holy fucking shit, they are evolving.
>A 39 year old man in Botswana has separated from his lawfully married spouse after he tasted a sex doll he as of late purchased from USA.
>Paellas Mohule claims that genuine ladies were soon after his cash and ordinarily had illnesses.
roasties btfo hard.
>Mr Mohule who is a fruitful auto merchant in Gaborone, Botswana, purchased a doll worth $2,600.00 from the United States and ladies professedly neglected to fulfill him in bed.
women failing at being women? you can't go that low even if you tried.
>So in the wake of laying down with it, he separated from his significant other of 4 youngsters guaranteeing she was no match to the doll with regards to rooms matters.
of course she isn't, it doesn't surprise me at all she is no match compared to these, they have all the pros and nearly none of the cons.
>He has since vowed to help his previous spouse and kids, she permits him an opportunity to appreciate the doll in peace.
that a piece of plastic could do a better job at satisfying her ex-husband than even her in her prime years must have downright destroyed her confidence and also she is now in danger of getting $0 should she upset him.
>Present day Sex dolls have propelled includes as they are planned with life-like private parts bosoms and lips and their sounds mimick a genuine lady. Others are Dirty-talking sex dolls with vibrating hot private parts.
I give 10 to 20 years until they can be better than even the best woman that had ever existed.
>Mohule says he is content with his venture as the sex dolls have no maladies, states of mind or periods and don?t state no to his sexual requests!
if this keep going on, women will be driven downright obsolete during my lifetime, they will not have any kind of use since the machine will do it better than even her in her best ever.
I can understand now, why women fear these things, they have the potential to 100% replace them.
Man Divorce His Wife For A Sex Doll Claiming She Is No Match To Sex Doll
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What a despicable man. You can't love a doll like you can love a real person. This man is mentally ill to give up his soulmate like that.
>This man is mentally ill
And what are you?
He was mentally ill for getting married to a biocunt. Luckily he realized his error and corrected it.
>in Botswana
Based nigger
Well I guess this is not an original post
unironically based black man
>Man Divorce His Wife For A Sex Doll Claiming She Is No Match To Sex Doll
Eet begeens.
Fuck off whore, your time is nearly over.
So she was just a bitch? I don't think a sex doll could give a man anything a good woman can't, and there are certainly things it can't provide that a woman can.
>So she was just a bitch? I don't think a sex doll could give a man anything a good woman can't
that is correct, they aren't women.
>and there are certainly things it can't provide that a woman can.
for now of course, since they are still in their pre-alpha stage and yet they are advancing at giant steps.
women at this point sadly choose to become monsters and that decision fueled by their sins will be their downfall.
the fear its real...
we are truly at the beginning of the end...
Stopped reading right there.
Nice larp bait
that is cool and good, no pregnancy no manipulation. but WHY would you ever want a gf/rf anyway?
>but WHY would you ever want a gf/rf anyway?
so that tradcucks and white knights don't feel bad enough to try and ruin your life with 'get married bro', misery loves company after all.
>do you want to do anal tonight honey?
>that's what I wanted to hear.
No wonder there is an all out attack on Incels. Roasties on suicide watch.
>won't fuck him but would CHEAT in a hearbeat
how about no
Don't overinflate your ego roastie. Without that hole down there and the two globs of fat at your chest you would be worthless.
its a fucking war right now and technology is winning.
no one expected this and even if they ban them it will not stop now nor ever.
goddammit user this one fucking killed me
>Don't overinflate your ego roastie.
she never will, she rather kill herself than getting talked down.
>Without that hole down there and the two globs of fat at your chest you would be worthless.
they know it and that's why they are losing their minds over the fact that a piece of plastic is by far better than them on their very best.
give it 10 more years and they'll insert some AI in these dolls and we can get fucking rid of women all together.
Muh toxic masculinity my ass.
>insert AI
>Implying you would need anything other than elementary-level programming to mimic the average female personality
from 2025 onwards it'll be a decline for women that they will never ever recover from.
if these things progress enough, even the omegas will not need women at all.
the bronies will have their pony waifu, the furries will have their furry oc waifu made real, the animefags will have their waifus, gamers will have their waifus, /co/ will have their waifus too, everyone will have a waifu made real that will die for them.
in the future, just having 1 male as a friend will be seen as a damn miracle, a boyfriend as unreal, a fiancee as fantasy and a husband as just a damn ancient myth that oldhag tell in their femacamps.
>Men will have all the power in the sexual marketplace and women will have to experience inceldom
Gonna be hilarious watching them change their tune
desperation and utter despair they will feel, because when these things improve enough women will feel extreme stress because it will take 1 little human mistake for her to be replaced by a robot that will never ever fail.
cheating for a woman will become a death penalty since she'll be lucky to have a small chat with a male, hell meeting one male will be enough for her to thanks heavens themselves forever because she'll have a little chance of actually getting together with this male.
also money will run low, women are where they are thanks to betas and omegas giving them money, without male thirst they simply become poor since they don't know how to manage their damn money.
>women cant outperform the sex robots
>butthurt as fuck
not everyone will have one tho
unles they make hookerbots
I think automating sex is going to be what propels our species into the future honestly.
we dont need artificial wombs because more humans dont need to exist
>He didn't marry his doll
lmao @ ur life right now.
>You can't love a doll like you can love a real person
What's that got to do with his wife?
the first thing that appeared were robopimps buddy, in barcelona they forced to close a damn brothel of these things since the whores couldn't compete at all.
in fact, they are doing the impossible to ruin or ban a newborn multimillionaire company backed by porn industries.
its like trying to destroy internet, you can't.
they are downright horrofied that papers will swap and get their well deserved karmic retribution.
>we dont need artificial wombs because more humans dont need to exist
In 3rd world countries yes. But first world countries are in the negative.
nothing, its just the hamster burning inside their heads trying to rationaloze and paint the doll in a negative light.
they will exist soon enough, te best part will be the fact of these things is that genetic defects will eventually become a thing of the past.
artificial wombs will be the extinction of STD's and genetic defects but the genesis of eugenics for everyone and clean sex for men.
Some got a great set of knockers
I think that this is the next logical step
>Hologram wife, just like in BR2049
>Easily more expressive than a robot can be
>When you want to fuck her, she syncs onto this sexdoll
>The robodoll doesn't have a face, because JOI's face is on it
>You can now fuck your hologram wife
Since robot wifes won't be able to walk around for a while without charging and stuff, you only use it for fucking.
people are still blind to the irony of all this.
that humanizing women is lethal to them since its removes their worth and value.
their vaginas are the only thing they can bring to the table and now thanks to their rights, they have to bring a lot more, they simply can't give us what we want because they don't have it and never ever will but these bots ironically have it.
its downright insane isn't it, that their vaginas and the ability to have children will not be enough for them, that they'll have to be downright doctor gadget level on being reliable in order to coexist with bots that will do everything they do and better.
the face looks matte but the tits look gloss wtf, that makes me uncomfortable.
he probably put oil or lube on it. I'm guessing he plans on working them tits
those are the cheaper designs, the ones that only cost $3000 at most.
the real deal looks like this shadbase.com
look the roastie is on suicide watch.
The time of the roastie is nearing its end.
enjoy what little time you have left.
It won't replace me because I plan to be a career woman when women are devalued and live the life of a man. Checkmate.
just imagine how many companies will go down when men no longer funnel money to their roastie gfs/wives.
You triggered? I'm used to being a social outcast. Most people are like yapping little dogs to me when they insult me.
And that's why I plan to be a career woman. I see what's up ahead and I'll be on cruise ships while you decide to give your poor wives nothing.
You're surely a delusional roastie, aren't you?
>Paellas Mohule
I bet he has a shrimp dick
Her face looks like one of my collegues.
Where do I get one like that?
If I ever get a job it's going to be to get a nice loli bot gf.
Just let the roastie wageslave she deserves it.
I mean I can imagine the kind of women this could produce. It would be a cold manlike creature with no emotions, but just with a vagina and boobs.
indeed, checkmate.
yay, you won.
but are you sure you will handle the stress that comes with it?, you will be alone and during your timeline there will be a lack of thirsty bastard to help you.
no orbiters nor husbands, only pump and dump, even accidental pregnancy will never give you what you want as the baby becomes a liability.
Lol. I have emotions. Doing things, going places, and buying things makes me happy. I'll live life like it's my own playground. Ha ha
you can customize the model, just go here if you are thirsty enough: reallovesexdolls.com
they are a tad heavy, like a real person weight so it'll be a little hard to handle them but besides that they are pretty rad.
No pump and dump for me. :)
Completely wrong there. But you know people die or get sick so better be prepared.
you'll live the dream, go ahead then brave soul and enjoy life to its fullest, that's what life is for, to enjoy it.
but don't you dare to ever regret it though.
its rare to see someone with an actual brain.
may I suggest you to buy a bot in the future when you retire, the bot will take care of you.
I can actually see betas getting their shit together thank to the sexbots and give their best to provide for them...
>unironically using "triggered?"
The depths this site has sunken to.
>directing people to >shadman
Always archive
ban sex dolls now. disgusting
ban breed tards now. putrid
>will not satisfy his sexual needs
>but she loves him!
Really now? No doubt she has no problems taking his money to fulfil her financial needs, but spreading her legs for him is too much, even if she loves him.
If this was a story about a woman buying a horsecock dildo and divorcing her husband because he cannot satisfy her, everyone would be laughing and calling him a loser, and the woman would be applauded for embracing her sexuality, but if you flip things the other way its suddenly wrong?
it was a pic I found on his page and it was easier.
ban makeup now. repulsive
ban gas now. kikes
To think that kids half my age will grow up fucking advanced realistic sex dolls like pic related, never starving for female attention, I was born too early.
ban the dildos now. vomitive
The 1960s - 2020s are gonna be marked as the worst time in history to be an average looking male.
ban the loo now. superprogram
ban videogames now. violence
IDK but the guy who had her fucked the living shit out of it
>tfw an underagefag reading this post could lead the first male-only state as a result of artificial wombs and sexbots
He obviously just married her for secks, men like that can't love. If anything I think these dolls are a great thing because they're getting these people out of the dating pool, and preventing women like his wife from getting a beta provider they don't love either.
come back here after your 18's or if you are THAT immature then come back here after your 100% guaranteed divorce.
I'm 20 and still no GF
that is a doll?
why do I even think about real women anymore?
what happens in the 2030s and up user?
The beta uprising.
The female genocide.
thanks god for that user, wasting your life on a woman is not the answer.
Wew lad, I think I have some saving up to do.
>while you decide to give your poor wives nothing.
This is why these sexbots are winning.
Men don't owe you their money in a society that is supposedly equal.
Why do you think they're victims?
You can't win if I decide not to play against the sex robots.
>The female genocide.
nope, that ain't happening.
something far worse will happen though, it would be indifference and natural mass extinction.
men will not move a finger, women will naturally die alone and helpless, because they will not be capable of surviving in this new future.
perhaps the 10/10 will live in a human zoo were they will get taken care of by robots like david from prometheus and harvest their ovums.
pretty much women will become pointless and will fade into unexistance by the lack of men not giving a damn shit about them.
So you are suggesting me to live my life alone?? wtf is wrong with you.
>Women unironically think theyre carbon copies of men with vaginas and tits
Lol sure, go play grown-up. See if we care
This guy is like 0.0000001% if not less of the entire world population.
These sex dolls are only for the mentally in and utter losers who could never get women anyway.
But the guy here was well employed and had a wife
You okay bud?
>article literally talks about a married man divorcing his wife for a doll
>lmao it's only for losers who can't get a powerful womyn like me!
He's in the mentally ill camp then.
Its no different than divorcing your wife to get with one of those anime pillows.
>Roasties are this fucking shook
Kek. You had a chance to develop some value besides your holes, dont come crying to us