My fellow robots, what I'm sharing with you is the greatest short and sweet novella that you will read in your lifetimes, namely, LEFTOPIA. Let me know what you think. [email protected]
My fellow robots, what I'm sharing with you is the greatest short and sweet novella that you will read in your lifetimes, namely, LEFTOPIA. Let me know what you think. [email protected]
Bump, I remember the first thread of this, shit had me dying
>child rape
Yeah i'm not going to read your degenerate erotic fantasies
o shit bumping
then don't, what do i care?
Seems to be rightwing propaganda based on a stupid stereotype of the left. I'm not surprised the publishers rejected it.
You're back, I forgot about you. Going to tuck into the book right now.
What it is about?
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
can't you post something original instead of some copypasta?
Fucking finally! Gonna read this shit right now.
>and forget he did, for he woke up not knowing where or when or how or by what means, except he found himself in the embrace of the japanese tranny he had met last night, but he did not remember her or that he had lost his virginity to her, but he dared not ask, because he felt a mild pain in his behind.
No they rejected it because it's basically ops fetishes about child molestation. Also it's poorly writen
Fucking lol. This is pure robotcore so far. Also the name "Lewis" is totally a reference to that one vid where a NEET gets yelled at by his dad from behind his door, isn't it?
>the name louis
yes lol, i got the name right from that video kek.
>In order to release all the sexual tension that the episode had produced, he decided to watch some porn. It was HotKinkyJo he watched, spreading her asshole to an unprecedented diameter that even the legendary Goatse had never dreamt of.
You absolute mad man you actually did it.
Stupid dumb reddit scum
of course i did, did you think i was just making it up?
Holy shit. Going to read this right away. Thank you for delivering dude, from what I saw in the other threads this shit is going to be a incredible, and will go down in chan history. Good job mate.
I had my suspicions that you were just taking the piss, especially with how defensive you were over sharing it. However, I am happy you've shared it because so far I've finished Chapter 1 and have the biggest, shit eating, grin on my face. Your writing quality is mediocre but fuck me if it doesn't work well with the content.
Like a deranged but oddly self-aware Vincent van Gogh.
thanks bro, i hope you like it. origxinal comment.
Kek why is there a picture of Lauren Southern in there
Good shit so far, I can see why the publishers freaked the fuck out over it hahahaha
It needs a little editing but that's the bitch work the publishers should do eh?
thank you for this gift op
>tfw Leftopia may unironically happen in your lifetime
>I identify as a transnigger
God dammit I love you OP
This is genius OP, Have a bump
The first time I saw your posts I was fucking flabbergasted. This is the shit, OP, I'm going to read it now.
>The Rape of Beauty
Ah, now the cover makes perfect sense! A modern Michelangelo indeed kek
Anons, did I go too far with this book? Did it offend your sensibilities?
I'm just getting to the child rape part lol
Really enjoying it so far, it's a macabre vision of a fucked up not-too-distant future.
I really hope it doesn't come to be.
I-is this legal for me to read?
Sure, as long as you check into the house of truth and confess your thought crimes
I think I've found another text to be compiled into the Robotism Holybook.
We heve Elliot Rodgers' manifesto, and Leftopia.
I wish I could see those clickbait 'news' and feminist blog websites talk about how triggered they were over this right-wing pedophile racist terrorist incel manual. Imagine the outrage.
>orgasm ruined
Fucking kek
Also having films be basically hardcore porn in the future is a nice touch, how far will the degeneracy go IRL I wonder?
Oh man this made my day, I had given up long ago OP never thought you'd actually post it.
You actually kept the child rape scene. In a story of non-sense this scene made literally the least sense out of everything and was beyond ham-fisted.
Up until this point I was smiling. Now I am disturbed.
Oh you make me blush. I went much further than that.
Might I ask the point? For the most part everything fit well within the writing style and timeline of things but this sort of read like a fantasy you couldn't contain to not have written on paper.
Shock value. I took it as far as i could.
Did you see my email? Is that why you posted this?
Anyway great job OP, I'm excited to read it
i just saw it actually. coincidence, i posted it before i saw it.
It's funny. Your writing quality is pretty bad but some of the jokes are pretty damn good. I think the alt-right references are kinda lame. Not because of the politics behind them, but just cuz they're kind of a cop-out, you could have been more creative. Kinda reads like a less-cohesive Confederacy of Dunces. Nice work OP, funniest part is that you submitted this to a publisher
It was funny, but unbelievable. Not the story itself, but the meta-story around sincerely writing it and submitting it to publishers and critics. The obviously-fake publisher response was a poor start. Things that were intended to horrify and disgust rarely evoke the same reactions as the deranged rantings that achieve it unintentionally.
Finally! Reading it. Your style is like Sam Hyde during his lucid moments of his sketches.
Fix your typos, nigger. If you're gonna satirically mock the death of Western civilization, then at least learn to speak English.
Post them then, you imbecile.
Run spell check, nigger
I ran the google docs spell check, subhuman.
The example that I'm rereading now, at the initial orgy scene: "and old man." Change it to "an old man." So far, pretty good.
Thanks for the story. I'll save it for a future read when I have more time. I don't have a solid attention span or a quick-enough reading speed to be able to knock this out in only half-an-hour.
I will fix it for the next version.
Thank you, OP!
Time passed and I still thought about your work, only having a cover and a small printscreened text to dream about it.
Gonna read this gem and store it right beside My Twisted World.
So far so good, just took a peek into it, I'll probably read it tonight.
Great readso far OP, I am happy you finally posted the full novel.
Will you continue to create masterpieces like this one?
Your talent should not go to waste.
Whew, just finished it.
>dat postscript
Yes, those things happened. I'd believe it. I'd believe anything I'm told.
Do what Aaron Clarey does. Pay one educated friend for grammar correction, and one regular friend for typos, and one friend for general ideas.
>tfw I have no ability to view it now
Again, too many commas. Just parse your sentences. I just came across a sentence with six commas in it. Still, funny nigga. But if you want to represent the alternative right / manosphere / incels / whatever we call this alt cultural sphere we inhabit - then git good at grammar before CNN roasts your intellect.
Also I love how Lewis collects collects and does drugs but at the same time despises weed smokers lol
And also condemns degeneracy whilst taking part in it, truly a master of cognitive dissonance.
I doubt they could write better than me in a second language.
OP your writing is bad and hard to read but I still enjoyed your piece. Please learn how to write better if you plan on making a sequel.
In what sense is it bad ?
Like the other user said: you don't really understand grammar. Many places where you use commas you could instead use a semicolon or just a period. A general rule of thumb is to never use more than 3 commas in one sentence. Semicolons can be used in place of periods to connect two related clauses; something you, and most other people, use commas for.
Based big brother poster
No time to read this tho, can anyone make an audio book?
Read to page 21 so far. I'm a brainlet and a slow reader, will hope to finish it by tomorrow however and then i'll shoot the author an email. I have to say so far it captures the essence of our culture so perfectly. I mean what else is to be expected when one of us literally wrote it.
Already skipped ahead a little just to see that godly Jordyn Jones pic and the scene that follows, only a few lines because I don't want to spoil things too much but damn already hard.
Bumping a very quality bread
Basically, yes. It is poorly written.
But this is r9k milestone.Did other boards write any book? Did they vanned10 normos in Toronto?
we are never gonna make it, but this shithole of planet is going down with us, fellow bots
ordo ab chao
Nice. Somebody said you were the kid who killed himself and a part of me was worried he may have been right.
Godbless user
This book will go down in history as one of the greatest pieces of art of our time
The haters are just uncultured
I prefer to stay off the list thank you very much
The book list Louis chooses for his prisoner gave me a good kek
When he described his mom as blue-eyed blond and his father as brown-eyed, I was already going "ohnonono".
Louis was fucking lucky to come out blue-eyed and "somewhat blondish" as described.