dicked in the ass 24/7 to function properly
>tfw no desperate lonely bf to manipulate into doing disgusting acts
Im not a faggot I just want to suck on the toes of a cute girl (male). Is that too much to ask
You're fleeing too fast, it's not fun. I was going to be close with all of you.
>tfw collared and leashed to my desk right now
Its great, honestly!
>Its great, honestly!
I'm jealous ;_;
As if you wouldn't be sitting there all day anyway.
Thats true, but its only because my owner is in bed and always wants me to do this if I wake up before her!
i dunno OP but i love edging my virgin uncut 6in little dicklette to cum and cocks
Yes. Yes it is Reiko, fuck off you degenerate faggot.
Fuck, you are a mood killer.
>collared and leashed to my desk right now
ugh, I can't wait for my collar to come in the mail.
What kind of leash do you have?
What's wrong with a girl being owned by another girl??
Just one from amazon, the leash isn't particularly special, but my collar is custom made & fit from collarfactory! They make really great stuff.
Why do you hate women so much? wow that wasn't original
He's a degenerate faggot.
Women are scourge of the earth.
>tfw you're a 12 year old
No one gives a shit, Reiko you tranny loving faggot.
ohh nice.
I was curious about the leash since I was thinking about using an ordinary chain for mine.
>Women are scourge of the earth.
They have the ability to give birth going for them though
The greatest of all evils.
Because you're a dumb faggot lmao just leave
Being submissive feels so good, I dont know why but being called bad names and being made fun of by someone that cares about me feels how I'd imagine it's supposed to when someone confesses love to their partner. I really cant explain it but it makes everything better and gives me a high I can ride for days. And that's just being dommed online, I cant even imagine what itd be like IRL
Because you are failure, genetic dead end
You guys are all terrible. Why do you care so much about what makes other people happy? Is it because they're happy and loved and you're not?
because they are disgusting and it disgusts me
>Is it because they're happy and loved and you're not?
You'd cry like the bitch you are.
Y-youre right I probably would, I am a bitch
As someone that LOVES this stuff online and in fantasy it's a little too real in person. Even just doing it over voice chat was way too embarrassing for me. It would be easier with someone I really loved and trusted but it's not like we were strangers either.
It's just so immediate, there's none of that sense of separation that comes from doing things online. Not just text on a screen, it's another person right there and you're humiliating and degrading yourself in front of them. The intensity jumps up to 11, off the charts. Which is part of what makes it exciting, but also scary.
Because trusting someone else to control you and wanting nothing more than to make them happy is love. Love is good.
I don't know...there's just something about being dominated by a cute girl that makes me horny as hell. Too bad it's never gonna happen though.
Having been dommed IRL, it was incredible and way more exciting than regular sex has ever been for me. That being said, it's been with someone I've been with for over two years now and love and trust.
That sounds amazing though user. Fear is absolutely one of my kinks so that's even better
I'm glad you found that user. If it's not too much to ask, I hope that you can wish the same for the rest of us
>If it's not too much to ask, I hope that you can wish the same for the rest of us
Of course I do. And the good news is: I met her here, so you're definitely in the right place.
I've been trying on here for a while, it seems difficult to get contact even if they ask for info, do you have any tips?
I just feel like you have to either trust them completely, or be totally shameless. Maybe both.
It's different if you're being 'dominated' by a woman. They're soft in every sense of the word. With them it's just a shitty watered down roleplay.
Ask the majority of women/.
Honestly as stupid as I know it is, I trust pretty easily most the time
Are you gay or straight? If you're gay, then it shouldn't be an issue. I've posted submissive fantasies of mine here before and gotten multiple Discord requests from just that. But I've never followed through with them.
If you're straight, I'll be frank: I got lucky. There was a "describe your ideal partner" thread and she posted, her only criteria being shared fetishes. Then when we traded contact info it turned out we had a ton of other things in common too. The one tip I can give is that instead of trying to find a girl into humiliating/"hard" femdom right off the bat, find someone who's into lighter forms of BDSM and switching/topping. Even if they're not into doing the more degrading stuff, they'll be open to it and if you're patient, they'll start enjoying it once they see how much it gets you off.
I'm straight, I'll keep an eye out for those threads and remember what you said about moving up with the BDSM. Thanks for the tips user!
All of you are incels and have nothing better to do then jack off
>There was a "describe your ideal partner" thread and she posted, her only criteria being shared fetishes. Then when we traded contact info it turned out we had a ton of other things in common too. The one tip I can give is that instead of trying to find a girl into humiliating/"hard" femdom right off the bat, find someone who's into lighter forms of BDSM and switching/topping.
Well, I wouldn't want a nasty brainwashed whore who has this retarded fixation on sexual fetishes and thinks they're the most important thing for an "ideal partner", so your advice isn't exactly applicable.